Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The Wasp Factory and American Psycho Protagonist Comparison
â€Å"The authors of ‘American Psycho' and ‘The Wasp Factory' present their protagonists Patrick Bateman and Frank Cauldhame to have very similar personalities. †How far do you agree? ‘American Psycho’ and ‘The Wasp Factory’ are two controversial dark novels in which the protagonist gets away with murder. They were published only seven years apart, ‘The Wasp Factory’ being the first. ‘The Wasp Factory’ was Iain Banks first published novel, and was released into the conservative United Kingdom in 1984, which would have coolly accepted it.This era of the United Kingdom did not approve of horror, especially when the protagonist remained uncaught. However, the book gained a great deal of attention and publicity via its controversy, and has maintained popularity throughout the years. ‘American Psycho’ by Bret Easton Ellis was originally published in 1991. At this time there was great controversy over its extent of gore and pornographic scenes, so much so that Ellis received numerous death threats and hate mail after its publication.Both protagonists narrate their author’s novel and each appears to mirror their author himself. However, the protagonists clash with each other when it comes to their settings, needs and reasons for behaviour. This demonstrates how the personalities of both Patrick Bateman and Frank Claudhame are presented differently by their authors. On the other hand, there are ways in which Bateman and Frank are presented to have similar personalities. For instance, they are both obsessive, misogynistic, have the desire to kill and have an abnormal mind set.These factors suggest a strong similarity between Patrick Bateman from ‘American Psycho' and Frank from ‘The Wasp Factory', even though their upbringing and personal characteristics more than often differ. Due to this, the true extent of similarity between their personalities is hard to distingui sh. Through Bateman's narration in ‘American Psycho’ the reader learns of his career on Wall Street and everyday life in great detail. For example, when describing to the reader his morning routine, the yuppie states how he uses â€Å"a deep pore cleanser lotion [†¦] a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub†.This shows the true extent of unnecessary detail that he will go into. As well as this, from the very start of the novel the reader is introduced to this rich and perfected lifestyle in New York of this â€Å"self-absorbed†character who thinks of himself to always â€Å"look great†, be superior to everyone else and constantly try to maintain his hierarchy within society. Ellis starts the novel with Bateman and his friends at a posh dinner party; this immediately demonstrates his wealthy lifestyle that Ellis is trying to portray.As well as this, Bateman showing off his â€Å"platinum American Express Card†demon strates his feeling of superiority. This provides the reader with a strong rather negative impression of Bateman as a rich, selfish, predatory man living in New York. This lifestyle can relate to that of Ellis himself, a man who isn’t affected by the recent recession, in his late twenties and living in the city that never sleeps. As well as this, like Ellis, Bateman’s parents are divorced. Validating this, Ellis has even admitted in an interview that â€Å"Patrick Bateman was about me†.In contrast to Bateman's lifestyle is Frank's. Frank is half-educated and lives in an isolated unnamed island off the Scottish coast. Frank is only sixteen, unemployed and greatly controlled by his father. This can be said to relate to the life of Iain Banks, who lived in a small village on the Scottish coast and moved around due to his father’s work. As well as this, Banks was sixteen when he completed his first book, indicating why he might have chosen this age for Frank. He also spends most of his time with the wildlife torturing, killing, collecting and â€Å"sacrificing†animals.In addition to this Frank entertains himself with his imagination and talks to his wasp factory. When Frank plays games such as building the dams and chooses which of the imaginary people live or die. Here the reader sees his childish and dark side as well as how there is little for him to actually do on the island. This also relates to Banks as he must have been very imaginative at Frank’s age as he was writing. In relation to this, making him seem incapable of his own choices, Angus has a huge amount of control over Frank.For example he home-schooled him, limiting his contact with society; he constantly tests him on the measurements of the furniture in their house; and uses the story of their dog, Old Saul, to cover up Frank's real identity. This shows the great contrast between Bateman's busy city life and of Frank's in the rural; as well as the contrast of their author’s lives. However, the protagonists Frank and Patrick do have things in common, such as obsessions and their love of control. Both Patrick and Frank have obsessions which are seen throughout through the novels. Ellis uses Patrick Bateman to demonstrate the obsessions which one might have.Most of Bateman's obsessions are very artificial, such as his obsessions over designer brands and technology. Patrick’s obsession to keep up to date with the latest technology, such as VCR, CD’s and Walkman’s, reflects the lifestyle of many American’s living 1980s-1990s. This demonstrates Ellis using Patrick’s obsessions to connect with the readers of his novel. Patrick also obsesses over â€Å"taking care of [himself]†; which can be shown via his â€Å"balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine†and his detailed daily movements which link to his obsession of detail and routine.His comment stating how he only uses â€Å"an afte r shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older†, further validates his obsession over appearance and health. Ellis places the information of Patrick's obsessions from the very start of the novel to increase their impact upon the reader and to truly reveal their importance to Patrick. Throughout the novel, Ellis also portrays Bateman's true love and need for control. The reader sees this many times, for instance the control he can have over people's lives. He is always control of a life.Even when he â€Å"can't control [himself]†, (which often occurs when committing murder), he is still controlling the life of his victim. This idea of control is used by Ellis to demonstrate the power Bateman feels, and needs to feel, he has. Similarly to Patrick, Frank's obsessions are frequently mentioned throughout ‘The Wasp Factory’; however some of Frank's obsessions are different to Patrick's. Frank appears to have an obsession with animals and torture. Throughout the book we see how Frank is fascinated by animals and collects their remains suggesting that Frank is obsessed with animals.In addition to this, Frank is shown to be obsessed with killing and torturing. For instance, within the novel he states how he once tied wasps to the â€Å"striking-surface of each of the copper-coloured bells†on his alarm clock â€Å"where the little hammer would hit them†when the alarm went off, and that he always woke up before his alarm went off, â€Å"so [he] got to watch. †This shows Frank's dark mind consisting of thoughts about death, torture and the need for control over others, like Bateman.This shows the reader how even young minds can think this sadistically. Similarly to this, the reader learns of Frank's need for control when he is placing signs around their â€Å"private property†to warn off â€Å"intruders†. This demonstrates a way in which Frank feels ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s essential to control people and his father's property. Frank’s overly meticulous attention to detail also connects with Patrick’s obsessions. Like Bateman this can be seen in the description of his grooming routine which, like Patrick, is the same every time.These obsessions show a similarity between Patrick and Frank's personalities, demonstrating how Ellis and Banks present their protagonists in a similar manner even though they have different lifestyles. In conjunction to this, both Ellis and Banks show their protagonist’s to have misogynistic attitudes; further presenting them to have similar personalities with one another. Frank states how his â€Å"greatest enemies are Women and the sea†and that Women â€Å"are weak and stupid and live in the shadow of men and are nothing compared to them†, expressing Frank's misogynist view towards women.Showing Bateman's views on women are his comments such as â€Å"you're a fucking ugly bitchâ⠂¬ and â€Å"you piece of bitch trash†. These comments are used by Ellis to portray Bateman to have an aggressive misogynistic view. This shows a way in which the authors of ‘American Psycho' and ‘The Wasp Factory' present their protagonists to have similar personality traits as they are both sexist and have anger towards women. However, saying this both Bateman and Frank show misogynistic behaviour for different reasons. Frank's hatred towards women has stemmed from his father who independently brought Frank and his brothers up.Angus dislikes women so much so that he changes Frank's gender from female to male and leads him to state how he hates his mother â€Å"her name, the idea of her†. In contrast to this, Bateman's misogynistic behaviour is based more on the idea of dominance, lust and control. This shows a way in which Ellis and Banks portray their protagonist's to have contrasting personalities with each other, disagreeing with the statement. Altho ugh Bateman and Frank have contrasting lifestyles; a ten year age gap; different obsessions and versions of hate towards women; they both have one pastime in common: killing.Their murderous ways and attitudes towards it present Frank and Patrick to have mental disabilities like that of a sociopath and psychopath. For instance, Bateman and Frank both display symptoms of antisocial personality disorder, (which is a factor of both psychopathic and sociopathic behaviour). As well as this, they both display a high predisposition to violence, maybe Patrick more erratically, and a tendency to act impulsively when it comes to crime, which a psychopath can display. In addition to this, both protagonists find it hard to distinguish between reality and fantasy.This, and his psychopathic ways, can be shown when Frank states how he â€Å"must be lots of different people inside [his] brain†. Banks uses Frank's psychopathic and sociopathic behaviour to show the importance of parenting, stab ility and connections within society that a child needs to be able to function adequately. Patrick’s confusion with reality is also shown to the reader. For instance, as said by Andrew Jacobsen, (a literacy critic), â€Å"the supposed ‘real’ world around him becomes as one with his insane imagination world.†As well as this the mystery of the bodies at the end of the novel can be said to demonstrate Bateman’s misperception of reality. Due to this, Ellis and Banks can be seen to portray their protagonist’s to have similar personalities. This is because they are presented to be mentally ill and confused with reality. In connection to this, both protagonists show a lack of empathy towards their victims, and are able to commit a crime and act as though it's the norm and not really a crime at all. For example in ‘The Wasp Factory' Frank states how he killed Esmerelda because she was â€Å"simply the easiest and most obvious target†.Thi s simple view and minimal motive for murder displays Frank’s lack of empathy, and expresses his absence of perception that murder is abnormal or morally wrong. Iain Banks presents Frank in this way to illustrate how cold, cruel and absent-minded humans can be, even the young. In relation to this, Bateman sleeping with and killing girls whilst in a relationship with Evelyn as well as the homeless and young shows his lack of moral rights and care towards others. Furthermore, Patrick crimes are opportunistic with little or no motive, normally due to urges, lust or as a means of superiority.Bateman commits these crimes without hesitation, suggesting that to him it is just the norm. Also demonstrating Patrick’s dark personality, lack of empathy and morals he jokingly says how he is â€Å"into, uh, well, murders and executions, mostly†. This comment and others similar to it demonstrate to the reader Patrick’s sinister view on his murders; thus, they are used by Ellis to cause the reader to despise Patrick yet be slightly amused by his satirical sense of humour. These similarities suggest that the personalities of the protagonist’s from ‘American Psycho’ and ‘The Wasp Factory’ are presented in the same way.To conclude, I believe that the authors of ‘American Psycho’ and ‘The Wasp Factory’ present their protagonists to have personalities which are similar with each other as well as dissimilar. Aspects such as their lifestyles; having different obsessions; and reasons for being misogynistic present a complete contrast between Patrick’s and Frank’s life, and their personalities. This is because their lifestyles can lead them to desiring different effects. This links to obsessions, as for example, Frank obsesses over animals but Patrick doesn’t, as there are a lot less in the city.Also, Bateman, who unlike Frank has frequent contact with people, obsesses more over appearance and health. As well as this, there reasons for being misogynistic are due to their upbringing and the environment surrounding them. This shows how lifestyle and upbringing can affect ones personality traits such as their obsessions. Therefore, this demonstrates how lifestyle is a key subject which has been used by Ellis and Banks to present their protagonist’s personalities in different ways, which also results in other personality traits being different too.However, both the protagonists have similar obsessions with one another; have a desire to kill; personality traits suggesting they have mental issues; and misogynistic views resulting in them having similar personalities with each other. These are very strong personality traits which all connect Frank and Patrick closely together, even though there are some ways in which they are dissimilar. Therefore, I believe to a great extent that â€Å"the authors of ‘American Psycho’ and ‘The Wasp Fact ory’ present their protagonist’s Patrick Bateman and Frank Claudhame to have very similar personalities†. The Wasp Factory And American Psycho Protagonist Comparison â€Å"The authors of ‘American Psycho' and ‘The Wasp Factory' present their protagonists Patrick Bateman and Frank Cauldhame to have very similar personalities. †How far do you agree? ‘American Psycho’ and ‘The Wasp Factory’ are two controversial dark novels in which the protagonist gets away with murder. They were published only seven years apart, ‘The Wasp Factory’ being the first. ‘The Wasp Factory’ was Iain Banks first published novel, and was released into the conservative United Kingdom in 1984, which would have coolly accepted it.This era of the United Kingdom did not approve of horror, especially when the protagonist remained uncaught. However, the book gained a great deal of attention and publicity via its controversy, and has maintained popularity throughout the years. ‘American Psycho’ by Bret Easton Ellis was originally published in 1991. At this time there was great controversy over its extent of gore and pornographic scenes, so much so that Ellis received numerous death threats and hate mail after its publication.Both protagonists narrate their author’s novel and each appears to mirror their author himself. However, the protagonists clash with each other when it comes to their settings, needs and reasons for behaviour. This demonstrates how the personalities of both Patrick Bateman and Frank Claudhame are presented differently by their authors. On the other hand, there are ways in which Bateman and Frank are presented to have similar personalities. For instance, they are both obsessive, misogynistic, have the desire to kill and have an abnormal mind set.These factors suggest a strong similarity between Patrick Bateman from ‘American Psycho' and Frank from ‘The Wasp Factory', even though their upbringing and personal characteristics more than often differ. Due to this, the true extent of similarity between their personalities is hard to distingui sh. Through Bateman's narration in ‘American Psycho’ the reader learns of his career on Wall Street and everyday life in great detail. For example, when describing to the reader his morning routine, the yuppie states how he uses â€Å"a deep pore cleanser lotion [†¦] a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub†.This shows the true extent of unnecessary detail that he will go into. As well as this, from the very start of the novel the reader is introduced to this rich and perfected lifestyle in New York of this â€Å"self-absorbed†character who thinks of himself to always â€Å"look great†, be superior to everyone else and constantly try to maintain his hierarchy within society. Ellis starts the novel with Bateman and his friends at a posh dinner party; this immediately demonstrates his wealthy lifestyle that Ellis is trying to portray.As well as this, Bateman showing off his â€Å"platinum American Express Card†demon strates his feeling of superiority. This provides the reader with a strong rather negative impression of Bateman as a rich, selfish, predatory man living in New York. This lifestyle can relate to that of Ellis himself, a man who isn’t affected by the recent recession, in his late twenties and living in the city that never sleeps. As well as this, like Ellis, Bateman’s parents are divorced. Validating this, Ellis has even admitted in an interview that â€Å"Patrick Bateman was about me†.In contrast to Bateman's lifestyle is Frank's. Frank is half-educated and lives in an isolated unnamed island off the Scottish coast. Frank is only sixteen, unemployed and greatly controlled by his father. This can be said to relate to the life of Iain Banks, who lived in a small village on the Scottish coast and moved around due to his father’s work. As well as this, Banks was sixteen when he completed his first book, indicating why he might have chosen this age for Frank. He also spends most of his time with the wildlife torturing, killing, collecting and â€Å"sacrificing†animals.In addition to this Frank entertains himself with his imagination and talks to his wasp factory. When Frank plays games such as building the dams and chooses which of the imaginary people live or die. Here the reader sees his childish and dark side as well as how there is little for him to actually do on the island. This also relates to Banks as he must have been very imaginative at Frank’s age as he was writing. In relation to this, making him seem incapable of his own choices, Angus has a huge amount of control over Frank.For example he home-schooled him, limiting his contact with society; he constantly tests him on the measurements of the furniture in their house; and uses the story of their dog, Old Saul, to cover up Frank's real identity. This shows the great contrast between Bateman's busy city life and of Frank's in the rural; as well as the contrast of their author’s lives. However, the protagonists Frank and Patrick do have things in common, such as obsessions and their love of control. Both Patrick and Frank have obsessions which are seen throughout through the novels. Ellis uses Patrick Bateman to demonstrate the obsessions which one might have.Most of Bateman's obsessions are very artificial, such as his obsessions over designer brands and technology. Patrick’s obsession to keep up to date with the latest technology, such as VCR, CD’s and Walkman’s, reflects the lifestyle of many American’s living 1980s-1990s. This demonstrates Ellis using Patrick’s obsessions to connect with the readers of his novel. Patrick also obsesses over â€Å"taking care of [himself]†; which can be shown via his â€Å"balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine†and his detailed daily movements which link to his obsession of detail and routine.His comment stating how he only uses â€Å"an afte r shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older†, further validates his obsession over appearance and health. Ellis places the information of Patrick's obsessions from the very start of the novel to increase their impact upon the reader and to truly reveal their importance to Patrick. Throughout the novel, Ellis also portrays Bateman's true love and need for control. The reader sees this many times, for instance the control he can have over people's lives. He is always control of a life.Even when he â€Å"can't control [himself]†, (which often occurs when committing murder), he is still controlling the life of his victim. This idea of control is used by Ellis to demonstrate the power Bateman feels, and needs to feel, he has. Similarly to Patrick, Frank's obsessions are frequently mentioned throughout ‘The Wasp Factory’; however some of Frank's obsessions are different to Patrick's. Frank appears to have an obsession with animals and torture. Throughout the book we see how Frank is fascinated by animals and collects their remains suggesting that Frank is obsessed with animals.In addition to this, Frank is shown to be obsessed with killing and torturing. For instance, within the novel he states how he once tied wasps to the â€Å"striking-surface of each of the copper-coloured bells†on his alarm clock â€Å"where the little hammer would hit them†when the alarm went off, and that he always woke up before his alarm went off, â€Å"so [he] got to watch. †This shows Frank's dark mind consisting of thoughts about death, torture and the need for control over others, like Bateman.This shows the reader how even young minds can think this sadistically. Similarly to this, the reader learns of Frank's need for control when he is placing signs around their â€Å"private property†to warn off â€Å"intruders†. This demonstrates a way in which Frank feels ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s essential to control people and his father's property. Frank’s overly meticulous attention to detail also connects with Patrick’s obsessions. Like Bateman this can be seen in the description of his grooming routine which, like Patrick, is the same every time.These obsessions show a similarity between Patrick and Frank's personalities, demonstrating how Ellis and Banks present their protagonists in a similar manner even though they have different lifestyles. In conjunction to this, both Ellis and Banks show their protagonist’s to have misogynistic attitudes; further presenting them to have similar personalities with one another. Frank states how his â€Å"greatest enemies are Women and the sea†and that Women â€Å"are weak and stupid and live in the shadow of men and are nothing compared to them†, expressing Frank's misogynist view towards women.Showing Bateman's views on women are his comments such as â€Å"you're a fucking ugly bitchâ⠂¬ and â€Å"you piece of bitch trash†. These comments are used by Ellis to portray Bateman to have an aggressive misogynistic view. This shows a way in which the authors of ‘American Psycho' and ‘The Wasp Factory' present their protagonists to have similar personality traits as they are both sexist and have anger towards women. However, saying this both Bateman and Frank show misogynistic behaviour for different reasons. Frank's hatred towards women has stemmed from his father who independently brought Frank and his brothers up.Angus dislikes women so much so that he changes Frank's gender from female to male and leads him to state how he hates his mother â€Å"her name, the idea of her†. In contrast to this, Bateman's misogynistic behaviour is based more on the idea of dominance, lust and control. This shows a way in which Ellis and Banks portray their protagonist's to have contrasting personalities with each other, disagreeing with the statement. Altho ugh Bateman and Frank have contrasting lifestyles; a ten year age gap; different obsessions and versions of hate towards women; they both have one pastime in common: killing.Their murderous ways and attitudes towards it present Frank and Patrick to have mental disabilities like that of a sociopath and psychopath. For instance, Bateman and Frank both display symptoms of antisocial personality disorder, (which is a factor of both psychopathic and sociopathic behaviour). As well as this, they both display a high predisposition to violence, maybe Patrick more erratically, and a tendency to act impulsively when it comes to crime, which a psychopath can display. In addition to this, both protagonists find it hard to distinguish between reality and fantasy.This, and his psychopathic ways, can be shown when Frank states how he â€Å"must be lots of different people inside [his] brain†. Banks uses Frank's psychopathic and sociopathic behaviour to show the importance of parenting, stab ility and connections within society that a child needs to be able to function adequately. Patrick’s confusion with reality is also shown to the reader. For instance, as said by Andrew Jacobsen, (a literacy critic), â€Å"the supposed ‘real’ world around him becomes as one with his insane imagination world.†As well as this the mystery of the bodies at the end of the novel can be said to demonstrate Bateman’s misperception of reality. Due to this, Ellis and Banks can be seen to portray their protagonist’s to have similar personalities. This is because they are presented to be mentally ill and confused with reality. In connection to this, both protagonists show a lack of empathy towards their victims, and are able to commit a crime and act as though it's the norm and not really a crime at all. For example in ‘The Wasp Factory' Frank states how he killed Esmerelda because she was â€Å"simply the easiest and most obvious target†.Thi s simple view and minimal motive for murder displays Frank’s lack of empathy, and expresses his absence of perception that murder is abnormal or morally wrong. Iain Banks presents Frank in this way to illustrate how cold, cruel and absent-minded humans can be, even the young. In relation to this, Bateman sleeping with and killing girls whilst in a relationship with Evelyn as well as the homeless and young shows his lack of moral rights and care towards others. Furthermore, Patrick crimes are opportunistic with little or no motive, normally due to urges, lust or as a means of superiority.Bateman commits these crimes without hesitation, suggesting that to him it is just the norm. Also demonstrating Patrick’s dark personality, lack of empathy and morals he jokingly says how he is â€Å"into, uh, well, murders and executions, mostly†. This comment and others similar to it demonstrate to the reader Patrick’s sinister view on his murders; thus, they are used by Ellis to cause the reader to despise Patrick yet be slightly amused by his satirical sense of humour. These similarities suggest that the personalities of the protagonist’s from ‘American Psycho’ and ‘The Wasp Factory’ are presented in the same way.To conclude, I believe that the authors of ‘American Psycho’ and ‘The Wasp Factory’ present their protagonists to have personalities which are similar with each other as well as dissimilar. Aspects such as their lifestyles; having different obsessions; and reasons for being misogynistic present a complete contrast between Patrick’s and Frank’s life, and their personalities. This is because their lifestyles can lead them to desiring different effects. This links to obsessions, as for example, Frank obsesses over animals but Patrick doesn’t, as there are a lot less in the city.Also, Bateman, who unlike Frank has frequent contact with people, obsesses more over appearance and health. As well as this, there reasons for being misogynistic are due to their upbringing and the environment surrounding them. This shows how lifestyle and upbringing can affect ones personality traits such as their obsessions. Therefore, this demonstrates how lifestyle is a key subject which has been used by Ellis and Banks to present their protagonist’s personalities in different ways, which also results in other personality traits being different too.However, both the protagonists have similar obsessions with one another; have a desire to kill; personality traits suggesting they have mental issues; and misogynistic views resulting in them having similar personalities with each other. These are very strong personality traits which all connect Frank and Patrick closely together, even though there are some ways in which they are dissimilar. Therefore, I believe to a great extent that â€Å"the authors of ‘American Psycho’ and ‘The Wasp Fact ory’ present their protagonist’s Patrick Bateman and Frank Claudhame to have very similar personalities†.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
How To Fix A Social Security Number Essay
The fastest growing crimes in America are Identity theft. Identity thieves are dishonest people that’s steals ones information or identity through ones Social Security number. Most of the time identity thieves use your number and your credit to apply for more credit in your name. Then, they use the credit cards and do not pay the bills. It’s a cankerworm that is eating deep into the American economy. This essay however looks at ways by which a social security number can be fixed. Social security number as a form of identity is a confidential and private number given to every citizen of United States. However, thieves get social security numbers through stealing wallets, purses, personal information provided to an unsecured site on the Internet, among others. When a social security number is stolen, there are some specific steps to take in order to get it fixed. In the first instance, a call would be made to the creditors who approved the credit (follow up with a letter). Also, a report would be filed with the police. After that, a contact would be made with the fraud department of the major credit bureaus in the country in order to make some rectifications. Finally, if all have been done to fix the problems resulting from misuse of the social security number but nevertheless someone is still using the number, then a new number may be assigned by the Federal Trade Commission subject to some stringent conditions and restrictions. REFERENCES 1. Advisory Council on Social Security. 1997. Report of the 1994- 1996 Advisory Council on Social Security (Washington: Government Printing Office). 2. Boice Dunham Group, Inc. 1993. â€Å"The Nature and Scale of Economically-Targeted Investments by the 104 Largest U. S. Public Pension Plans,†Prepared for Goldman Sachs. 3. Diamond, Peter A. 1997. â€Å"Macroeconomic Aspects of Social Security Reform,†Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2.
Motivation of Nurses in Healthcare
Nurses and the healthcare industry are having to deal with stressed and De-motivated employees, and never before has levels of Job satisfaction, stress and burnout been so high among nurses In the healthcare industry (Graham, 2006) . The aim of this Annotated Bibliography is to examine the motivation of nurses in healthcare, and specifically to find and study the different motivational theories which Improve levels of motivation among nurses.As stated by (Wham and Ogle, 2007) the question of how to improve the level of motivation in the healthcare industry is perceived to be at the heart of the contemporary health care management debate. The study builds to show that motivation Is multidimensional and complex needing clearer definitions, If searchers and practitioners are wanting to influence behaviors to motivate others. Similarly, (Hugh, 1995) had the same conclusion that motivating staff to Improve Involves many Interlinking factors. Hugh, 1995) goes on to show that through traini ng and continuing education a team's confidence and capability are enhanced creating an environment which is essential to maintaining momentum of continuous Increases In staff motivation and enthusiasm for improvement. Likewise, (Lee, 2000) suggests that motivation Is gained by empowering nurses to become role models, to mentor and motivate others. Which in turn enhances employees' motivation and professional development. The two articles (Wick.DOSS and Northman, 2009) and (Young. Albert, Apaches and Meyer, 2007) are similar in there approach by both identifying incentives to motivate employees. Both articles indicate a breakdown exists between nurse management and nurse practitioners with management not actively listening to nurse who express job stress and dissatisfaction. Both articles suggest flexible work schedules to improve levels of job satisfaction and individualized work incentives. Reference Externally, V. , and Satellite, E. 007) Improving motivation among health care wo rkers in private health care organizations- a perspective of nursing 1 OF 7 personnel, Baltic Journal AT Management, 2(2), 213-224 Alma/ Purpose 10 explore ten experiences of nursing personnel, in terms of their motivation and satisfaction. To identify areas for sustainable improvement to the health care services they provide. Article Type Research Article( quantitative) and brief literature review Method Sample 237 registered nurse practitioners and 30 nurse executive with a 97% returning quota of questionnaires.Data Collection 2 week response time to return survey. 9 close ended questions divided into 11 evaluation parts. Data Analysis: in order to identify barriers to motivation 99 questions were divided into 11 parts based on: Social-psychological competencies Clinical expertise competencies Educational competencies Managerial administration competencies Activity environment Communication and collaboration Responsibility Results and encouragement Autonomy Self realization Activi ty purposefulness.Each question had two elements or responses to them either reflecting the external or internal motivators of each situation. A score was arranged between the responses Findings Findings were presented individually in 11 parts. Interestingly nurse practitioners and executives both believe personnel empowerment and motivation comes from continuing development and evaluation of personnel problems. Both didn't foresee that the development of teamwork competencies and structuring of activity of scope of practice as affective ways of motivation.Conclusions The article concluded that with an increase demand for higher productivity, a changing health care systems and managed health care activity restrictions staff motivation is affected, with higher Job dissatisfaction and increased burnout rates. The research concluded that social factors influenced motivators: Motivation decreases when nurses aren't empowered and not autonomous in activity. Motivation increases when nurs es collaborate with physicians by parity. Results showed no difference between nurse practitioners and executives.Strengths Clearly written and articulated The authors is neutral in undertaking research and the viewpoints between nurse practitioners Ana nurse executives. I en autonomous plants toner areas AT research needed. The validity of the research paper can't be questioned and is therefore a useful reference in future studies. Weaknesses The quality of nursing cannot be assessed in terms of performance referenced criteria, but only in terms of personal qualities displayed in that performance. The characteristics of the provided sample limited the results. Reference Hugh, K. 1995) Motivating staff through teamwork: process review and data display. Health management Journal. 21(4), 32-35. Aim/purpose identify interlinking factors to motivate staff, in terms of total quality management and team work in a healthcare setting. Article type Critique Approach Examines claims there are four interconnecting intervention factors which are essential to motivating staff are: Understanding the psychology of excellence in teams Establishing cross-functional quality improvement teams Understanding and reviewing processes of care and service Using data display to motivate.The article also uses psychology to understand total quality management and seeks to show how through teamwork staff become empowered in numbers and motivated. The author attempts to involve six issues which attempts to be a key determinate of staff motivation levels: Awareness of the employee trail Awareness of psychological issues Managing the existing culture of staff Increasing quality improvement attitudes in staff Integration of human resource management into operational teamwork Keeping jargon too minimum. Conclusion Describes four major factors which have practical implications, to motivate staff.The author points out that training and continuing education enhances team's confidence and capabili ty, and that these factors are essential to maintain momentum and increase staff motivation and enthusiasm for improvement. Strengths The strength of the paper is it is descriptive in nature, and provides the deader with numerous way to improve motivation of employees. Weaknesses The weakness of the paper is it use limited sources back up it claims. The author also appears to be bias in his approach drawing on his own experiences or opinions rather then using evidence based practice.Reference Wick, K. , Dols, J. , and Northman, S. (2000)What nurses want: the nurse incentives project. Nursing economics Journal. 27(3), 169-201. Aim/purpose To explore the relationship between specific factors, which can be managed or changed to improve motivation and Job satisfaction. The authors aims to show that nurse Job distraction, physician interactions, policies or autonomy are all related to staff motivation. Article type Research Method An anonymous survey involving 22 hospital systems and 5,1 76 Runs was circulated. Only 1 ,559 of the anonymous surveys were analyses.This study was designed to allow predictive modeling of a set of independent variables, by including incentives and disincentives, in relation to what causes nurses to be dissatisfied and unmotivated in their Jobs. An online survey was also conducted over a 3 month period using the hospitals intranet, staff were made aware of the online survey through use of flyers. The data collected from both surveys, were analyses using the perceived stress scale. This scale isn't specifically for nurses and therefore isn't clinical oriented. The scale is a simple 10 item scale, involves respondents to respond from a range of â€Å"never†to â€Å"very often. The ASS score ranged from 10 to 50. The data used was then compared the mean age of nurses involved and the ethnicity. Findings The article shows that the mean age of nurses involved in the survey is 42. 24 years, with 88. 5% of respondents being female. The e thic breakdown was 5. 3% African American, 6. % Asian, 70. 3% Caucasian, 16. 4% Hispanic, and 1. 3% listed other or no response. Conclusion The results were compared with the levels of staff dissatisfaction and stress showing a direct correlation between increased stress results in De-motivated staff and higher levels of Job dissatisfaction.The levels of dissatisfaction and De-motivation was also comparatively different between the generations, as well as the incentives which staff through the survey identified as means of improving motivation levels. The article recommends that to improve levels of motivation management needs to revive flexible benefits to help create a cohesive work environment. By regarding the role of incentives in designing an environment where benefits and perks will be seen as incentives to perform tasks promptly and thrive in the current nursing workplace.Strengths The strength of this paper is it draws information from a variety of sources increasing the re liability of the document. The data collected is presented statistically and clearly. By using a variety of methods it increases the validity of the paper. Weaknesses A low response rate of 30% could serve as a attention source of bias as some groups or hospitals maybe under-represented. Rather then present ways to improve motivation and levels of dissatisfaction, the article shows that levels of dissatisfaction and motivation are low. With high levels of staff indicating that they are unmotivated and stressed in there Jobs.Reference Lee, L. (2000) Motivation, mentoring and empowerment. The nursing management Journal. 1 (12) 25-27. Aim/purpose To define motivation, and to show that through empowerment and mentoring staff become more motivated to perform. Article type Meta-analysis of literature Approach The author uses the evidence presented by 7 well known nursing journals to define motivation as â€Å"that which impels or compels movement or action. †I en paper contributed to ten area Dye suggesting Tour stages to Deescalate motivation, mentoring and empowerment: Input: motivate employees.Process: mentoring to channel motivation to reach goals. Output: completed goals creates empowerment. Feedback: empowered nurse has greater self-esteem and competence. The article is based on nursing practice to improve quality of care and enhance understanding of the nurse leaders role in motivation, mentoring and empowerment. The article suggests taking a test to identify how one can implement motivation, mentoring and empowerment to encourage higher achievement, to identify characteristics of a successful mentor/protog relationship, and differentiate the stages of motivation, mentoring and empowerment.Conclusion The article shows how mentoring and empowerment of nurses gives nurses freedom to be creativity and to turn ideas into action. The article shows how current literature suggests that a creative climate in which employees can perform, become motivated in th eir work and are able to motivate themselves and others. The author states that motivation, mentoring and empowerment aren't separate identities. The author shows how motivation and empowerment fuel mentoring. And that through mentoring protogs become empowered, which enhances professional development and motivation.Strengths The article in itself is motivation, encouraging researchers to become empowered and motivated and to think about think about other means to motivate others that haven't been thought of before to contribute to this area of knowledge and research. Weaknesses The paper is limited and weakened by not using enough information from scholarly peered reviewed resources. , making very generalized statements. Reference Young, C. , Albert, N. , Apaches, S. , and Meyer, K. (2007) The ‘parent shift' program: incentives for nurses, rewards for nursing teams.Nursing Economics Journal. 25(6) 339-344. Aim/purpose To introduce the ‘parent shift' program as innovativ e model of attracting, retaining and motivating nurses to return into the workforce. The study aims to show how the parent shift nurse program decreases stress, improves time efficiency of full time staff and also improves motivation of involved staff and those that work with them. Article type Research (quantitative) Method The prospective, descriptive, comparative survey research study was conducted in a 1000+ bed hospital.The survey was anonymous and conducted over a 12 month period, and conducted on day one of commencement and 4 months after. This survey was also conducted in reference to the nursing management, who were given a salary survey wanly was contacted 4 months rater ten Implementation. I n data was summarized by mean and standard deviation. Nursing motivators were ranked on percentage and nursing management and URN roles responses were compared. Conclusion A brief literature review was conducted at the start of the article which found that in one study that those invo lved in the parent shift program that 98. % of respondents found the program extremely useful. And also found that in terms of nursing management it decreased overtime and burnout, and collaboration and team work was also enhanced among nurses. The literature review also stated that nurses motivation and retained in the workforce improved 41. 5% when the current employer accommodated their scheduling needs. In all areas it was found that nurse involved were less stressed, team work improved and URN cohesiveness improved. It was found that a supportive work environment, was created due to flexible working environment.Strengths The study suggests other areas to be improved upon if research is undertaken in the same field again. (program affects on teamwork, interruptions, models of care implementation, ability to meet non-patient care responsibilities and the dynamics of specific roles and responsibilities could strengthen the program). Weaknesses Large sampling size resulted in a gen eralization of results. Only operated for a short time. Other staff members working along side those involved in the program weren't revered.And was identified as an important factor in continued program participation. The literature review which was conducted prior research was short and didn't provide enough information. Conclusion This annotated bibliography highlighted many different opinions and studies related to motivating employees. The research into this topic supports the belief that employee motivation is related to empowerment, mentoring, continued education and autonomy within the workplace. Of the five articles in this annotated bibliography all come to the similar conclusion and finding .They analyses and viewed a sufficient number of studies and theories in the area of motivating staff in the healthcare environment. It can be concluded that motivation increases when nurses collaborate with physicians, the nursing profession is respected and recognized as autonomous a nd valued by themselves and other healthcare professionals. After analysis of the sources of motivation among nurses as shown through the respective annotations, it is evident that management needs to listen to employees and recognize when motivation is an issue in their unit and the incentives needed to re-motivate staff.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Labour Relations in Canada in relation to hospitality industry(It can Term Paper
Labour Relations in Canada in relation to hospitality industry(It can be any topic of interest in relation to this.) - Term Paper Example cation between workers and managers, inform managers of potential trouble, provide an outlet for complaints, and avoid slowdowns, absenteeism, strikes and damages.†Here we take a look at why grievance procedures are important in improving labor relations. The ILO states that grievance procedures help solve a variety of issues that are likely to crop up in any work environment some of which are explained as follows (â€Å"Good Practice Guide†). Many a times, problems in the work place occur when the terms and conditions of employment which were guaranteed to the employees at the time of hiring are not implemented correctly by the management. Grievance procedures help to give employees the necessary motivation and support to continue in their work place without feeling betrayed by their employer. It gives them a sense of job security and an ability to understand what they rightly deserve. It also helps them to seek legal counsel or aid in the circumstances where their terms of contract have been compromised or violated in any unfavorable way. Lack of proper health and safety measures is another major concern for employees in an industry. In some cases, workers are subjected to risky and dangerous conditions and sadly many of them are unaware of the potential hazard to their personal health and well being. However, the presence of effective grievance procedures makes sure that employees can ask for compensation in the occurrence of any form of occupational harm or injury. Sometimes, changes in policies or in the organizational structure can cause a disturbance in the flow of activities for a regular employee. In some cases, employees are not notified of crucial changes in policies which consequently lead them through the wrong path. It is the right of any employee to know of significant changes or alterations in the policies, procedures and organizational structure of the company where he / she belongs if such changes are intended to have significant direct or
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Contracting for IT Software Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Contracting for IT Software - Case Study Example The SLOC is a method that plays a huge role in estimating project costs for both an existing program and a program that is yet to be built. This approach is more straightforward and less risky particularly when dealing with an existing project. Three types of SLOC methods are used in project costs estimation. These are the physical SLOC, physical carriage returns, and the Logical SLOC. The physical SLOC is the most common in the development cost estimation process (Sudhakar 80). In the application of physical SLOC, one has to express the physical length of the code used by a programmer as seen by a physical eye. That is, the user applies this method by counting the lines of source code with the exclusion of comments and blank segments. To facilitate the counting process, a user builds automated counters of the physical lines of code. It is vital to note that the use of function points is another crucial method used in the estimation of IT software project costs. Function point entails a unit of measure that is used to determine the quantity of operational or business functionalities within an information system. The function points provide a measure of a software size. In general, it measures the size of a software development project by quantifying the software functionalities required by the user on the basis of the logical design and functional specifications. The function points method plays a huge role in ensuring that there is a clear measure of a software system’s size and complexity to aid in determining its development cost. Here, one function point represents one user required business function (Mislick and Nussbaum 66). It is essential to clarify the function point method can be used in the following way to determine the development costs of a software project.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The Kurdish Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Kurdish Question - Essay Example By some estimates, there are as many as 45 million Kurds that live within the region defined by Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria. Due to the fact that this region is ultimately inhospitable, rocky, and mostly mountainous, it has ultimately served as a buffer zone and a hinterland for all of these nations and has not readily lent itself to being defined as a nation (Jimenez & Kabachnik, 2012). However, in order to understand the plight of the Kurds, it is necessary to review the situation from a historical perspective. As with so many disenfranchised and otherwise marginalized people groups, the Kurdish people have historically found themselves trapped between great powers and incorporated in a litany of different empires. The reader can and should understand the unique geographical realities that the Kurdish people have had to deal with in terms of understanding the fact that these people occupied the highlands that separated the Mediterranean and the Caucuses from the riche s of Mesopotamia. Though the history of the Kurdish people predates even the earliest records, as a means of impressing the reader/researcher with the realities of the current situation, this analysis will begin considering the history of the Kurdish people during the time of the Persian Empire. The way in which Kurds and Kurdish land were absorbed into the Persian Empire would ultimately become the model by which future regional and world powers would integrate with an understanding of the Kurds (Ackerman, 2006). Yet another interesting geographic dynamic that helps to define this group is with regards to the fact that all of the nations that have been listed, Kurds comprise high percentages of minority groups within each nation (A.P. & Chu, 1996). With the exception of Iran, Kurds comprise the second largest minority in each of the prior countries that it been listed. Similarly, one of the main reasons that a Kurdish homeland is not currently being considered is due to the fact that one of the most oil-rich areas within the entire Middle East has been determined to be directly under the regions of northern Iraq, South Eastern Syria, and southwestern Iran; an area in which the Kurds would like to make their homeland. Such a reality of course precludes any hope that these nations will relinquish control and allow the Kurdish people to have a higher
Friday, July 26, 2019
Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping (International Relations) Research Paper
Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping (International Relations) - Research Paper Example Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaopings international relations have been shaped by the order and progress of the international system- during Mao’s reign in 1949 to 1950s, China’s main concerns were war and revolution and the People’s Republic of China was opposed to the US led Imperialism by forming alliances with the Soviet Union (Cheng and Zhang 95). This partisan tactic was effective in promoting China’s continued existence, safety, autonomy and freedom. After the People’s Republic of China’s fall out with the Soviet Union, Mao was against both imperialism associated to the US and its supporters together with the Soviet Union led revisionists and as such, China’s international relations were informed by great suspicions and confrontations as opposed to the alliance and relationship. The China - US relationship at this time worsened as China was isolated and viewed as an erratic and backwards state by the US, unlike the Soviet Union whose re visionist strategy had confirmed it as a mature socialist state. Under these circumstances, China had to revise its â€Å"leaning on one side strategy†to â€Å"fighting with two fists†as it was opposed to both the US led imperialism and Soviet Union’s revisionism (Zhong 748-749). The US- Soviet Union collaboration led to the deterioration of China’s international relations with the Soviet Union, but with the conflict of interests between the two world powers - the US and Soviet Union, concerning the Vietnam War, China seized the opportunity to adjust its international relations with the US in retaliation to the Soviet Union’s military threat. This reconciliation was meant to unite all other countries against the Soviet Union’s expansion; enhance China’s international relations with other countries (especially from the west); and cement China’s global position in the international society (Cheng and Zhang 98). Deng’s leadership of China falls partly
Thursday, July 25, 2019
World Literature Comparison Work with some Creative Writing Essay
World Literature Comparison Work with some Creative Writing - Essay Example Annanu, the spider, wants that stories must be told about him as well .The God gives him some arduous tasks and tells that if he is able to accomplish them, then he can have his stories told as well. He is very small creature and it appears that he will not be able to fulfill the tasks granted but with his wit and acumen, Annanu successfully carries the responsibility of the tasks. Similar to this is the story of the mice, in the book called Panchatantra, The Mice and the Elephants, the mice are very clever creatures, and at the first place it appears that would they never be able to repay the King Elephant for the good he once did to them. Nevertheless, when the time comes these small creatures leave no stone unturned to help the elephants out. The use of non-human character renders effectiveness to these fables. These fables are meant to deliver some message and are morality based. They lay set of rules for the individual, which needs to be followed for living in a society. Animal characters worked well in ancient times in the sense that the tales were carried out objectively without offending anyone and secondly,the ancient people felt that animals need to be recognized as living creatures with individuality. As God has bestowed life in all beings irrespective of class and gender, they play important part in our lives. These stories would change if the characters were human and the animals were different. In the story of The Mice and the Elephant if there had been some other animal instead of mice the important moral that this story tries to convey that is never underestimate people with little appearance would have lost altogether .Similarly, In the story Why We Tell Stories about Spider ,would have been ineffective. Even God tells spider to prove his significance in order to get his stories told. He is a trickster and be fools mighty animals, no other animal in his place would have justified this. 2. All that Glitter is not gold is a proverb that conveys a very profound meaning. Human being has a tendency to get attracted towards beautiful things that is, they judge people with the outer appearance. This adage is true, as appearances are deceptive some times, that is, all that glitters or shines is not necessarily gold or holds value of Gold. April showers bring May flowers, this proverb suggests that some unusual happenings are always accompanied by the best fortunes. April showers refer to the bad times or unusual happenings which are always followed by pleasant or good times. Ask me no questions, I will tell you no lies, this one refers to ideology of the present generation that is; there are some subjects, which I would rather not discuss. Three proverbs from the textbook are, â€Å"It is no use crying over spilled milk†, â€Å"A penny saved is penny earned†, â€Å"where there’s a will there’s a way†. The proverb, â€Å"It is no use crying over spilled milk†, reflects a common truth of li fe that whatever is lost is lost. There is no use lamenting on the thing that is lost as it will not come back .The second proverb, â€Å"A penny saved is penny earned†is an advice, that expresses the basic truth of life. The people who squander must know that they need to save for the rainy days or the hard times in the life. Saving the money is a good habit and helps one facing hard times. The third proverb, â€Å"where there’s a will there’s a way expresses common truth that if a man is determined to do something that the life opens ways for you that is the doors of opportunities open for people who have desire and determination. A proverb is defined as a short pithy saying in frequent and widespread use. It expresses a basic truth or practical precept. All these
Management seminar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Management seminar - Essay Example The author says, "Some companies are making significant progress in stripping away stumbling blocks to gender diversity," (Issue 9, Women in Corporate Levels pg. 133). Among the diversity strategies, there is effective communication in the business case effectively within the whole organization beginning with the top administration. In this case, managers have the responsibility of availing broadcasts to their employees. This means that employees of both genders will be able to follow up on their proceedings and programs thereby enhancing diversity at the workplace. In the process of cultivating female leaders, the organizations should have the core objective of helping women to realize success. Using Safeway as an example, it realized that 70% of their customers were women. On realizing this, they had to broaden the diversity of their personnel so as to bring reflection of their client base. Male leaders have always been on the Frontline of every job opportunities, including grocery. The company realized that it could help women reach their success by employing them in these departments. In the process of developing future leaders, through the Retail Leadership Development (RLD) programs, women should be given chances. When this initiative came in, it particularly targeted women so as to increase the number of women who attend training. In this program, there were efforts to encourage women to advance towards managerial positions. It also ensured all the employees had equal opportunities for coaching, development, and advancing. There was also the establishment of womens development networks. This was primarily established for those women who were interested in advancing into management. This development network provides learning and networking opportunities for women across different sectors. They can share ideas, views as well as ideologies, getting
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Compare and Contrat Paper on For-Profit and Traditional Colleges Essay
Compare and Contrat Paper on For-Profit and Traditional Colleges - Essay Example FPCUs, apart from providing education, are founded on profit making motives thus are run like businesses, charging fees to all students they enroll. The FPCUs emerged to address some of inadequacies facing the traditional universities and colleges due emerging trends in education and increased need for higher education. By 2007, in America, the FPCUs were educating over two million students each year, already having penetrated the minds of students and the community through extensive marketing campaigns and directional signs indicating their location (Hentschke et al 1). Currently, most of the societal segments are very empowered on the role of post secondary education in increasing chances for getting a job, increasing income and improving the standards of life thus more people would like to pursue postsecondary education increasing it demand. This situation is more of a business opportunity, which for profit enterprises are more likely to respond to unlike the public and private no nprofit entities (Hentschke et al 1). The for profit entities respond to these opportunities by offering college and university education in a business model environment run as corporations or individual businesses. These ventures are providing solution to nontraditional students by offering them training in specific roles in varied occupational fields having been previously not well served by the traditional colleges and universities. Reasons for emergence of FPCUs from traditional colleges and universities Several factors have fuelled emergence of FPCUs from traditional colleges and universities (TCUs) including: revenue pressure, academic reputation, Social Consciousness and Diversity, and management. Revenue pressure In America, the public support per student has stagnated while the real cost of providing college education per student continues to grow, pressurizing the institutions to raise revenue by increasing fees amount per student (Berg 16). Increased cost of education inc reases the number students in need of low cost education thus the TCUs are forced to make aggressive recruitment aimed at increasing revenue. With this strategy in place, the TCUs start embracing business ideas of marketing. In addition, the TCUs form alliances with private sector and businesses in order to generate enough revenues to sustain their programs, which make universities to put more efforts on efficiency and commercializing it activities. With commercialization efforts, profit eventually motives crop, leading to transformation to FPCUs. Academic reputation Maintaining and improving academic reputation is the ultimate goal of any academic institution. Efforts to maintain academic reputation are challenged by the changing demographics of the population served, competition, maintaining identity and fighting elitism (Berg 20). To maintain the reputation, institutions have to be more competitive by marketing themselves. This puts pressure on TCUs, forcing them to seek commerci al options, leading to emergence of profit motives and creating room for FPCUs. Social Consciousness and Diversity In offering college education, diversity leading to equal opportunity has always been a challenge with TCUs. This has been mainly due to traditional preoccupations with ethnic reflection in the student body and the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
How Does Online Dating Work Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
How Does Online Dating Work - Research Paper Example The concept of online dating has many positive sides. It is a nice idea that the people living anywhere in the Globe come in front of you in the virtual space. It is natural among human beings to be in love. This basic instinct works out in everyone and they long to log in. it happens that many online dating sites are bogus. Latest researches put forward the fact that only about 5% of people who use Online Dating services in fact set up a relationship with someone they first make contact with. Only 10% of people who join Online Dating sites really get any replies. In the midst of all these uncertainties, the number of people using this service goes up at a rapid pace. Two out of every five single people between the ages of 24 and 50 use, or have used, Online Dating services (Orat, 2006). Think Before you start: No system is devoid of defects. The vast world of online dating has been a permanent headache for parents of teens and youngsters. The school children think it necessary to expand the expanse of their acquaintance as much as possible. It often misleads them to the world of crimes and sexual violence. Even the shiest kid finds it much stress-free to chat online. Consequently, the relationship crosses the ethical boundary affecting his/her day to day affairs. The one who logs in to an online dating website has an opportunity to view the personal information of its members. But, it is a leaning among people to write false information about them. Even an incomplete profile can lead one to misunderstand. Two out of every five single people between the ages of 24 and 50 use, or have used, Online Dating services (Orat, 2006). Think Before you start: No system is devoid of defects. The vast world of online dating has been a permanent headache for parents of teens and youngsters. The school children think it necessary to expand the expanse of their acquaintance as much as possible. It often misleads them to the world of crimes and sexual violence. Even the shiest kid finds it much stress-free to chat online. Consequently, the relationship crosses the ethical boundary affecting his/her day to day affairs. The one who logs in to an online dating website has an opportunity to view the personal information of its members. But, it is a leaning among people to write false information about them. They do it for just fun, but the one who views this take everything for granted and gets cheated. Even an incomplete profile can lead one to misunderstand. Without furnishing adequate personal data, it is very hard for one to move on in the field of online communication. Here, the users have to make use of maximum intelligence. Selecting the right one has been one of the major risk factors in online dating. It is a very difficult task for a person to opt for a good one among a large group of things. Here, one has many options to choose from. For a nice relationship, it is essential to pick the right one. Though most of the online dating services claim to be absolutely free, they are forced to pay some amount once they start using it. There are paid versions which eat up much of the pocket of the customers unknowingly.Â
Monday, July 22, 2019
Impact of Standardized Testing Essay Example for Free
Impact of Standardized Testing Essay There is a vast literature available concerning African American male student accomplishment and its relation to the accomplishment gap occurrence (Perry, Stelle, Hilliard, 2003; Thernstrom Thernstrom, 2003; Hrabrowksi, 1998; Ogbu, 1998; Patterson, 2006; Polite Davis, 2001; Duncan, 1999; Freeman, 1999). Researchers and media channels explain the causes of African Americans continuously staying behind their White partners. Several provide limited allegations concerning African American male student accomplishment from either a past, sociological, or monetary view when deciding school achievement or failure. On the contrary, sufficient notice has not been granted to experiential and mixed methodological styles for assisting in advancing the debate concerning the provision of efficient resolutions toward narrowing the achievement gap that exists between African American male learners and counteracting deficit-model styles. In â€Å"Educating African American Males: Voices from the Fields†, the author Fashola (2008) and some other important academician researchers tackle this matter. The book is segmented in eight chapters, locating itself in many thematic areas that include social, ethnic, and past matters; school reform; primary, middle and high school experiences; structural analysis of manliness; institutional types of prejudice; and extra-curricular activities which assist in the promotion of affirmative self-confidence and analytical skills for African American males. Altogether, the providers enunciate the requirement of novel styles by demanding the educational commune to shift beyond conventional means of accomplishment and to comprehend the importance of social, past, ethnic, behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and educational styles that add to the broadening of the achievement gap between African American males and their white partners. Cooper and Jordan (2003) tackle the issues of African American male student achievement and they do this by locating and investigating the past as well as the methodical impacts of prejudice and also by displaying the way institutionalized domination have a part to play in the broadening of the achievement gap. The authors assess the elements such as uncontrolled unemployment, poverty, and insufficient accessibility to health care as the possible elements of African American males not being franchised in the circumstance of school and community. The authors imply that an â€Å"intergenerational poverty†(p. 2) exists which disseminates a self-fulfilling prediction for several of African American males. Ogbu’s (1998) research allows for the contextualizing of such past injustices. It is implied that â€Å"the treatment of minorities in the wider society is reflected in their treatment in education†(p. 159). In his book Noguera (2003) assists in the contextualizing of few of the practical attitudes which are required for the comprehension of certain of the behavioral trends of African American males which have an impact on them in school. The author offers information and research which record the way they were marginalized and wronged by the schooling experiences in the capitalist educational frameworks. Text offers a qualitative study which looks for determining the part that educators have in the motivation of students; teachers can utilize this information to reassess and modify their educational and instructional practices and also to fulfill the requirements of African American males and at the same time provide with suitable scaffolding so as to assist the learners in meeting the academic standards. Along with this, Noguera also debates that the learners are to be taught and habituated so as to see that the academic institutions are advantageous to them and also that the anticipations for them are high. Noguera writes about the schooling experiences of African American males by assessing their accomplishment trends in public schools and tackling with their consequent detachment. He writes that Black males underperform on standardized tests and that they undergo much higher drop-out rates. Although Black males achieve much and their performance is good in the primary grades, they tend to underperform by the age of nine (Garibaldi, 1992). His recommendation is that the educators should be placing literary and language enrichment at the head of their instructional concerns. This is particularly important during their primary school times; supplementing with the talents allows for African American males to become self-sufficient, analytical thinking is principal for their general intellectual achievement or failure. Development of Problem An operational attitude to the tradition of schooling also offers a valuable contextual structure for the investigation of student â€Å"oppositionality†and â€Å"resistance†(Ogbu, 1998) as minor traditional features displayed by particular minority learners in reaction to their communal marginalization. The idea of identity and the way it is written either by a person or the community is made pertinent by the reactions of these marginalized learners and is a vital part of a sufficient hypothetical viewpoint on tradition. The academic achievement gap which is present between African American and White learners is a very urgent contest for the urban education in the United States in the present times. Generally, the rank and academic achievement of minority groups in science have been issues of concern in various areas (National Science Foundation, 1994; Atwater, 2000). In a wide-ranging assessment of the issues, Jencks and Phillips (1998) suggest that there should be an application of methodical and preserved research attempts targeted at investigating the causes for the low performance of particular minority groups. When discussing the achievement gap and displaying it as a challenge for the urban education, there has to be an emphasis placed on certain aspects of the urban schools which are responsible for the existent gap. In the United States, the fact that the majority of the Black students study in urban or inner city institutions is correct, and on the other hand White students normally study at suburban schools. It is possible that this factor is responsible for the achievement gap between the Blacks and the Whites and it provides with an urban/suburban aspect. Urban academic institutions are also different from the suburban ones in the accessibility of the study material and commune sources. Even though the fact that the suburban schools normally have much better sources in contrast to the urban schools is true, an exploration can be made in whether the resources that are accessible for the urban schools are utilized most advantageously so as to improve the student involvement and intellectual accomplishment. Even though standardized testing traditionally has been slackly connected to responsibility and student education, the association had been weak. The association between student education and high-stakes standardized testing became more distinct, and a rise in the utilization of the tests has reached classic magnitude following the introduction of the No Child Left Behind. The argument behind such a connection is that raised pressure to perform well on standardized tests, and also a series of incentives and penalties, will raise the student education and accomplishment. Impacts of such testing standards have broad results, not just on the current generation but also on the next generations of youth. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to assess the impact that standardized testing has on African American male students. The study aims to display the issues connected with the impact of standardized testing on African American males. African American males face discrimination and due to that they do not perform as they should in their academics. Innumerable researches have been conducted to examine African American youths’ academic results. There is relative concentration with a stress on the achievement gap between African American youths generally and also that of other ethnic categories, like the Europeans and Asian Americans. Several conceptual structures have been offered which propose the achievement gap in educational results is the outcome of societal-level discrimination which afflicts African Americans (for example, Fordham Ogbu, 1986; Ogbu, 1987, 1994; Steele, 1997). In reality, several of the studies record the negative impacts of such macro system-level elements on the encouragement and intellectual accomplishment of African American learners (Howard Hammond, 1985; Ponterotto Pedersen, 1993; Steele Aronson, 1995). Nature of the Study Social research can be deductive or inductive and each is applied according to the research type. Deductive approach refers to particular information that has been gained from a general theory. Through the theory the researcher gets the foresights concerning the happening. Deductive research is termed as theory testing. In the case when a research initiates with a theory and is following the hypotheses that the researcher has set to test, the approach is deductive. Deductive reasoning sets to work moving from the more universal to the more precise. Induction is usually described as moving from the specific to the general. Observations are used for inductive approaches. Inductive reasoning moves from the more specific to a broader generalization and theory. In this case there is quite some uncertainty involved and the conclusions are based on theories.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Impact of FMCG food Packaging on Consumer Buying Behaviour
Impact of FMCG food Packaging on Consumer Buying Behaviour Chapter 1 Introduction Preliminary Data Gathering 1.1: Introduction to the Report: During the last two decades many important developments in the position of food in daily life of consumers and producers takes place. In earlier times consumers were self sufficient, but during the last two decades things have been changed and there was a rapid development in the industrialization of food packaging communication process. So this research study focuses on the area of Packaging which is one of the most important elements of marketing mix and many marketers had considered packaging as a fifth ‘P , while the other four Ps are Product, Placement, Promotional and Price. So packaging is used as an important marketing tool. In marketing terms, Packaging can be defined as: â€Å"All the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper of a product, Packaging is a structure designed to contain a commercial food product, i.e. to make it easier and safer to transport, to protect the product against contamination or loss, degradation or damage and to produce a convenient way to dispense the product†1. Packaging mainly can be divided into three types, i.e. Consumer Packaging, Transport packaging and Food Packaging. This study is specified only to food packaging as food packaging industry requires packaging material that provides efficient barriers, preserves product effectively and therefore increases the shelf life of the product 2. However packaging is criticized largely from the environmental point of view, because many researchers think that packaging is depleting natural resources, as certain form of packages are health hazards, and there is a significant problem of disposing of these packages. Marketing researchers have to deal with these criticisms, and must enhance the positive features of packaging, like product protection, preservation, containment, communication, consumer convenience and marketing support 3. In context of above description, this study is basically consists of observations, surveys and interview from the consumers not only to determine how packaging of existing FMCG food products contain, preserve, and communicate the buyer, but the new food products too, because the variables for selecting the existing food products are different from the variables for selecting the new FMCG food products, secondly to know the importance of packaging on their buying decision process both for existing and new products, how they get influence, and how a good quality and attractive packaging convince them to buy particular FMCG food products. 1.2: Background of the study: The professional fields are becoming more and more challenging and competitive in the present arena. So, in order to endure and be successful in any field, you must have the deep knowledge and appropriate skills of the concerned field. In fact this is true about the fields of management sciences, in which the Knowledge and skills of a person can be polished, if he goes through some practical experiences. Therefore this study is mainly conducted to have the knowledge of practical business situations, because the theoretical knowledge might not always match with the practical situations, where we do businesses. Therefore this would be the socialization to the market in a sense of applying our theoretical knowledge in the practical fields. In this regard, I have selected the area of Packaging for my research study which carries a great concern in the present arena because in the last one and half decade the importance of packaging has been actualized immensely and by having packaging knowledge and designing skills, practically you can enhance your capabilities. Packaging has covered all the consumer tangible goods in order to create and enhance the marketing efforts. According to â€Å"International Association of Packaging Research Institutes†IAPRI, the packaging technology has gone through a significant and fast exploitation in recent years, and globally the packaging material and machinery industry is estimated to be worth of $ 500 billion per year representing almost 1-2 % of the GDP industrialized country, and over 100, 00 packaging manufacturing companies have employed approx 5 million people to serve all packaging business manufacturers company 4. 1.3: Introduction to the topic: The topic for my research is â€Å"A Survey on the Impact influence of FMCG food Packaging on Consumer Buying Behavior†in which we will try to explore the variables of packaging not only for the existing food products but for the new products too, which attracts consumer behavior and influence them to buy. 1.3.1: Importance of Packaging: Many researchers together with Price, Promotion, Placement and Product considers Packaging as a fifth â€Å"P†as a marketing tools, because they think that packaging is a face of a product which actually refers to the material that servers to contain, identify, describe, protect, display and promote a specific product. The main objectives of packaging are to keep the food in good condition until it is sold or have been consumed and to encourage the consumer to buy it again and again. Correct packaging is essential to achieve above given objectives. Yearly billion of pounds are spent on packaging food. 1.3.2: Functions of Packaging: There are many protecting functions and purposes of packaging that influence consumers to buy a particular product.The various functions of packaging can be divided into three main types: Primary, secondary and tertiary (additional Functions). Primary functions concerned with the technical nature of the product while the secondary and tertiary functions are related to communications. The Primary Functions of packaging are to protect and storage of a product from loss, damage or any kind of deterioration from environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature, precipitation and solar radiation. i.e.; the durability of a package, because people wants material that will really protect the product they bought and something that can resist handling and shipping. The Secondary and Tertiary Functions of packaging are the sales, promotional, service and guarantee functions. The main intentions of sales function of package is to promote the sales processes and to make it more effective and efficient, therefore in designing a package promotional materials should be placed at right place, because it plays an important role to communicate about the product functions, features, and other informational elements. The various informational elements such as product features, manufacturing and expiry date, ingredients information, nutritional information, food labeling etc. provides the consumer with details about the contents and use of a particular product. Therefore these promotional materials should be properly placed on the package in order to attract the potential consumers attention and to have a positive impact on their buying behavior 5. 1.3.3: Consumer Buying Behavior: The other main concern of the study is to know about consumer buying behavior or consumer decisions making process and how packaging can influence them to buy a particular product. Marella in one of her articles about packaging defines consumer buying behavior as the process by which â€Å"individuals search, select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services, in satisfaction of their need and want†. When consumers need to purchase something, they usually go for the brands which are trustworthy and try not to seek other products such as new products or the brand which they dont know at all 6. Therefore at the point of purchase what communicates or influence consumer to buy particular product is only ‘Packaging. Similarly quality judgments are significantly influence by the product characteristics reflected by the packaging because packaging acts as a communicator, and it underlines overall features and functions of a product that lies in it such as informational el ements, product features, material used etc. So if the package is well design and attractive enough, consumer will likely to buy it especially in the case of new products. So, it is important that products should be well and attractive packaged to gain consumer attention. 1.4: Purpose of the Study: Success of a product depends on developing a strong relationship with consumer through an affective and efficient synergetic marketing mix, in which ‘Packaging†is one of the main elements to influence because packaging is the language of a product which only communicate to the consumer without any interpreter and has an immense effect on purchase decision. Most Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) is low involvement products. In low involvement, â€Å"consumers do not search extensively for information about the brands, evaluate their characteristics, and make a weighty decision on which brand to buy†, and as packaging plays an important role in success of a brand and on a retail shelf it is the last opportunity to influence the consumer to buy, so the main purpose of this research, so this study will be conducted with an idea of knowing the impact influence of packaging on the purchase decision of FMCG food products, which are mostly consumed frequently and also to know the experiences of the ultimate consumers about packaging. The research study is basically conducted to apply my theoretical knowledge of marketing in the practical field of professionals by interviewing different consumers and to know their views and preferences towards the importance of food packaging. The objective of the research study will be focused on: To know consumer awareness about packaging. To examine the influence of existing and new FMCG food products packaging on consumer buying behavior. To examine consumer experience of purchasing packaged food products. To understand how packaging can influence them to purchase their decision powers To know whether a good and attractive packaging of FMCG food products can influence consumers to buy it or not? Beside this the research is the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Bachelors of Business Administration and the submission to the Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar. 1.5: Methodology of the report: This study has been conducted with the following procedures: 1.5.1: Reading Articles Reading articles are the formation of the strongest foundation. For this research study I have been reading and looking at different articles and research studies both in libraries as well as through Internet and searching through digital libraries the literature of the my research study. 1.5.2: Questionnaires The data for my research study has been collected from a representative sample of 200 people, who are responsible for purchasing the household food products and are also the ultimate consumers of the packaged food products. The sample from population was derived from shoppers at different geographical areas of Peshawar. The questionnaire was initially put to pilot testing on 5 respondents for clarity and validity. Through the use of questions related to the study, the respondents were highly encouraged to express their opinions. The questionnaire comprised of few questions, grouped in five sections: Visual Impact, Brand Information, food labeling and nutrition information, and new products purchasing. The impact of these variables is analyzed in the Analysis section. Responses of the consumers have been converted to frequencies and percentages by using SPSS software through which I developed the Bar chart or Histogram in order to explain the degree of impact of mentioned variables on the purchase decision I have also used the Pie chart method in order to find the most influencing variable on the purchase decision. 1.6: Scope of the Study The Scope for my research study is limited to Peshawar city and the sample for my research has also been taken from the population of Peshawar city for collecting primary data. The market, which has been surveyed, is limited to the consumers in Peshawar region. The reader of this research report will be able to understand the preferences of consumers about the packaging especially the food packaging, because consumers are more connected to the food industry. And also they would be having better understanding that how packaging can influence consumers purchase decision? Besides, this research study will also show the knowledge and understanding of packaging features and roles in the marketing efforts and new demands from the packaging industries as far as consumers are concerned. 1.7: Limitations The first hurdle that I have faced is the unavailability of the secondary data about our local markets consumers therefore, in this stage I had the difficulty to find the relevant data as far as my study of research is concerned. Another limitation is the difficulty in collecting primary data in the market as I have used Questionnaire method but mostly respondents were not familiar about that how to understand and respond to a question being asked. Third limitation is time constraint, which is again a pressure on us to finalize the research report which might caused this research report be deficient in order to cover every aspect of my research study but still I made the best of it. 1.8: Sampling The study population comprised of 200 people who are the ultimate consumers of packaged food products. The sample has been drawn from supermarkets located in different geographical areas in Peshawar and also collected data from the respondents in the universities. For my studies I used stratified sampling method and judgment sampling method. I divide my sample into three main stratas like those males which got the purchasing power and do purchase regardless of the family members, second those female households which ultimately got the purchasing power, and lastly childrens. For childrens I used judgment sampling method. 1.9: Scheme of Report This report is organized in five main sections. Section 1 consists of one chapter that describes the introduction of the report, objectives and the purpose of the report. Section 2 consists of two chapters that constitute literature of this study and Different variables involved, respectively. Section 3 also consists of two chapters in which theoretical framework and nature of the research, i.e. research design has been describe. In Section 4 there is one chapter in which the data analysis has been done and the last Section, which is Section 5, consists of one chapter that mainly includes the Conclusion and Recommendations of this Research Study. References Cited: (1) Marketing Dictionary, Small Business Encyclopedia: Packaging, Web Link: (2) Peters-Texeira, A., Badrie, N. (2005). Consumers perception of food packaging in Trinidad, West Indies and its related impact on food choices. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 29(6), 508-514. Retrieved from E-Journals database. (3) M. Sehrawet and S.C. Kundu, (2007), â€Å"Buying behavior of rural and urban consumers in India: the impact of packaging†, International Journal of Consumer Studies Vol:31, pp630-638 (4): Packaging Research: Background to Packaging, Online Available at: (5): Transport information System, Functions of Packaging. Online Availabale at: (6): Marella, Does product packaging significantly influence consumer buying behavior? Online Available at: Chapter 2 Literature Review Literature Review: 2.1 Introduction: This chapter presents the results of a comprehensive literature search in several aspects to this work. The prime objective of this literature survey is to identify those variables, which are involved in this research study about perception of food packaging, that how consumer perceive about food packaging in industry and how they are influence the purchase of consumer decision in choosing any FMCG food products. 2.2 Packaging Definition: Packaging can be defined as, â€Å"All the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper of a product†. The container is called package. Packaging is a structure designed to contain a commercial food product, i.e. to make it easier and safer to transport, to protect the product against contamination or loss, degradation or damage and to produce a convenient way to dispense the product 1. Packaging also refers as a container, silent salesperson or a wrapper for a consumer product that assists a number of functions including protection and description of the product, contents and product marketing promotion. Creatively and innovatively designed packages actually add value to the product, if it meets a consumer need such as portion control, recyclability, tamper-proofing, child-proofing, easy-open, easy-store, easy-carry, and non breakability. The labels on packages such as informational elements, nutritional elements, ingredients elements, brand information are such type of important components of the packages which enhance the overall marketing mix and can support advertising claims, build brand identity, heighten name recognition, and optimize shelf space allocations. When designing a packaging, the monetary value to manufacture, shipment, and display the package must be efficiently calculated. However, regarding to the packaging size and shape, the package must be design in a way that if it is small, then it should be small enough to accommodate available shelf space and large enough to dissuade theft. Furthermore, creatively designed packages must highlights the benefits of the product and contain an adequate amount of product to keep the per unit price competitive 2.3 Packaging Evolution: In early times, Before the World War II, Packaging was primarily used and was often standardized to surround and protect products during storage, transportation, and distribution. The main role of packaging was to ensure the preservation and transportation of products and even for ease-of-use by the end consumer, but package design was typically left to technicians. However, After World War II, things were changed and companies became more interested in mass production and development of packaging and invest more in marketing and promotion tools as a means of alluring customers to purchase their products. As a result of which many manufacturers began to view packaging as an essential element of overall business marketing strategies to lure buyers. This industry revolution and increased attention to packaging concurred with socioeconomic changes that were taking place around the world and on other hand with passage of time the consumers were becoming better educated, as a result of which their expectations of product, packaging designs and their trust on them was increased as well. Therefore, consumer began to rely much more heavily on manufactured goods and processed food items. New technologies related to production, manufacturer, storage distribution, and preservatives led to a massive increase in the number and type of products and brands available in industrialized nations. Thus, packaging became a vital means of differentiating items and informing busy consumers. Packaging today, is regarded, as an essential part of a successful business practice. Package design became a marketing mix promotion tool, and as a new corporate cost-consciousness developed in response to increased competition, companies began to alter packaging techniques as a way to cut production, storage, and distribution expenses. Furthermore, marketers began to view packaging as a successful marketing tool to feat existing product lines by adding new items and to ticker new life into maturing product line 2. 2.4: Packaging Attributes: Food products brands use a range of packaging attributes, which comprises of packaging colors, packaging designs, shapes, messages, and symbols (Pinya Silayoi Mark Speece, Oct, 2004) 1. These attributes attracts and sustains the attention of consumers and help them to identify with the images presented. The importance of packaging design and the use of packaging as a vehicle for communication and branding are growing in packaged food competitive markets. Consumers intentions to purchase packaged products depend on the degree of extent to which consumers expect that the product will satisfy their need when they will consume it. But there are certain situations when they havent even heard about the products so much while entering into the stores, (especially in the case of new products) so the intentions to purchase that very particular product is basically determined by what is communicated at the point of sale. So, at the time of sale when the product is not familiar to the consumer, the only factor that attracts consumers to purchase is Packaging which is also called as Silent Salesperson. It acts as s silent salesperson and became a critical factor when the consumer decision making process is in progress, and how they perceive it depends upon the communication elements, which become the key factor to success for marketing strategies. Now to achieve that communication goal effectively and to optimize the potential of packaging, the marketers and the package designers must have to consider consumer perception point, their past experiences, their needs wants, and understand how packaging design layouts get consumers to notice the package and notice messages on the package and evaluate packaging design and labeling for their effectiveness in the communication effort because it is also important to notice that not all consumers evaluate the packaging in the same way. 2.5 Packaging Functions and Elements: Pinya Silayoi and Mark Speece (2004), defines the basic functions of packaging logistically and marketing by their role. The logistical function of packaging is mainly to protect the product from incidence of damage, spoilage or loss through theft or misplace goods during movement through the distribution channel. While in the context of marketing function, the packaging should be attractive enough and well design, so that it conveys the message of product attributes clearly. Now whatever the logical considerations of packaging, the marketing function of packaging attributes plays a vital role as a communicator and it is only the package that sells the product by attracting and communicating the consumers, and allows the product to be comprised, divvy up, unitized and protected. Quality judgments are largely influenced by product charactertics reflected by packaging, because packages overall features can underline the uniqueness and originality of the product. If the packaging attributes communicates high quality, consumers assume that the product is of high quality. However if the package symbolizes or communicates low quality, consumers transfer this low quality perception to the product itself. So the packaging acts as communicator and communicates favorable or unfavorable implied meaning about the product. Mark Speece (2004) suggests that consumers are more likely to spontaneously imagine aspects of how a product looks tastes, feels, smells, or sounds while they are viewing a product picture on the package. A review of the above literature indicates that there are mainly four packaging elements potentially affecting consumer purchase decisions. They can be separated into two categories; visual and informational elements. The visual elements consist of graphics, images size and shape of packaging. Informational elements relate to product information and information about the technologies used in the package. However the product information can further be categorized into food labeling, ingredients information, nutrition information, usage detail, and manufacturers / company details, manufacturing and expiry information etc. 2.6: Variables of Packaging: 2.6.1: Visual Elements: Graphics and Color: The implication of graphics is explained by the images created on the product. Graphics designs are visual presentations which include layout, color combinations, typography, and product photography all of which create a positive and distinctive image. For consumers, the package is the product, and different consumers respond to different packages in different ways depending on their involvement level (Silayoi Speece, 2004). For low involvement products, such as FMCG, where initial impressions formed during initial contact can have lasting impact and where evaluation of attributes is less important in decision making, here then a highly noticeable factor such as graphics and colors becomes more important (Grossman and Wisenblit, 1999) (3). On the other hand, the behavior of consumers towards high involvement products is mostly influenced by image issues. For low involvement, there is a strong impact on consumer decision making from the development of the market through marketing com munications, including image building (Kupiec and Revell, 2001). (4) Placement of Visual Impact Elements Matters: In packaging layouts, the placement of visual elements also plays an important role for consumer psyche, because a psychic research of Rettie and Brewer, (2000) (5) indicates that brain laterality results in an asymmetry in the perception of elements in packaging designs. The recall of package elements/attributes is likely to be influenced by their lateral pass position on the package, as well as by other usually recognized factors, such as font color, font size and font style. Research shows that for verbal stimuli recall is better when the copy is on the right-hand side of the package, and better for non-verbal stimuli when it is on the left-hand side. This may imply that, in order to maximize consumers recall, pictorial elements, such as product photography, typography, it should be positioned on the left-hand side of the package. Grossman and Wisenblit (1999) (6), says in their research that consumers also learn color associations, which lead them to prefer certain colors for certain product categories. For a unique particular brand, using color as a clue on packaging can nurture a potentially strong association. However people in different cultures are exposed to different colors and according their own culture they develop different color preferences. So as a marketer, color consideration should be the part of their marketing strategies and by keeping in mind the color consideration according to people perception in different culture, colors of a particular logo, package or product design should be done after a thorough understanding of color association according to culture. Packaging Size and Shape: Silayoi and Speece, (2004) states that in packaging, the other visual elements such as size and shape are also important in consideration. Package size, shape and elongation also affect consumer judgments and considerations. Consumers use these things as simplifying visual heuristics to make volume judgments. They generally perceive more elongated packages to be larger. In case of sizes, especially for generic products, different sizes of packages may appeal to consumer with different involvement level. Usually generic products are packaged in larger sizes, which communicate to consumers who are specifically looking for good deals. So, this implies that when the product quality is hard to determine, as with generics, the packaging size effect is important. Thus elongating the shape, within acceptable bound, should result in consumer thinking of the package as better value for money also conceivably affect perceived volume. 2.6.2: Informational Elements Product Information Product information includes information elements, such as food labeling, nutrition information, health information, ingredients information, manufactures date, expiry date. In high involvement level, the behavior of consumers toward product characterized is less influenced by image issues, graphical and visual response, in such cases consumer seeks product information which is one of the important packaging functions to communicate. (Kupiec and Revell, 2001; Silayoi and Speece, 2004). (7) Written information on the package can assists consumers in making their decisions carefully as they consider product characteristics. Package layout is important for information presentation. Food labeling is considered as significant information on packaging and a recent study shows that 90 percent of the consumers trends towards healthier eating have highlighted the importance of labeling, which also allows consumers the opportunity to cautiously consider alternatives and make informed food choices. However, packaging information can create confusion by conveying either too much misleads the inaccurate information. Manufacturers and package designers often use very small fonts and very dense writing styles to pack extensive information on the label, which lead to poor readability and sometimes confusion. As confusion can affect consumer decision quality, So Mitchell and Papavassiloiu (1999) (8), suggests that consumer confusion of information overload can be reduced by narrowing down their choice sets, because by reducing their choice alternatives and evaluation attributes decreases the probability that they will be confused by excessive choice and information overload. This strategy could also be applied to more experience consumers, because loyal consumers potentially look fewer brand alternatives. So, it is the experience which makes consumer more selectively perspective and restrict the scope of their choices. Hughes (1998) (9), in one of his journals grabs the attention towards involvement level, that sometimes involvement level reflects the extent of personal relevance of the individuals personal goals, basic values and self concept. If the product does not stimuli much interest, consumers do not give much attention to it. High involvement level shows more personal relevance. In general, consumer acquisition of low involvement products is often done without carefully examining brand and product information. This lack of commitment suggests that information on the package would carry relatively less value in such cases. On the other hand, more highly involved consumers evaluate message information more carefully, relying on the message to form their attitudes and purchase intentions (Silayoi and Speece, 2004). Packaging Technology Packaging for the FMCG food products in market plays a vital role in promoting the product to the customer, as well as carrying informative and legislative detail. Combining these roles requires commercial awareness, detailed knowledge of the relevant technologies, creative image care and consideration of the effect of colors, typography, photography that must support the product or brand. Design and technology of packaging decoration for the users market guides you through the technical and commercial factors to consider when planning the decoration, or label, of a package (10). Technology is basically somewhat related to the informational elements, because packaging technology conveys informational messages such as nutrition, health, ingredients which is linked to the consumer life style, so the technology of packaging development that constrained in the message communicated through technology must fulfill consumers need criteria. Consumers are even often prepared to pay slightl Impact of FMCG food Packaging on Consumer Buying Behaviour Impact of FMCG food Packaging on Consumer Buying Behaviour Chapter 1 Introduction Preliminary Data Gathering 1.1: Introduction to the Report: During the last two decades many important developments in the position of food in daily life of consumers and producers takes place. In earlier times consumers were self sufficient, but during the last two decades things have been changed and there was a rapid development in the industrialization of food packaging communication process. So this research study focuses on the area of Packaging which is one of the most important elements of marketing mix and many marketers had considered packaging as a fifth ‘P , while the other four Ps are Product, Placement, Promotional and Price. So packaging is used as an important marketing tool. In marketing terms, Packaging can be defined as: â€Å"All the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper of a product, Packaging is a structure designed to contain a commercial food product, i.e. to make it easier and safer to transport, to protect the product against contamination or loss, degradation or damage and to produce a convenient way to dispense the product†1. Packaging mainly can be divided into three types, i.e. Consumer Packaging, Transport packaging and Food Packaging. This study is specified only to food packaging as food packaging industry requires packaging material that provides efficient barriers, preserves product effectively and therefore increases the shelf life of the product 2. However packaging is criticized largely from the environmental point of view, because many researchers think that packaging is depleting natural resources, as certain form of packages are health hazards, and there is a significant problem of disposing of these packages. Marketing researchers have to deal with these criticisms, and must enhance the positive features of packaging, like product protection, preservation, containment, communication, consumer convenience and marketing support 3. In context of above description, this study is basically consists of observations, surveys and interview from the consumers not only to determine how packaging of existing FMCG food products contain, preserve, and communicate the buyer, but the new food products too, because the variables for selecting the existing food products are different from the variables for selecting the new FMCG food products, secondly to know the importance of packaging on their buying decision process both for existing and new products, how they get influence, and how a good quality and attractive packaging convince them to buy particular FMCG food products. 1.2: Background of the study: The professional fields are becoming more and more challenging and competitive in the present arena. So, in order to endure and be successful in any field, you must have the deep knowledge and appropriate skills of the concerned field. In fact this is true about the fields of management sciences, in which the Knowledge and skills of a person can be polished, if he goes through some practical experiences. Therefore this study is mainly conducted to have the knowledge of practical business situations, because the theoretical knowledge might not always match with the practical situations, where we do businesses. Therefore this would be the socialization to the market in a sense of applying our theoretical knowledge in the practical fields. In this regard, I have selected the area of Packaging for my research study which carries a great concern in the present arena because in the last one and half decade the importance of packaging has been actualized immensely and by having packaging knowledge and designing skills, practically you can enhance your capabilities. Packaging has covered all the consumer tangible goods in order to create and enhance the marketing efforts. According to â€Å"International Association of Packaging Research Institutes†IAPRI, the packaging technology has gone through a significant and fast exploitation in recent years, and globally the packaging material and machinery industry is estimated to be worth of $ 500 billion per year representing almost 1-2 % of the GDP industrialized country, and over 100, 00 packaging manufacturing companies have employed approx 5 million people to serve all packaging business manufacturers company 4. 1.3: Introduction to the topic: The topic for my research is â€Å"A Survey on the Impact influence of FMCG food Packaging on Consumer Buying Behavior†in which we will try to explore the variables of packaging not only for the existing food products but for the new products too, which attracts consumer behavior and influence them to buy. 1.3.1: Importance of Packaging: Many researchers together with Price, Promotion, Placement and Product considers Packaging as a fifth â€Å"P†as a marketing tools, because they think that packaging is a face of a product which actually refers to the material that servers to contain, identify, describe, protect, display and promote a specific product. The main objectives of packaging are to keep the food in good condition until it is sold or have been consumed and to encourage the consumer to buy it again and again. Correct packaging is essential to achieve above given objectives. Yearly billion of pounds are spent on packaging food. 1.3.2: Functions of Packaging: There are many protecting functions and purposes of packaging that influence consumers to buy a particular product.The various functions of packaging can be divided into three main types: Primary, secondary and tertiary (additional Functions). Primary functions concerned with the technical nature of the product while the secondary and tertiary functions are related to communications. The Primary Functions of packaging are to protect and storage of a product from loss, damage or any kind of deterioration from environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature, precipitation and solar radiation. i.e.; the durability of a package, because people wants material that will really protect the product they bought and something that can resist handling and shipping. The Secondary and Tertiary Functions of packaging are the sales, promotional, service and guarantee functions. The main intentions of sales function of package is to promote the sales processes and to make it more effective and efficient, therefore in designing a package promotional materials should be placed at right place, because it plays an important role to communicate about the product functions, features, and other informational elements. The various informational elements such as product features, manufacturing and expiry date, ingredients information, nutritional information, food labeling etc. provides the consumer with details about the contents and use of a particular product. Therefore these promotional materials should be properly placed on the package in order to attract the potential consumers attention and to have a positive impact on their buying behavior 5. 1.3.3: Consumer Buying Behavior: The other main concern of the study is to know about consumer buying behavior or consumer decisions making process and how packaging can influence them to buy a particular product. Marella in one of her articles about packaging defines consumer buying behavior as the process by which â€Å"individuals search, select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services, in satisfaction of their need and want†. When consumers need to purchase something, they usually go for the brands which are trustworthy and try not to seek other products such as new products or the brand which they dont know at all 6. Therefore at the point of purchase what communicates or influence consumer to buy particular product is only ‘Packaging. Similarly quality judgments are significantly influence by the product characteristics reflected by the packaging because packaging acts as a communicator, and it underlines overall features and functions of a product that lies in it such as informational el ements, product features, material used etc. So if the package is well design and attractive enough, consumer will likely to buy it especially in the case of new products. So, it is important that products should be well and attractive packaged to gain consumer attention. 1.4: Purpose of the Study: Success of a product depends on developing a strong relationship with consumer through an affective and efficient synergetic marketing mix, in which ‘Packaging†is one of the main elements to influence because packaging is the language of a product which only communicate to the consumer without any interpreter and has an immense effect on purchase decision. Most Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) is low involvement products. In low involvement, â€Å"consumers do not search extensively for information about the brands, evaluate their characteristics, and make a weighty decision on which brand to buy†, and as packaging plays an important role in success of a brand and on a retail shelf it is the last opportunity to influence the consumer to buy, so the main purpose of this research, so this study will be conducted with an idea of knowing the impact influence of packaging on the purchase decision of FMCG food products, which are mostly consumed frequently and also to know the experiences of the ultimate consumers about packaging. The research study is basically conducted to apply my theoretical knowledge of marketing in the practical field of professionals by interviewing different consumers and to know their views and preferences towards the importance of food packaging. The objective of the research study will be focused on: To know consumer awareness about packaging. To examine the influence of existing and new FMCG food products packaging on consumer buying behavior. To examine consumer experience of purchasing packaged food products. To understand how packaging can influence them to purchase their decision powers To know whether a good and attractive packaging of FMCG food products can influence consumers to buy it or not? Beside this the research is the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Bachelors of Business Administration and the submission to the Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar. 1.5: Methodology of the report: This study has been conducted with the following procedures: 1.5.1: Reading Articles Reading articles are the formation of the strongest foundation. For this research study I have been reading and looking at different articles and research studies both in libraries as well as through Internet and searching through digital libraries the literature of the my research study. 1.5.2: Questionnaires The data for my research study has been collected from a representative sample of 200 people, who are responsible for purchasing the household food products and are also the ultimate consumers of the packaged food products. The sample from population was derived from shoppers at different geographical areas of Peshawar. The questionnaire was initially put to pilot testing on 5 respondents for clarity and validity. Through the use of questions related to the study, the respondents were highly encouraged to express their opinions. The questionnaire comprised of few questions, grouped in five sections: Visual Impact, Brand Information, food labeling and nutrition information, and new products purchasing. The impact of these variables is analyzed in the Analysis section. Responses of the consumers have been converted to frequencies and percentages by using SPSS software through which I developed the Bar chart or Histogram in order to explain the degree of impact of mentioned variables on the purchase decision I have also used the Pie chart method in order to find the most influencing variable on the purchase decision. 1.6: Scope of the Study The Scope for my research study is limited to Peshawar city and the sample for my research has also been taken from the population of Peshawar city for collecting primary data. The market, which has been surveyed, is limited to the consumers in Peshawar region. The reader of this research report will be able to understand the preferences of consumers about the packaging especially the food packaging, because consumers are more connected to the food industry. And also they would be having better understanding that how packaging can influence consumers purchase decision? Besides, this research study will also show the knowledge and understanding of packaging features and roles in the marketing efforts and new demands from the packaging industries as far as consumers are concerned. 1.7: Limitations The first hurdle that I have faced is the unavailability of the secondary data about our local markets consumers therefore, in this stage I had the difficulty to find the relevant data as far as my study of research is concerned. Another limitation is the difficulty in collecting primary data in the market as I have used Questionnaire method but mostly respondents were not familiar about that how to understand and respond to a question being asked. Third limitation is time constraint, which is again a pressure on us to finalize the research report which might caused this research report be deficient in order to cover every aspect of my research study but still I made the best of it. 1.8: Sampling The study population comprised of 200 people who are the ultimate consumers of packaged food products. The sample has been drawn from supermarkets located in different geographical areas in Peshawar and also collected data from the respondents in the universities. For my studies I used stratified sampling method and judgment sampling method. I divide my sample into three main stratas like those males which got the purchasing power and do purchase regardless of the family members, second those female households which ultimately got the purchasing power, and lastly childrens. For childrens I used judgment sampling method. 1.9: Scheme of Report This report is organized in five main sections. Section 1 consists of one chapter that describes the introduction of the report, objectives and the purpose of the report. Section 2 consists of two chapters that constitute literature of this study and Different variables involved, respectively. Section 3 also consists of two chapters in which theoretical framework and nature of the research, i.e. research design has been describe. In Section 4 there is one chapter in which the data analysis has been done and the last Section, which is Section 5, consists of one chapter that mainly includes the Conclusion and Recommendations of this Research Study. References Cited: (1) Marketing Dictionary, Small Business Encyclopedia: Packaging, Web Link: (2) Peters-Texeira, A., Badrie, N. (2005). Consumers perception of food packaging in Trinidad, West Indies and its related impact on food choices. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 29(6), 508-514. Retrieved from E-Journals database. (3) M. Sehrawet and S.C. Kundu, (2007), â€Å"Buying behavior of rural and urban consumers in India: the impact of packaging†, International Journal of Consumer Studies Vol:31, pp630-638 (4): Packaging Research: Background to Packaging, Online Available at: (5): Transport information System, Functions of Packaging. Online Availabale at: (6): Marella, Does product packaging significantly influence consumer buying behavior? Online Available at: Chapter 2 Literature Review Literature Review: 2.1 Introduction: This chapter presents the results of a comprehensive literature search in several aspects to this work. The prime objective of this literature survey is to identify those variables, which are involved in this research study about perception of food packaging, that how consumer perceive about food packaging in industry and how they are influence the purchase of consumer decision in choosing any FMCG food products. 2.2 Packaging Definition: Packaging can be defined as, â€Å"All the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper of a product†. The container is called package. Packaging is a structure designed to contain a commercial food product, i.e. to make it easier and safer to transport, to protect the product against contamination or loss, degradation or damage and to produce a convenient way to dispense the product 1. Packaging also refers as a container, silent salesperson or a wrapper for a consumer product that assists a number of functions including protection and description of the product, contents and product marketing promotion. Creatively and innovatively designed packages actually add value to the product, if it meets a consumer need such as portion control, recyclability, tamper-proofing, child-proofing, easy-open, easy-store, easy-carry, and non breakability. The labels on packages such as informational elements, nutritional elements, ingredients elements, brand information are such type of important components of the packages which enhance the overall marketing mix and can support advertising claims, build brand identity, heighten name recognition, and optimize shelf space allocations. When designing a packaging, the monetary value to manufacture, shipment, and display the package must be efficiently calculated. However, regarding to the packaging size and shape, the package must be design in a way that if it is small, then it should be small enough to accommodate available shelf space and large enough to dissuade theft. Furthermore, creatively designed packages must highlights the benefits of the product and contain an adequate amount of product to keep the per unit price competitive 2.3 Packaging Evolution: In early times, Before the World War II, Packaging was primarily used and was often standardized to surround and protect products during storage, transportation, and distribution. The main role of packaging was to ensure the preservation and transportation of products and even for ease-of-use by the end consumer, but package design was typically left to technicians. However, After World War II, things were changed and companies became more interested in mass production and development of packaging and invest more in marketing and promotion tools as a means of alluring customers to purchase their products. As a result of which many manufacturers began to view packaging as an essential element of overall business marketing strategies to lure buyers. This industry revolution and increased attention to packaging concurred with socioeconomic changes that were taking place around the world and on other hand with passage of time the consumers were becoming better educated, as a result of which their expectations of product, packaging designs and their trust on them was increased as well. Therefore, consumer began to rely much more heavily on manufactured goods and processed food items. New technologies related to production, manufacturer, storage distribution, and preservatives led to a massive increase in the number and type of products and brands available in industrialized nations. Thus, packaging became a vital means of differentiating items and informing busy consumers. Packaging today, is regarded, as an essential part of a successful business practice. Package design became a marketing mix promotion tool, and as a new corporate cost-consciousness developed in response to increased competition, companies began to alter packaging techniques as a way to cut production, storage, and distribution expenses. Furthermore, marketers began to view packaging as a successful marketing tool to feat existing product lines by adding new items and to ticker new life into maturing product line 2. 2.4: Packaging Attributes: Food products brands use a range of packaging attributes, which comprises of packaging colors, packaging designs, shapes, messages, and symbols (Pinya Silayoi Mark Speece, Oct, 2004) 1. These attributes attracts and sustains the attention of consumers and help them to identify with the images presented. The importance of packaging design and the use of packaging as a vehicle for communication and branding are growing in packaged food competitive markets. Consumers intentions to purchase packaged products depend on the degree of extent to which consumers expect that the product will satisfy their need when they will consume it. But there are certain situations when they havent even heard about the products so much while entering into the stores, (especially in the case of new products) so the intentions to purchase that very particular product is basically determined by what is communicated at the point of sale. So, at the time of sale when the product is not familiar to the consumer, the only factor that attracts consumers to purchase is Packaging which is also called as Silent Salesperson. It acts as s silent salesperson and became a critical factor when the consumer decision making process is in progress, and how they perceive it depends upon the communication elements, which become the key factor to success for marketing strategies. Now to achieve that communication goal effectively and to optimize the potential of packaging, the marketers and the package designers must have to consider consumer perception point, their past experiences, their needs wants, and understand how packaging design layouts get consumers to notice the package and notice messages on the package and evaluate packaging design and labeling for their effectiveness in the communication effort because it is also important to notice that not all consumers evaluate the packaging in the same way. 2.5 Packaging Functions and Elements: Pinya Silayoi and Mark Speece (2004), defines the basic functions of packaging logistically and marketing by their role. The logistical function of packaging is mainly to protect the product from incidence of damage, spoilage or loss through theft or misplace goods during movement through the distribution channel. While in the context of marketing function, the packaging should be attractive enough and well design, so that it conveys the message of product attributes clearly. Now whatever the logical considerations of packaging, the marketing function of packaging attributes plays a vital role as a communicator and it is only the package that sells the product by attracting and communicating the consumers, and allows the product to be comprised, divvy up, unitized and protected. Quality judgments are largely influenced by product charactertics reflected by packaging, because packages overall features can underline the uniqueness and originality of the product. If the packaging attributes communicates high quality, consumers assume that the product is of high quality. However if the package symbolizes or communicates low quality, consumers transfer this low quality perception to the product itself. So the packaging acts as communicator and communicates favorable or unfavorable implied meaning about the product. Mark Speece (2004) suggests that consumers are more likely to spontaneously imagine aspects of how a product looks tastes, feels, smells, or sounds while they are viewing a product picture on the package. A review of the above literature indicates that there are mainly four packaging elements potentially affecting consumer purchase decisions. They can be separated into two categories; visual and informational elements. The visual elements consist of graphics, images size and shape of packaging. Informational elements relate to product information and information about the technologies used in the package. However the product information can further be categorized into food labeling, ingredients information, nutrition information, usage detail, and manufacturers / company details, manufacturing and expiry information etc. 2.6: Variables of Packaging: 2.6.1: Visual Elements: Graphics and Color: The implication of graphics is explained by the images created on the product. Graphics designs are visual presentations which include layout, color combinations, typography, and product photography all of which create a positive and distinctive image. For consumers, the package is the product, and different consumers respond to different packages in different ways depending on their involvement level (Silayoi Speece, 2004). For low involvement products, such as FMCG, where initial impressions formed during initial contact can have lasting impact and where evaluation of attributes is less important in decision making, here then a highly noticeable factor such as graphics and colors becomes more important (Grossman and Wisenblit, 1999) (3). On the other hand, the behavior of consumers towards high involvement products is mostly influenced by image issues. For low involvement, there is a strong impact on consumer decision making from the development of the market through marketing com munications, including image building (Kupiec and Revell, 2001). (4) Placement of Visual Impact Elements Matters: In packaging layouts, the placement of visual elements also plays an important role for consumer psyche, because a psychic research of Rettie and Brewer, (2000) (5) indicates that brain laterality results in an asymmetry in the perception of elements in packaging designs. The recall of package elements/attributes is likely to be influenced by their lateral pass position on the package, as well as by other usually recognized factors, such as font color, font size and font style. Research shows that for verbal stimuli recall is better when the copy is on the right-hand side of the package, and better for non-verbal stimuli when it is on the left-hand side. This may imply that, in order to maximize consumers recall, pictorial elements, such as product photography, typography, it should be positioned on the left-hand side of the package. Grossman and Wisenblit (1999) (6), says in their research that consumers also learn color associations, which lead them to prefer certain colors for certain product categories. For a unique particular brand, using color as a clue on packaging can nurture a potentially strong association. However people in different cultures are exposed to different colors and according their own culture they develop different color preferences. So as a marketer, color consideration should be the part of their marketing strategies and by keeping in mind the color consideration according to people perception in different culture, colors of a particular logo, package or product design should be done after a thorough understanding of color association according to culture. Packaging Size and Shape: Silayoi and Speece, (2004) states that in packaging, the other visual elements such as size and shape are also important in consideration. Package size, shape and elongation also affect consumer judgments and considerations. Consumers use these things as simplifying visual heuristics to make volume judgments. They generally perceive more elongated packages to be larger. In case of sizes, especially for generic products, different sizes of packages may appeal to consumer with different involvement level. Usually generic products are packaged in larger sizes, which communicate to consumers who are specifically looking for good deals. So, this implies that when the product quality is hard to determine, as with generics, the packaging size effect is important. Thus elongating the shape, within acceptable bound, should result in consumer thinking of the package as better value for money also conceivably affect perceived volume. 2.6.2: Informational Elements Product Information Product information includes information elements, such as food labeling, nutrition information, health information, ingredients information, manufactures date, expiry date. In high involvement level, the behavior of consumers toward product characterized is less influenced by image issues, graphical and visual response, in such cases consumer seeks product information which is one of the important packaging functions to communicate. (Kupiec and Revell, 2001; Silayoi and Speece, 2004). (7) Written information on the package can assists consumers in making their decisions carefully as they consider product characteristics. Package layout is important for information presentation. Food labeling is considered as significant information on packaging and a recent study shows that 90 percent of the consumers trends towards healthier eating have highlighted the importance of labeling, which also allows consumers the opportunity to cautiously consider alternatives and make informed food choices. However, packaging information can create confusion by conveying either too much misleads the inaccurate information. Manufacturers and package designers often use very small fonts and very dense writing styles to pack extensive information on the label, which lead to poor readability and sometimes confusion. As confusion can affect consumer decision quality, So Mitchell and Papavassiloiu (1999) (8), suggests that consumer confusion of information overload can be reduced by narrowing down their choice sets, because by reducing their choice alternatives and evaluation attributes decreases the probability that they will be confused by excessive choice and information overload. This strategy could also be applied to more experience consumers, because loyal consumers potentially look fewer brand alternatives. So, it is the experience which makes consumer more selectively perspective and restrict the scope of their choices. Hughes (1998) (9), in one of his journals grabs the attention towards involvement level, that sometimes involvement level reflects the extent of personal relevance of the individuals personal goals, basic values and self concept. If the product does not stimuli much interest, consumers do not give much attention to it. High involvement level shows more personal relevance. In general, consumer acquisition of low involvement products is often done without carefully examining brand and product information. This lack of commitment suggests that information on the package would carry relatively less value in such cases. On the other hand, more highly involved consumers evaluate message information more carefully, relying on the message to form their attitudes and purchase intentions (Silayoi and Speece, 2004). Packaging Technology Packaging for the FMCG food products in market plays a vital role in promoting the product to the customer, as well as carrying informative and legislative detail. Combining these roles requires commercial awareness, detailed knowledge of the relevant technologies, creative image care and consideration of the effect of colors, typography, photography that must support the product or brand. Design and technology of packaging decoration for the users market guides you through the technical and commercial factors to consider when planning the decoration, or label, of a package (10). Technology is basically somewhat related to the informational elements, because packaging technology conveys informational messages such as nutrition, health, ingredients which is linked to the consumer life style, so the technology of packaging development that constrained in the message communicated through technology must fulfill consumers need criteria. Consumers are even often prepared to pay slightl
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