Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Incident at Bhopal essays
The Incident at Bhopal papers Reason: To look at the occasions adding to the disaster at Bhopal, India and their repercussions what's more, to make determinations dependent on these occasions. Presentation: What Happened at Bhopal? Understanding paper and magazine articles composed quickly following the occasions at Bhopal, it is obvious that it required some investment for specialists to decide the reasons for the modern mishap. Theory appears to have gone out of control for a period following the mishap. Drawing from later measurements and data is by all accounts a progressively solid strategy for deciding the most probable situation. Where different substitute doable prospects have been introduced, we will attempt to incorporate the most probable. At roughly 12 PM on December 3, 1984, a surprising compound response occurred in a Association Carbide of India Limited stockpiling tank. The capacity tank contained methyl isocyanate, (from this point forward alluded to as MIC) a poisonous gas utilized during the time spent a pesticide called Sevin.(1) As a major aspect of the refining process there was a very high convergence of chloroform present. This caused erosion of the tank. The tank being made of iron gave an impetus to the response. A lot of water was too presented, around 120-240 gallons, which in mix with the concoction, created enough warmth to begin the response. The runaway response discharged a wild measure of warmth and this brought about 30-40 tons of the gas being disintegrated and spread over roughly 30 square miles, slaughtering a huge number of individuals and harming many thousands.(2) The absence of data on MIC in 1984 made it an exceptionally harmful and hard to control substance, as indicated by Meryl H. Karol of the University of Pittsburghs Graduate School of Public Health. He says, Although ostensibly a fluid at room temperature, methyl isocyanate dissipates so rapidly from an open compartment that it effectively transforms into a lackluster, smell... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How To Respond To Workforce Diversity Challege Assignment
The most effective method to Respond To Workforce Diversity Challege - Assignment Example 196). In spite of the fact that the partners are reliant gatherings in the work environment, regarding one’s individual contrasts can emphatically expand the hierarchical profitability. Workforce assorted variety can prompt decrease of claims and lift showcasing openings, inventiveness, business picture, and enrollment. In a period when innovativeness and adaptability are the elements of intensity, decent variety will be basic for the organization’s achievement (Erlenkamp 2007, p. 6). Then again, workforce assorted variety if not very much oversaw can represent a genuine test to this association henceforth bringing down the organization’s profitability. A ranking director ought to comprehend the difficulties in overseeing workforce assorted variety in an association. The director ought to comprehend that overseeing workforce decent variety is trying than just recognizing representatives' disparities (Paludi 2012, p. 23). A ranking director ought to have the optio n to perceive the estimations of all distinctions in the association, advancing comprehensiveness, and fighting separation. Decent variety in the work environment has caused administrators in the association a test with misfortunes in work efficiency and staff because of separation, partiality, grumblings, and lawful achievements against the association. Administrators must utilize proper measures to react to workforce decent variety challenges (Cornelius 2002, p. 258). This is on the grounds that decent variety negative practices and perspectives can be obstructions to the hierarchical assorted variety since they hurt representatives working connections, devastate assurance, and work profitability. Required device that ranking directors should use to oversee assorted variety Effective ranking directors are cognizant that, there are key aptitudes that are fundamental for guaranteeing a profitable,... The administrative and official groups' responsibility to an association is important. Directors and pioneers inside associations need to fuse assorted variety measures into all parts of the capacity and motivation behind the association. Assorted variety perspectives in an association start at the highest level separating downwards. The executives interest and collaboration are fundamental to guarantee a social helpful condition for the achievement of the organization’s plan. Proposal: A ranking director ought to guarantee use of decent variety preparing in the association. Assorted variety preparing ought to be being used so as to shape the organization’s decent variety approach. Suggestion: A ranking director must advance a disposition of receptiveness in the association. This incorporates urging workers to stand up their feelings and thoughts so as to quality an equivalent worth sense for all. End. A differing workforce in an association is an all out impression of a changing commercial center and the world. Different work bunches carry positive qualities to an association. Regarding the employees’ contrasts will be an additional bit of leeway in the work environment since this makes a serious domain and builds the organization’s profitability. Workforce assorted variety the executives is beneficial to partners since it makes a protected and reasonable condition where all representatives approach difficulties and openings. A different workforce the board device ought to be polished to prepare all representatives about issues of decent variety.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Top 10 LinkedIn Overused Buzzwords 2012
Top 10 LinkedIn Overused Buzzwords 2012 It’s that time of year again… the “Lists†season! The first one I’d like to share with you is the list of overused professional buzzwords from LinkedIn. These words give a nice glimpse into what words you might be overusing on your resume as well. The most overused words vary by country; according to LinkedIn, the Swiss boast primarily about being “analytical†while India’s natives assert themselves as “effective†(just as they did last year); Spaniards claim they are “specialized†while Brazilians declare they are “experimental.†Looking for “motivated†professionals? Try Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and the U.K. In the United States, the Top 10 Overused Buzzwords in LinkedIn Profiles are as follows: 1. Creative 2. Organizational 3. Effective (no change from last year!) 4. Motivated 5. Extensive Experience (the #1 overused buzzword in 2010 and a phrase that sets me on edge!) 6. Track Record 7. Innovative 8. Responsible (making an appearance for the first time in LinkedIn’s top 10 list) 9. Analytical (also listed for the first time) 10. Problem Solving The two words that got knocked off the list are “dynamic†and “communication skills.†Perhaps people got the point that too many people were claiming to be dynamic, and that communication skills are most aptly demonstrated through actual communication. What would it take for you to scrub your LinkedIn profile clean of overused and overrated buzzwords? I provided specific suggestions for the top three (creative, organizational and effective) in my 2011 article on most overused LinkedIn buzzwords. Sometimes you really do need to be “creative†to succeed in presenting yourself in a unique way. The Essay Expert’s writers can work with you to write a profile that stands out from the rest of the world’s. For details on our services see LinkedIn Profile Writing Services. You can also contact us through our Web Form. We look forward to giving you that extra edge on LinkedIn!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
10 Colleges and Universities with Tons of School Spirit
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Mental Health Housing And Accommodation Support Initiative
Purpose Background Muir, Fisher, Dadich and Abellà ³ (2008) interviewed people who live with a mental health illness in their case study entitled Challenging the exclusion of people with mental illness: the Mental Health Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI). The purpose of this case study is to evaluate an individualized supported housing program that provides stable, long-term housing, and community and clinical support to those living with a mental illness (Muir et al., 2008). This program, called the Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI), is an initiative in New South Wales, Australia (Muir et al., 2008). With the help of health services, housing services, and support agencies, HASI assists those who need support to participate in the community, maintains tenancies, enhances quality of life, and helps in the recovery from mental illness (NSW Health and NSW DoH, 2005 as cited in Muir et al., 2008). In 2002, stage one of HASI provided more than 100 people who live with a mental health issue access to public housing, long-term support for daily living skills, and mental health case management through a coordinated, client-centered approach (Muir et al., 2008). Methods HASI was evaluated in order to determine if the program: enables clients with a mental health illness to participate in the community, sustains tenancies, and improves their mental health; has governance arrangements that support the program; and provides supportive services toShow MoreRelatedHomelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness Essay1182 Words  | 5 Pagesto acquire safe and secure housing: are without shelter, in temporary accommodation, sharing accommodation with a household or living in uninhabitable housing†, research has also found that there are four categories of homelessness including; without shelter e.g. living on the streets; temporary accommodation which includes accommodation not meant for long term living e.g. overnight shelter or women’s refuges; sharing accommodation which involves temporary accommodation in someone else’s private dwellingRead MoreEssay about Homelessness and mental illness3520 Words  | 15 Pagesï » ¿ HOMELESSNESS AND MENTAL ILLNESS: THE RELATIONSHIP by [Name] Course name Tutor’s name Institution City/State Date of submission Homelessness and Mental Illness Introduction A housing policy can be thought of as the efforts put in by a given government to transform a housing market(s) for the purposes of achieving social objectives. In most cases, a housing policy is meant to ensure that the general population has access to a home that is affordable. ForRead MoreThe Organization s Goal At The Thrift Store1396 Words  | 6 Pagesorganization’s goal is to provide a way for people in the society to purchase donated clothes, toys, books, and household furniture’s at extremely low prices enable to produce funds to support many other ministries, programs, services including food banks, shelters, children s camps, addiction treatment accommodations and charities for the community’s most vulnerable citizens. Their mission is to not only meet human needs but also driven to share the love of Jesus Christ, and be a transforming impactRead MoreThe Homeless in Canada Essay examples2608 Words  | 11 Pagesbeing without a home. It is tied i nto education needs, food, security; health issues both mental and physical, employment issues, etc. Don’t forget the whole picture.†(â€Å"Boxed In†2005 pg. 108) Throughout my research I found there is a real cry out for action on providing more affordable house not just locally but throughout the country. There needs to be more funding available to build more gear to income or subsidized housing and all levels of government need to take action. HomelessnessRead MoreEssay about Urban Homelessness in Canada2342 Words  | 10 Pagesthe people living there (a home, in the social/psychological sense). [It refers to] situations in which people lack regular and customary access to adequate and appropriate conventional housing (the physical structures that are designed and intended to be permanent residential accommodation). 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Thirdly, the poor treatment of mentally ill individuals in jails and in prisons is shameful and counter-productive. Nearly 800,000 individuals in prisons, and almost 500,000 individuals in jails, suffer from a mental health problem. Yet, daily headlines report inexcusable mistreatments and deaths related to mental illness inRead MoreAssignment : Vulnerable Clients Homelessness 3252 Words  | 14 PagesCount Date Submitted Extension Applied for? ☠Yes ☠No Revised Date: ____________ Student(s) Details Student Number 43502958 Surname Horswill First Name Nathan Declaration of Original Ownership Vulnerable Clients Homelessness (Community Housing Federation of Australia, 2013) Student Number 43502958 Surname Horswill First Name Nathan Course Code PMDC1202 Course Title Preparation for Paramedic Practice Two Course Coordinator David Kelly Due Date 26th September 2014 Assessment Title EssayRead MoreHomelessness Thesis9065 Words  | 37 Pagesand policy makers and the public in general. The lack of affordable housing and poverty has been one of the leading causes of homeless and it results from a number of factors some of which includes a lack of Republic of the Philippines Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE NBP Reservation Poblacion, Muntinlupa City education, unemployment, extremely low wages, drug addiction, races, and mental health problems and disorders. Some homeless people turn to crime because forRead MoreHomelessness Thesis9057 Words  | 37 Pagespolicy makers and the public in general. The lack of affordable housing and poverty has been one of the leading causes of homeless and it results from a number of factors some of which includes a lack of Republic of the Philippines Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE NBP Reservation Poblacion, Muntinlupa City education, unemployment, extremely low wages, drug addiction, races, and mental health problems and disorders. Some homeless people turn to crime because
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Dissociative Amnesia Essay - 1544 Words
Sometimes when people experience a traumatic event in their life they will psychologically remove themselves from the event or dissociate themselves from it by forgetting that it occurred. In the article, â€Å"Dissociative Amnesia: A Case with Management Challenges†written by Priti Singh the author’s goal is to better understand the psychopathology of the disorder. Singh explains that, â€Å"Dissociation is a neurotic defense reaction which temporarily but drastically modifies a person’s character or sense of personal identity to avoid emotional distress.†When a person goes through something traumatic such as a war experience or childhood sexual abuse they may dissociate themselves from the event as a coping mechanism. Singh goes on†¦show more content†¦Regarding Fery’s work the author writes, â€Å"Since the 19th century, her experiences have been viewed as one of the earliest known cases of dissociative identity disorder; however, at the time her experiences were seen as possession†(Goldsmith). After what science now understands, one can look back on these writings and find evidence of the disorder even though the disorder may have been perceived as possession or other issues. More currently, in the 19th Century science has investigated this disorder by looking at veterans of war. Singh writes, â€Å"In 1970s, the interest in dissociation revived as a result of various studies relating the effects of psychological trauma, especially among Vietnam War veterans presenting with dissociation as a natural protective defense against trauma.†Since a great deal of Vietnam veterans came back with psychological issues, it became an important and relevant issue in the psychiatric world in the seventies. Also, the awareness of sexual abuse has increased over the past several years making it a continued topic of interest among psychologist. Overtime, there is evidence of this disorder, and overtime, science h as been able to better understand the disorder. Secondly, the characteristics of Dissociative Amnesia may include various psychological aspects. Singh reports that, â€Å"Dissociative amnesia is characterized by inability to recall important autobiographicalShow MoreRelatedThe Portrayal Of Mental Illness1972 Words  | 8 Pagesmodern times communication to the public about mental illness comes in a variety of ways, some accurate and some not. Movies are an example of a medium which has high potential for erroneous depictions of these and are also widely publicised. This essay will look at the movie The Bourne Identity (Liman, 2002) and whether or not the depiction of mental illness in the protagonist has accuracy, or is an example of misinformation about the reality which many people suffer through. The movie begins withRead MorePsychological Disorders And Therapy Methods1223 Words  | 5 PagesPsychological Disorders and Therapies Different types of psychological disorders and therapy methods will be discussed in this essay. Psychological disorders are categorized and defined in the â€Å"Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders†(DSM). The most recent edition of the DSM is the DSM-V published in May, 2013. (1) The methods of therapy utilized for the treatment of psychological disorders are dependent on the training of the therapist and the most appropriate method of treatmentRead MoreIndividuals with PTSD and The Effects on the Brain: A Research Study535 Words  | 2 Pagesexhaustive of, anger, fear, dissociative states, amnesia and negative cognition (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). PTSD research is now able to explain certain changes in the brain which affect these behaviours. In this essay focus will be given to these brain changes and which behaviours they affect in PTSD patients. It is widely accepted that the hippocampus manages memory retrieval. PTSD can cause amnesia involving the event itself or dissociative states where the patient re-livesRead MoreMultiple Personality Disorder Essay1635 Words  | 7 Pagesexistence of this disease and its origins, causes and effects on the people in who suffer with it. This essay will clearly define Multiple Personality Disorder along with a detailed synopsis of the disease itself. The diagnosis, alter personalities, different treatments and views will indicate the disease is real. The American Psychiatric Association named Multiple Personality Disorder in 1994 Dissociative Disorder. Multiple Personality Disorder is diagnosed when a person has two or more personalitiesRead MoreThe Personality Disorder : Sybil s Story Of Commercial Artist Shirley Ardell Mason840 Words  | 4 PagesSybil’s reaction, a character in a novel, when she found herself in a restaurant in Philadelphia after she fainted in college. Confused, she returned home to find people referring to her as someone else. In this famous novel, Sybil was diagnosed with Dissociative identity disorder (D.I.D.). It is a mental disorder that falls under the dissociation spectrum, and was known previously as the multiple personality disorder. According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013), it is a severe condition ofRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder1900 Words  | 8 PagesAcademic Assignment: Dissociative Identity Disorder and its representation in the media This essay will look at Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and its portrayal in the media. DID was formally known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD).This essay will cover the symptoms of DID, the criteria used for diagnosis, causes and triggers of disorder, how the disorder is portrayed in the media and the reality of the disorder for sufferers. According to the (American Psychiatric Association DiagnosticRead MoreRepressed Memories5487 Words  | 22 Pagesfor both the development and treatment of neurotic disorders (Breuer and Freud, 1895), an evaluation of repression necessitates examining clinical evidence that assesses the utility of this concept in the understanding of neurosis. In the ensuing essay, the above-mentioned concepts will be evaluated and critically discussed in order to arrive at a more acute understanding of the existence/non-existence of repression. Thereafter, these findings with respect to their impact and significance on interviewingRead MorePysch Exam Chapter 811814 Words  | 48 Pages15 Alabama counties, mixed in with 15 counties from other states. â€Å"Ok, pick out the Alabama counties,†Rory challenges Ron. Which method does Rory’s test use? a. rehearsal b. recognition c. reminiscence d. recall Answer: b; Moderate 19. An essay question is a _________ test of memory; a multiple-choice question is a __________. a. recall; recall test also b. recall; recognition test c. recall; relearning test d. recognition; recognition test also Answer: b; Easy 20. â€Å"Discuss several factors
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Accident Report Sample free essay sample
How to Write a Good Accident or Incident Report An incident report needs to include all the essential information about the accident or near-miss. The report-writing process begins with fact finding and ends with recommendations for preventing future accidents. You may use a special incident reporting form, and it might be quite extensive. But writing any incident report involves four basic steps, and those are the focus of today’s post. 1. Find the Facts To prepare for writing an accident report, you have to gather and record all the facts. For example:  · Date, time, and specific location of incident. Names, job titles, and department of employees involved and immediate supervisor(s)  · Names and accounts of witnesses  · Events leading up to incident  · Exactly what employee was doing at the moment of the accident  ·Ã‚ Environmental conditions (e. g. slippery floor, inadequate lighting, noise, etc. )  · Circumstances (including tasks, equipment, tools, materials, PPE, etc. )  · Specific injuries (including part(s) of body injured and nature and extent of injuries)  · Type of treatment for injuries  · Damage to equipment, materials, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Accident Report Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2. Determine the Sequence Based on the facts, you should be able to determine the sequence of events. In your report, describe this sequence in detail, including:  ·Ã‚ Events leading up to the incident. Was the employee walking, running, bending over, squatting, climbing, lifting operating machinery, pushing a broom, turning a valve, using a tool, handling hazardous materials, etc.?  ·Ã‚ Events involved in the incident. Was the employee struck by an object or caught in/on/between objects? Did the worker fall on the same level or from a height? Did the employee inhale hazardous vapors or get splashed with a hazardous chemical? Events immediately following the incident. What did the employee do: Grab a knee? Start limping? Hold his/her arm? Complain about back pain? Put a hand over a bleeding wound? Also describe how other co-workers responded. Did they call for help, administer first aid, shut down equipment, move the victim, etc.? The incident should be described on the report in sufficient detail that any reader can clearly picture what happened. You might consider creating a diagram to show, in a simple and visually effective manner, the sequence of events related to the incident and include this in your incident report. You might also wish to include photos of the accident scene, which may help readers follow the sequence of events. 3. Analyze Your report should include an in-depth analysis of the causes of the accident. Causes include:  · Primary cause (e. g. , a spill on the floor that caused a slip and fall)  · Secondary causes (e. g. , employee not wearing appropriate work shoes or carrying a stack of material that blocked vision)  · Other contributing factors (e. g. , burned out light bulb in the area). 4. Recommend Recommendations for corrective action might include immediate corrective action as well as long-term corrective actions such as:  ·Ã‚ Employee training on safe work practices  ·Ã‚ Preventive maintenance activities that keep equipment in good operating condition  ·Ã‚ Evaluation of job procedures with a recommendation for changes  · Conducting a job hazard analysis to evaluate the task for any other hazards and then train employees on these hazards  · Engineering changes that make the task safer or administrative changes that might include changing the way the task is performed.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Introduction of RFID Technology in Wal
Executive Summary In the recent years, there has been a growing concern over the reduction in sales and downturn in growth in Wal-Mart. An analysis of its existing information technology is done in this project report, with a SWOT analysis of the same being done.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Introduction of RFID Technology in Wal-Mart specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It concludes that despite the system being successful over the years, traditional and newer competitors have managed to build a matching system that has helped them reduce the price difference between them and Wal-Mart. Therefore, the goal is to create a better system that allows the retention of a large price difference through the reduction in operating costs. This project proposes a change in the management of the supply chain and billing in the organization through the introduction of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) expertise in Wal -Mart. The report concludes that the use of RFID will allow the organization to increase its output by reducing queues at the points of sale. Background Wal-Mart is one of the most successful organizations in the United States and the world. Since its inception, the management has embraced information system to stay competitive. Wal-Mart first opened its doors in 1962 as a small discount store located in Arkansas (Vance, Roy, 1994). The founder, Sam Walton, wanted to provide low-cost goods and services to the population around as a way of improving its social status. His belief was that the people around deserved better services in terms of the quality and prices of goods that were sold. The company later assumed the current Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. in 1969. It entered the New York Stock Exchange list as a public company in 1972 (Vance, Roy, 1994). The company currently has over 9,500 retail stores in more than 25 nations, employing over 2 million people worldwide, with the bulk of t hese employees being in the US (Vance, Roy, 1994). The company has also topped the Fortune 500 list of the most successful and profitable organizations. It reported yearly revenue of $431.87 billion in 2010 (Vance, Roy, 1994).Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Wal-Mart has pioneered in the use of information technology to remain competitive and/or stay ahead in terms of competition in the retail industry. The main utility of information system at Wal-Mart is to lower the operational costs, hence attaining more profits than any other organization of its size (Vance, Roy, 1994). Wal-Mart uses a well-orchestrated information system in its organization. The system maintains its stock and ensures that prices are lower in relation to those of its competitors. Many individuals have described Wal-Mart as using its inventory replenishment system to move up to the current histor ical success (Troy, 2003). This system works through the automatic ordering of new merchandise once the customers have purchased a single item at the retail outlets. The system automatically orders these items from the suppliers through the transmission of the product information from the point-of-sale to the central computer at the organization’s headquarters (Troy, 2003). The suppliers can get the information about the orders on the internet where they access information regarding the amount of products and the retail centers where they are needed. This system will eliminate the maintenance of large stocks at the company’s warehouses (Ravichandran, Lertwongsatien, 2005). Figure: Supply chain such as used by Wal-Mart-Auto-ID: Managing Anything, Anywhere, Anytime in the Supply Chain, Bose and Pal, ACM Source: (Bose, Pal, 2005)Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Introduction of RFID Technology in Wal-Mart specifically for you for on ly $16.05 $11/page Learn More Another example of how Wal-Mart uses technology at its retail centers is the use of self-check-out, which allows customers to avoid the long queues at the points of sale (Vance, Roy, 1994). The company has also established strong presence in the online shopping market. Through this e-commerce, customers can purchase their desired items on the internet (Ravichandran, Lertwongsatien, 2005). This service has allowed Wal-Mart to expand its services to the populations in some geographic areas that it does not cover (Troy, 2003). Although Wal-Mart is a good example of companies that utilize information technology to stay competitive, some challenges are still evident in its effective use of the technology. Statement of Problem Wal-Mart remains the single largest retail outlet company in the United States and in the world. However, the growth that the company has experienced and the policy of providing low prices of goods and service have work ed against the company. The company has been made to put in place a series of measures to ensure that the competitive edge is retained over the other competitors (Troy, 2003). In the last decade, the double-digit growth that Wal-Mart was previously experiencing began to decline, with this decline causing worries in the management and other stakeholders (Troy, 2003). The company was seen as experiencing problems mostly in its inventory management and cost control (Wang, 2006, p. 45). Recent studies indicate that the price advantage that Wal-Mart held over its competitors and the perception that consumers had are diminishing (Wang, 2006). Consumers are increasingly seeing the organization as being as expensive as any other outlet, with recent studies also showing a narrowing down of the price differences between Wal-Mart and its competitors (Troy, 2003). The observation of the price changes is worrying for the organization that has built its business based on this â€Å"low priceâ₠¬ advantage for a number of years. The concept was the main offer that customers relied on from Wal-Mart. Strategy Developed A number of strategies have been analyzed and put in place at Wal-Mart to stem the negative growth that is likely to be observed over the next few years. The publicly traded company has the executives increasing the share purchases in the attempt of increasing the earnings in the share sale (Wang, 2006).Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The other area of focus that the organization has majored in is the international market. Wal-Mart has made a number of acquisitions in the international market, with this move being aimed at buying revenue and increasing its total revenue as a result (Wang, 2006, p. 51). The other measure that the company has undertaken to maintain the low-cost advantage over its competitors is the reduction of the workforce and initiation of measures to increase labor productivity (Quinn, 2000). However, the measures have been criticized because of the effects that it has in reducing the number of experienced workers in the organization, the introduction of inventory problems that were not a traditional problem, and the loss of revenue. The company has lost revenue through the inadequacy of staff during peak hours at the registers due to few sales floor associates (Roberts, Berg, 2012). Therefore, Wal-Mart needs an efficient method of conducting business in the current financial dispensation to r emain productive and/or retain the brand image that it has created over the years (Wallace, 2012). The problem can be solved through the efficient use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). RFID is a newer form of technology that has the capability to allow the organization to carry out billing, supply chain management, and tracking of supplies with less human intervention as compared to barcodes (Bose, Pal, 2005). A SWOT analysis will be important to assess the state of the information technology system at Wal-Mart stores. SWOT Analysis Strengths The suggested information system at Wal-Mart exhibits a number of strengths The company’s image is the biggest beneficiary of the IT strategy. The system will facilitate its market as the company that provides the cheapest goods in their retail stores. The strategy has the strength of creating a cost advantage for Wal-Mart over its competitors in the industry (Laudon, Laudon, 2010). The system will also create an efficient dist ribution system for the organization, thus ensuring goods are replenished immediately. The brand image for the company, which is â€Å"We Sell for Less†will significantly be built of this information technology strategy. Wal-Mart is will be able to utilize economies of scale in its supply chain, with the utility of the information system mainly being in the distribution of the inventory to the warehouses and retail outlets. Weaknesses However, a number of weaknesses in the current IT strategy are evident in the organization. The weaknesses are currently being observed in the latest problems that the organization is facing in its price difference with its major competitors (Roberts, Berg, 2012). The company has experienced high turnover rates, with the annual rates being about 45% in the recent past (Laudon, Laudon, 2010). There has been a growing concern also that the organization that is present in a number of regions across the US has had a weaker presence in the major m etropolitan areas as compared to some of her competitors. The stagnant technology use in the organization has also ensured that its competitors copy the technology, with some being more advanced than Wal-Mart in the use of technology in their operations. The major weakness that the suggested IT system will have is the substantial amount of time is needed to have it introduced and used by the organization’s staff. Besides, the use of this technology would be a bit expensive to introduce at the organization, but this would only be in the initial stages of installation. The application will see the reduction in the operating costs for the organization, hence improvement in the overall performance. Opportunities The use of this technological system at Wal-Mart has several opportunities for the organization, especially the use of the internet. The system will allow Wal-Mart to expand to other geographic areas in the US and around the world. There is also the opportunity of acquisi tion of smaller organizations in the industry, and especially those operating similar IT systems, with this being a growth indicator and reduction in competition (Quinn, 2000). The alliance of Wal-Mart with IT companies is another opportunity that will see the expansion of its operations on the online stage (Fishman, 2006). These opportunities provide a stage for the expansion of the organization and a reversal of the decrease in growth observed in the last few years. Threats Wal-Mart and its IT strategy face a number of threats in the contemporary global economic age. One of the threats is the increased competition from a number of old and new competitors, with these organizations being able to apply the same technological advantages to catch up with Wal-Mart (Quinn, 2000). Wal-Mart is likely to experience a number of setbacks in its application of technology, with one of these being the lawsuit such as the one that was filed in the federal court with the allegations that the organ ization was exhibiting discrimination against women in its operations (Roberts, Berg, 2012). The information age has also worked against the organization, with bad publicity being the result of the advances in the informational age in terms online of operations (Roberts, Berg, 2012). Goal of the Technology The goal of the project is to create an effective IT system in Wal-Mart. According to Wallace (2012), the system is able to complement the existing IT infrastructure and enable the organization to save on the much-needed operational costs. The organization has developed a network that is based on the efficiency of its information system. Hence, the problems that are currently being witnessed may be resulting from the failure of some components of this system. The suggested solution should be sufficient to enable improved data storage, distribution, and inventory replenishment as previously experienced in the organization (Wailgum, 2007). The goal is to replace the billing system at Wal-Mart with a smarter way of billing, which must be efficient enough to allow effective logistics management. The billing system that is currently in place in Wal-Mart is partly effective, with its application being only in the supply chain. The use of the barcodes constitutes the main application of technology at the points of sale. Despite the barcodes traditionally being used by the organization to manage the sales, the supply chain management is a crucial role that is not efficiently being undertaken in the organization (Wailgum, 2007). There is the need to substitute this technology with a more advanced and efficient one to capture a larger market and organizational capacity. Solution Due to the problems raised above in the information technology department in the organization in the use of barcodes in the management of sales, this project proposes the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) at the points of sale in the retail outlets in the organization (Bose, Pal, 2005). The wireless device that is associated with this technology can significantly reduce the workload in the organization. It has a large capacity for data as compared to other similar billing and supply chain management methods (Bose, Pal, 2005). The device is built on the concept of allowing identification of tagged objects. Unlike the use of barcodes, it does not require the objects to be in the line of sight (Bose, Pal, 2005). Fig: RFID Device-The Magic of RFID, Roy Want, Intel Research Source: (Bose, Pal, 2005) The ability of the RFID to read and identify objects while they are not necessarily in the line of sight constitutes the single most important advantage of using the device over barcodes (Bose, Pal, 2005). This means that at the point of sale, employees can increase their speed by scanning a number of items at the same time. Besides, items that are hidden can also be identified (Bose, Pal, 2005). In the management of the supply chain that is needed at the momen t in Wal-Mart, the use of RFID can be utilized to make it more efficient. The use of a serial number in the products has an added advantage in the supply chain since more information is available about the product in the supply chain as compared to that which would be carried by other non-specialized barcodes such as those used in European Article Numbering (EAN) and Universal Product Codes (UPC) (Bose, Pal, 2005). Fig: Three Levels of SCM Auto-ID: Managing Anything, Anywhere, Anytime in the Supply Chain Source: (Bose, Pal, 2005) Apart from the use of FRID to monitor the sales in the organization, it can also complement other systems in place to monitor theft of the merchandise at the retail centers. The system also enables easier classification of items and especially in the assessment of the freshness of perishable products, hence the use of first-in-first-out (FIFO) strategy (Bose, Pal, 2005). The suppliers can also be given information on the retail conditions of the product s they supply more efficiently. Figure: Future of SRFID ARM research, 2005 Source: (Bose, Pal, 2005) Conclusion Since the introduction of a centralized supply chain and efficient technological supply chain management policies, Wal-Mart managed to lower the prices of the goods that are sold at its outlets. This project has proposed a change in the management of the supply chain and billing in the organization through the introduction of RFID to increase output by reducing queues at the points of sale. The introduction of this technological innovation would also provide more information on the organization’s supply chain since more information would be stored in the gadgets. Reference List Bose, H., Pal, D. (2005). Auto-ID: Managing Anything, Anywhere, Anytime in the Supply Chain. ACM Digital Library. Communications of the ACM, 48(8), 100-106. Fishman, C. (2006). The Wal-Mart effect: how the world’s most powerful company really works– and how it’s transf orming the American economy. New York, NY: Penguin Press. Laudon, C., Laudon, P. (2010). Managing information systems-managing the digital firm. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Quinn, B. (2000). How Wal-Mart is Destroying America and the World. Berkeley CA: Ten Speed Press. Ravichandran, T., Lertwongsatien, C. (2005). Effect of Information Systems Resources and Capabilities on Firm Performance: A Resource-Based Perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems / Spring, 21(4), 237-276. Roberts, R., Berg, N. (2012). Wal-Mart: key insights and practical lessons from the world’s largest retailer. London: Kogan Page. Troy, M. (2003). Logistics still cornerstone of competitive advantage-Wal-Mart The Category King: A new era of excellence. Business Library. Web. Vance, S., Roy, S. (1994). Wal-Mart. A History of Sam Walton’s Retail Phenomenon. New York, NY. Twayne Publishing. Wailgum, T. (2007). 45 years of Wal-Mart history: a technology time line. Web . Wallace, P. (2012). Information Systems in Organizations. London: Prentice Hall. Wang, J. (2006). Economies of IT Systems at Wal-Mart: A Historical Perspective. Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal, 9(1), 45-66. This term paper on Introduction of RFID Technology in Wal-Mart was written and submitted by user Damion Rivera to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Comparison of Agile Traditional Web Technologies The WritePass Journal
Comparison of Agile Traditional Web Technologies 1 Introduction Comparison of Agile Traditional Web Technologies 1 Introduction2 Contextual ReviewLiterature review3 Hypotheses:3.1 Aim of study3.2 Expectation4 Goals and Objectives5 Methodology and EvaluationBibliographyRelated 1 Introduction Nowadays, both pace and quality have undeniable role on phenomenon, and web development is not exception. That is why the concepts such as software engineering and afterward patterns were applied in recent decades. Although they have improved the quality of web development, non of them are perfect to guarantee matters like customer satisfaction, customer commitment and collaboration and flexibility [1]. Because of these matters software developers searched for a more productive approach. In early of twenty one century a group of software developers gathered to discuss on software engineering approaches, after that a manifesto was signed by them which is known as Agile now [2]. James Shore and Shane Warden have indicated to this manifesto:†Individuals and interactions over processes and tools, Working software over comprehensive documentation, Customer collaboration over contract negotiation, Responding to change over following a plan†[3]. As can be subsumed from this manifesto Agile is an emerging approach in software engineering which instead of process, documentation, contract and plan pays more attention to persons, software, customer and flexibility. These characteristics are more evident in principles which have been written by means of the establishers of Agile. James Shore and Shane Warden quote some of these principles:†Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software, welcome changing requirements even late in development†¦, deliver working software frequently†¦, business people and developers must work together†¦, build projects around motivated individuals†¦, working software is the primary measure of progress†¦, the most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [4]. From all the specification which was mentioned above it can be perceived that despite of other software engineering approaches and patterns that have specific steps to follow, Agile could be something like especial philosophy and ideology that developer always bear it in his/her mind. This ideology makes developer able to consider a large number of possibilities and opt the best one [6]. Despite of agile establishers’ claim, some software developer believe that traditional and agile methods work in same way or at least agile is not able to increase productivity as much as its advocates claim. For evaluation of these asserts there is not enough witness in particular when it comes to empirical studies and comparisons. [36] Because of this shortage a practical comparison will be conducted via implementation of two website. Agile methodologies would be applied in one of them and another one will be implemented by traditional approaches. In section 2 business background about agile has been discussed, hypotheses and aim of study have been explained in section 3, goals and objective have been discussed in section 4, methodology and evaluation has been described in section 5. 2 Contextual Review In the rapidly changing environment, the best phenomenon and services are those which adapt themselves easily with changes with lower costs, and programming and software development are not exception. In the other words applications are evaluated as a good production when they would be able to accept changes with lower costs and in shorter time. In other words, they should be more flexible. When it comes to software development, flexibility would be one of the most important aspects which agile attempts to improve it. For instance, at the early of twenty one century a great deal of money was spent just for changing date byte in applications in US [19]. In addition a large number of company’s money is spent for maintenance that has direct relation with productivity and flexibility. All of these issue show importance of agile in market and industry because all of these criteria can be improved by agile. That is why companies and firms are being more interested to agile gradually . Result of a survey shows agile was being applied by means of 14 percent of companies, and more than three times of this amount were keen on using agile in Europe and US in 2005 [20]. Indeed, this amount has been increased now. Also, annually, a great deal of money is wasted for implementation of projects which are not used in reality because they do not satisfy customers’ requirements. Customers claim that they have ordered another production, while they have received completely different ones. If claims of agile which were mentioned in last sections be implemental, it will be able to prevent the majority of these situations or at least reduce the costs dramatically. As it was said in previous sections, projects which are implemented by means of agile methodology would be more flexible therefore when it comes to changing they can adapt themselves with changes more easier and with lower costs. Because of this matter cost of maintenance will be reduced as well. In addition, since, customers are considered as a team member and they collaborate with developers tightly this possibility that the final production would not be acceptable is reduced significantly. Because of frequent software delivery in agile methodology it is crystal clear that customer notices the developers if he/she expects a production with different specification in weekly communications. [21] Another specification of ASD which was mentioned is learning within implementation. This matter can diminish cost of holding training course that are hold by companies annually. In conclusion, it seems obvious that the majority of developers and companies would opt agile as their methodology and agile will possess the software development market in future [22]. Literature review A number of key specifications of Agile approach can be concluded from these principles. Despite of the other approaches Agile Does not have any problem with changes even it would be late. On the other words, application should be written that much flexible which altering does not waste time and resources a lot. This amount of flexibility needs expert and experienced developers, therefore another characteristic could be skillful developers. In addition these developers should work with constant pace that is why the principles emphasize motivated developers because motivation could be engine of team and persuades members to learn during the work. The high and constant pace makes Agile teams able to hand in executable software more frequently to customers. Therefore they can change customer requirements and interact with developers and finally would be more satisfy. As can be deduced form Agile definition, main emphasis is on individuals rather than plan, documents and other phenomenon. Therefore Agile approach mainly is applied in team based projects in particular self-organizing teams-teams in which members take managing responsibilities instead of external manager who controls the team [5]-. Also here executable software is a scale of progress evaluation. It can be concluded from manifesto and principles of Agile that if these principles are implemented project will be more successful obviously, while there is a controversial point that is it possible to apply these rules and principles in practice? The majority of resources which were reviewed emphasize that projects which use Agile could be more successful, while some of them like James Shore and Shane Warden believe that:†I do not recommend adopting agile development solely to increase productivity. Its benefits come from working differently, not from working faster. Your team will need time to learn agile development. While they learn, they will go slower, not faster.†[7] For a scientific judgment we should discuss on success in software development and have a precise definition first. Traditional definition of success emphasizes on cost, time and customer requirements as specification [8]. On the other words it believes that a project will be successful if it is finished before due time, costs do not proceed on budget and all the customer requirements are satisfied, while the modern ones are seemed totally different. They express a project which is evaluated as a failure one can be a successful project because it would be possible a large number of customers and addressers will be attracted to the project or it would create a unique characteristic and vice versa. On the other words, a project which satisfies all the traditional success criteria could be failure one from viewpoint of modern definitions. [9][10] It can be said that current definitions apart from the old criteria consider flexibility, business process and personal success as new success criteria, therefore a project would be more successful from viewpoint of recent definitions that: Decreases delivery time Its costs would be less than estimates and enhances return on investment(ROI) Has more capability to satisfy customer requirements Has more flexibility to adapt itself with changes and customer new requirements Causes more personal success-technical and non technical- for contributors-developer, customer and manager- Develops business aspects[11][12] From reviewed resources can be concluded that different parameters can affect success in software development. A group of them can be observed here which have been mentioned by Indian Institute of Technology:†customer satisfaction, customer collaboration, customer commitment, decision time, team size, planning and control, people factors, competency, communication and negotiation, training and learning and so on †[13] Obviously, some of these factors can be found in agile manifesto and principles easily, but how agile would be able to implement them properly? There is another controversial issue, agile claims that could be able to manipulate all of these parameters properly! Here, the main hypothesizes and questions which shape the goal of this proposal are created which will be described more detailed in following chapters. When it comes to comparison between traditional software development methods and agile, different opinions can be found. The majority of them express that agile works in different way,  few number of them say there is not any especial difference between them and some ones tell they are in some aspects same and in another aspects different, but in total, It can be concluded from literature that there are radical differences between them that some of them would be mentioned in following. When it comes to design stage, traditional approaches are plan base. In the other words in these approaches, developer tries to predict everything in advance and spend a great deal of time for it. Plan and design are usually recorded formally, that is why these approaches do not welcome to changes, while ADS is not limited to a pre defined plan. Developer thinks about possible events during the implementation and tries to opt best solution. Therefore, it can be said knowing and action happen concurrently. In ASD is emphasized on discovering new experience meanwhile the implementation. Projects which are implemented by means of ADS are progressed in terms of iterative actions, while ordinary methods just follow a sequence of stages. Traditional ways act in vicinity of optimization, while agile works based on flexibility and adaption. Developer tries to formulate everything in traditional ways, but the problems are solved via iteration and experiment in agile. In general it can be said, traditional methodologies keen on controlling and directing projects in one path. They do not welcome to conflicts and changes and managers have key role on controlling the developers. In these ways design surpasses other aspects and affects them, while agile emphasizes more on exploring instead of prediction. Interaction, communication and collaboration between all members even customers is one of the most important characteristics of this methodology. In ASD, iteration and changing are inseparable. In addition in agile, projects are managed by means of all members and manager just is a facilitator. [14] From all the specification which was mentioned above it can be perceived that despite of other software engineering approaches and patterns that have specific steps to follow, Agile could be something like especial philosophy and ideology that developer always bear it in his/her mind. This ideology makes developer able to consider a large number of possibilities and opt the best one [6]. Such as this ability just could be gained via experience, study and practice in long term, but there are some methods that agile and its advocates claim by means of them developer would be able to earn this philosophy. These methods are recognized as agile methodology and are introduced briefly in following. Crystal clear methodology: A group of methodologies which are suitable for small groups that work on not life-critical projects. These methodology instead of process, emphasize on people an communication between them. [24, 25] Dynamic software development method (DSDM): An iterative methodology that projects are completed gradually within the iterations. In this methodology projects are divided to three stages: pre-project, project life-cycle and post project that each stage has own principles. This methodology follows the same principles which form the concept of agile, in particular this methodology tries to involve customer as a team member in project. [26, 27] Feature-driven development: This methodology attempts to apply both plan-base (traditional ways) and agile approaches. In this methodology projects are divided to features that every feature has a plan that this plan and its implementation are completed during iteration. [28, 29] Lean software development: This methodology was used in Toyota production system for the first time. This method focuses on preventing the wastes. In terms of this approach each activity and process that does not add any worth to customers means waste. [30, 31] Scrum: Management aspects are emphasized more in this methodology. Regularly meetings are hold in which each member expresses his/her feedback and others adjust themselves with his/her feedback. During this meeting customer representative decides feedback is in harmony with requirement or not. After customer’s satisfaction development team continues working, otherwise they consider changes to persuade the customer. Usually there are not any external managers in these kinds of groups and supervising is done via members. [32, 33] Extreme programming: This methodology consists of a set of practices that makes developer able to choose best techniques and make the best decisions. [34, 35] 3 Hypotheses: As can be observed in previous chapters the majority of literature believe that agile works differently in both implementation and management. Also agile advocates claim that projects which are implemented by means of agile would be more successful. In addition it can be concluded from literature review section that agile in some aspects treats radically different. Here, the hypotheses which form motivation of this project are born. They have been expressed in terms of success criteria which presented in last chapters. The customers would be more satisfied when projects are implemented via agile, therefore project will be more successful. Customers are treated as members of development team, therefore commitment of the customers is higher and project more successful. Customer as a member of team would have more collaboration, in result project will be more successful. Size of development team would be smaller therefore face to face communication will be simpler and success opportunity more Team members make a decision in shorter times periodically, therefore success opportunity will be more Development team members are selected more expert and competent, therefore the project could be more successful Progress would be evaluated by means of the team members which know project better instead of managers, so project could be more successful Designing is evolutionary and based on iteration, so the project will be more flexible  Implementation will be accompany with learning and this matter makes the developers more motivated Cultural and social issues will be considered in ASD [16] These are some hypotheses which form motivation to do this project and proposal and they would be considered within the implementation of project. On the other words, this project is done to check how much these hypotheses could be correct and if they are, which methodologies does agile apply to reach these goals? In addition, this project tends to check the differences which have been recognized between agile and traditional methodologies in literature review are actual or not? Some radical differences were recognized in that part which can make other hypotheses: Traditional methods work based on predefined plans while agile do not emphasize on plan Plans in ordinary methods are formal and resistance on changes while plans on agile are informal and welcome to changing Traditional ways follow s sequence of steps while agile is progressed iteratively. In traditional ways manager controls the progress of project while, in agile team members act as a manager Face to face and daily communication is one of the most important principles in agile while, it is not that much important in traditional ones Customers are considered as a team member in agile methodology while, in ordinary ones communication with customers is in vicinity of contract Agile emphasize on flexibility and traditional ones on optimizing [16][17][18] These hypotheses would be evaluated as well within development of project. 3.1 Aim of study As can be concluded from literature review, the quantity of valid empirical researches which have compared ASD with traditional methodologies and researches that consider agile claims, is rare. [23] It could be the most interesting motivation for designing a systematic and scientific way-has been described in methodology and evaluation section- for assessing the mentioned hypotheses. 3.2 Expectation Before conducting the project, there are some expectations which have been concluded from literature review and it is predicted that some of them would be resulted after accomplishing the project. These expectations could be same with hypotheses, but it is crystal clear that for scientific comparison all the conditions should be matched with the conditions in real world. Unfortunately, there are some conditions and situations which do not exist in this project-they will be mentioned in detailed in next chapter-and they will be simulated with simulated situations and maybe this issue affects the results, but with precise simulation it will be tried to reduce this influence as much as possible. 4 Goals and Objectives Doing a fair, empirical and scientific comparison between agile system development and traditional ways can be considered as goal of this project. Also scientific evaluation of this issue that agile is useful approach for software development or not can be another goal. As can be perceived these goals are general and intangible, therefore some objectives make them more clear and measurable. For first goal development of two websites that agile has been applied in one of them and comparison between them could be suitable. Therefore when it comes to comparison objectives can be: Select a suitable context which has this potential to be implemented as a website in agile and traditional approach Choose a proper languages for development of these websites Opt systematic and scientific methods to compare action of these websites These objectives will be described in detailed in methodology and evaluation chapter. Also, when it comes to second goal these matters can be considered as objectives: Determine specification of a good application Determine success of software development is assessed by means of which factors Decide what criteria affect web development success Determine these criteria are fulfilled more in agile or traditional approach via systematic and scientific way These objectives would be explained in methodology and evaluation chapter as well as previous ones. 5 Methodology and Evaluation For evaluating benefits which ASD claims have-mentioned in last chapters- and comparison between traditional software development methods and ASD, two website would be designed and their productivity, flexibility, readability and other specifications compared with each other. For a correct comparison context and title of these websites should be same, in other words they should be designed for same target. After discussing with supervisor it was determined that two websites should be implemented for a library which would be presented as online services. As It was mentioned the application and interface of these websites would be same while in one of them Agile methods will be applied and in another one traditional methods like plan base. In follow some details of these websites can be observed. First library website which is supposed to have Agile methods would be implemented by means of C# language in ASP.Net framework. While the other one will be implemented via PHP language. C# has been opted because of its Object Oriented specification and also as a dynamic language it can be useful to apply ASD methods. In addition PHP has been selected because it was essential that one programming language should be out of the teaching materials of university. These two websites belong to a library which wants to let customers use online services. There would be different kind of books, papers and references which would be available in terms of their type. For instance, some books which have more appeal can be borrowed for shorter period in compare with the others and some recourses cannot be borrowed. Customers will be classified to different types which have distinguish priority. For example, when a book-there is just one available copy of this book- is demanded by two persons that one of them is postgraduate and another one undergraduate, it will borrowed by postgraduate student. There would be a waiting system that puts persons who has requested unavailable items in a queue in respect to their priority that mentioned above. Also, an Email delivery system will send an Email to remind the due time to customers automatically a day before it. After implementation of these websites they will be submitted to a number of expert web developers accompany with a questionnaire- that would be designed after consulting with supervisor- which asks them to determine which application is more productive, flexible and reliable. The developers will not be noticed that Agile methods has been used in which application. In addition it is possible a group of customers would be asked to use two websites and after that express which one is more user friendly and productive, but due to same interface and functionality it could be difficult to mention any differences. As it was mentioned one of the most important specifications which Agile advocates claim can be increased via applying it, is flexibility. But one of the most vital characteristics of ASD which helps improvement of flexibility is interaction with customers and stockholders. Unfortunately, there is not any actual customer in this comparison therefore project supervisor and another person-who is familiar with web development and is determined after consulting with supervisor are assumed as customer and would be asked to change their requirements as a customer requirements every week regularly then consequent changes in coed are recorded as a documen t and attached to dissertation report. For a scientific comparison all the conditions should be close to reality therefore another minus can be detected and considered, is absence of a team as a development team ,because ASD is completely team based that these teams are usually self organization an cross functional teams. For compensation of this weakness the developer should study different contexts like finance and business and regularly consult with people who are expert in their fields to approach the comparison to reality. 6 Project plan Bibliography [1]ketabe art safeye 3 [2] [3] In Art of Agile Development book [4] In Art of Agile Development book [5] [6] In Art of Agile Development book safeye 3 va X||| [7] ketab safheye 3 [8] ketab safeye 4 [9] ketab safeye 4 [10] ketab safeye 4 pavaraghi [11]ketab bakhshe movafaghiyat [12]article success factores [13] article success factores [14] article, what we know about agile? [15]article success factores [16][17][18] [19]ye chiz peydaa kon vase Amrica [20] article, what we know about [21] [22] what we know safeheye aval [23] what we know safeheye aval va ye done dig eke save kardi rood esc top [24] article ke kheili khoobe va ziyaade va jadval dare [25]refrence 16 hamoon article [26] article ke kheili khoobe va ziyaade va jadval dare [27] refrence 60 hamoon article [28] article ke kheili khoobe va ziyaade va jadval dare [29] refrence 50 hamoon article [30] article ke kheili khoobe va ziyaade va jadval dare [31] refrence 52 hamoon article [32] article ke kheili khoobe va ziyaade va jadval dare [53] refrence 52 hamoon article [34] article ke kheili khoobe va ziyaade va jadval dare [35] refrence 9, 10 hamoon article [36] Empirical studies of agile software development: A systematic review/abstract
Friday, February 21, 2020
Philosophy Midterm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Philosophy Midterm - Essay Example Deductive reasoning? (a) A deductive argument will claim to support the truth of the conclusion. It takes general facts and uses them to make specific claims. An inductive argument will use reasoning gathered from particular facts to come to the conclusion. (q) What is epistemology? (a) It is the study of the nature of knowledge. It is concerned with how knowledge is acquired and how it is justified. (q) What is Descartes’ cogito argument? (a) Cogito ergo sumâ€â€I think therefore I am. The cogito states because we think, we know that we exist, and that is the one thing that we are unable to doubt. (q) Purpose of evil demon? (a) The evil demon as a thought experiment is used to get to the cogito. Because we cannot prove that some evil demon exists that is tricking us into making us think that reality is in some way different than how it actually is, we do no know whether anything beyond ourselves or beyond our minds is actually true. (q) a prioro vs. a posteriori? (a) These are two different ways in which to justify claims. A priori uses reasoning and logical evidence , and a posteriori uses experience and empirical evidence. (q) Paley’s watchmaker argument? (a) Paley’s watchmaker argument is an argument for the proof of the existence of God from design. If we see something such as a watch, which has many intricate parts and which has obviously been designed, then we should be able to identify other objects which have also been designed. Paley states the human eye has many intricate parts that fit together and therefore should be considered to be designed, thus requiring a God-figure to serve as the designer of the eye. (q) Cosmological proof of God’s existence? (a) This argument states that there needed to be an original cause, that matter cannot create itself, that energy cannot create itself, and that there necessarily needs to be an original cause, an original
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Immigration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Immigration - Research Paper Example It is used to describe certain phenomena that are a common place in the societies. It has been described as ‘the expression of individual social life and thought through language’ (Mangaraj, para.1). Literature then becomes an important tool through which critics in a society can express their criticism on a given social issue. This field of art is important because it touches the lives of individuals, speaks to the individuals, and has universal applications (Lombardi, para.4). Whether one uses poems, drama, narrative tales, and many other genres of literature, the artist always reflects on some life story that has occurred or is likely to be witnessed. Literature and Immigration Immigration refers to the migration of individuals into a given country to be come residents of the country. Several reasons can make individuals to leave their native country to travel to foreign countries. Political upheavals, poor social set-ups, and unfavorable economic conditions are among the major factors that can force an individual out of his native country into a foreign country. This movement of individuals into another country also has challenges for the immigrants. The individuals are forced to adopt the culture of the natives of this destination country. Moreover, the immigrants are often likely to be subject of prejudice and may not enjoy all the fundamental human rights while in the foreign state. Literature has been used to tell of the ugly scenarios that immigrants encounter while in the foreign countries. While they flee their native countries to seek better life (socially, politically, or economically), the immigrants often get other barriers to their anticipated fruitful life. They suffer the consequences of the nearly cut link with their family members back at home. Besides, to minimize the level of prejudice on their children, the immigrants assimilate the children into the foreign culture. One of the literary works that express the challenges of im migration is â€Å"Under the Same Moon,†a movie by Kate Del Castillo. This gives insight into the problems encountered by young children left behind by their parents who have migrated into the US to look for jobs to support their families. Another literary work is a poem â€Å"Immigrants†by Pat Mora. In the poem, Mora describes how the immigrants are obliged to have their children grow completely in the foreign culture so that they can be accepted in the society. Under the Same Moon Under the same Moon is a Mexican-American movie that features a nine-year old Mexican moppet who has been separated from his mother since he was five. In order to provide a better life for her son, the mother, Rosario, migrated illegally to the United States from Mexico. Looking for employment is one of the many reasons that see several immigrants into the United States. Rosario gets a job as a domestic worker in Los Angeles while the nine-year old Carlitos stays with his ageing and ailin g grandmother who eventually passes away (The Internet Movie Database, para.1). Even though they are separated, the mother and son have tried to keep in touch. Rosario and Carlitos have been communicating through phone, his mother using the same pay phone every week (Catsoulis, para.2). This would later enable the boy to locate his mother in Los Angeles. After the death of his grandmother,
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Contrast Between Leadership And Management Management Essay
Contrast Between Leadership And Management Management Essay The paper is about todays leadership and discuss about the impact on leadership from diverse culture. Two leadership models are introduced with application of one famous leader. Mullins (2007) defined leadership as a relationship, which a person influences others on their behaviors. It is always associated with group activities. Many people may be confused with leadership and management. Leadership plays one function of management (Anon., 1997). Management has four major functions, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (Kinicki Williams, 2006). Leadership has the function of leading. Leaders have followers by influence them, while managers get subordinates and rule them. Vick (2012) distinguished them by regarding managers as the liaisons between individual success and organizations success, and regarding leaders as instigators. Although its very ideal to play a role with the combination of leader and manager, a manager is not necessary to be a leader, vice versa. 1.3 The way leaders influence others One major reason is leaders can influence others by their power. Bartol and Martin (1991) stated that Power is the capacity to affect the behavior of others. It includes legitimate power, reward power, coercive power, expert power, information power, and referent power. By using different type of power, the followers may have different reaction. Hellriegel, Jackson and Slocum (2002) classified the reactions into three types: commitment, compliance, and resistance. Most Likely Response from Followers Type of power Used by Leader Expert Referent Reward Legitimate Coercive Commitment Compliance Resistance 1.4 Leadership with cultural diversity Nowadays, with the development of globalization, leaders are more likely to face followers with different cultures than before. In organizations, whether companies have international activities, they may have a workforce with diverse culture (Den Hartog Dickson, n.d.). 2 A Leader for Example Todays would is heavily affected by the developed technology. PC has become an indispensable part in the life. And the person who made PC universal is the co-found and chairman of Microsoft, Bill Gates. He also founded Bill Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife, Melinda Gates (Bellis, n.d.). Bill Gates is an entrepreneur and a philanthropist as well. He had been the wealthiest man in the world for a long period. Bill Gates has many common traits which also appear in many other successful leaders. The following ones are some of them: Passion on career: Since first exposure to computers in 1968, Bill Gates was inspired passion on computers. He took part in many computer related activities, such as being hired by CCC to find bugs. He even dropped out of Harvard and set up Microsoft to devote into developing software (EVAN CARMICHAEL, n.d.). Spirit of innovation: Bill Gates has the spirit of innovation. Windows 1.0, an operation system which was far cry from existing ones at that time, is a brainchild of Bill Gates (Microsoft, n.d.). Ambition: 3 Leadership Model Leadership models are established for people to follow to 3.1 Transformational Model DuBrin (2010) stated that Transformational leadership focuses on what the leader accomplishes yet still pays attention to the leaders personal characteristics and his or her relationship with group members. Transformational leadership was firstly proposed by James MacGregor Burns in 1978. She conceptualized leadership as either transactional or transformational (Bass Riggio, 2006). The latest transformational model includes four elements, idealised influence (II), inspirational motivation (IM), intellectual stimulation (IS) and individualized consideration (IC), which are also known as 4Is. The variables of transformational leadership (Bass Riggio, 2006) Idealized influence: Idealized influence refers to the leaders generating trust, respect and loyalty from followers by their high level of ethical and moral behaviors. Followers approve the leaders and intend to imitate them. Idealized influence has two aspects, the leaders behaviors and followers perception. Inspirational motivation: Transformational leaders have strong vision for the future. They stimulate followers by giving challenge and meaning to followers work. Leaders make followers involve in imaging fascinating future and drive up followers enthusiasm and optimism. Intellectual stimulation: Transformational leaders encourage followers to be innovative and creative. Individuals mistakes are not to be criticized publicly. New ideas and approaches from followers are encouraged. Individualized consideration: Transformational leaders act as a coach or mentor and lay emphasis on individual followers needs for achievement and development. Different needs and wants of individual are recognized. Leaders prefer a two-way communication with followers and personalized interaction. The full range of leadership model The full range of leadership model is a combination of both transactional and transformational leadership. The components of transactional leadership include contingent reward (CR), management-by-exception (MBE), and laissez-faire leadership (LF). Fig.3.1 The full range of leadershipThe components are evaluated by two dimensions, activeness and effectiveness. Bass and Riggio (2006) stated that optimal leaders display LF leadership most infrequently, and display MBE and CR higher frequently. They choose transformational leadership, 4Is, most frequently. In contrast, poor leaders preform oppositely. Bill gates, a transformational leader Bill gates started Microsoft with a strong vision, a computer on every desk and Microsoft on every computer. He attributed the astounding success of Microsoft to the vision. (EVAN CARMICHAEL, n.d.). 3.2 Situational leadership model 4 Impact from cultural diversity Leaders use a combination of different leadership style. National cultural is one of the important factors which affect the decisions of choosing leadership style (Robbins and Decenzo). With the increasing globalization, the situation of cultural factor becomes more complex for the leaders. 5 Conclusion
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Hopelessness in Albert Camus The Plague and Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot :: comparison compare contrast essays
Hopelessness in Albert Camus' The Plague and Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot  Does Existentialism deny the existence of God? Can God possibly exist in a world full of madness and injustice? Albert Camus and Samuel Beckett address these questions in The Plague and Waiting for Godot. Though their thinking follows the ideals of existentialism, their conclusions are different. Camus did not believe in God, nor did he agree with the vast majority of the historical beliefs of the Christian religion. His stance on Christianity is summed up most simply by his remark that "in its essence, Christianity (and this is its paradoxical greatness) is a doctrine of injustice. It is founded on the sacrifice of the innocent and the acceptance of this sacrifice" (Bree 49). Camus felt that Jesus Christ was an innocent man who was unjustly killed. This does conflicts with all of Camus' values. However, Camus did not believe that Jesus was the son of God. Camus' inability to accept Christian theology is voiced in The Plague by Riex and juxtaposed against the beliefs preached by Father Paneloux (Rhein 42). Paneloux's attitude toward the plague contrasts sharply with Rieux's. In his first sermon, he preaches that the plague is divine in origin and punitive in its purpose. He attempts to put aside his desires for a rational explanation and simply accepts God's will. In this way he is not revolting and therefore falls victim to the plague. Father Paneloux's belief that there are no innocent victims is shaken as he watches a young boy die of the plague. Camus purposefully describes a long, painful death to achieve the greatest effect on Paneloux: "When the spasms had passed, utterly exhausted, tensing his thin legs and arms, on which, within forty-eight hours, the flesh had wasted to the bone, the child lay flat, in a grotesque parody of crucifixion" (215). Paneloux cannot deny that the child was an innocent victim and is forced to rethink his ideas. During his second sermon, a change is seen in Father Paneloux. He now uses the pronoun "we" instead of "you," and he has adopted a new policy in which he tells people to believe "all or nothing" (224). Father Paneloux, as a Christian, is faced with a decision: either he accepts that God is the ultimate ruler and brings goodness out of the evil that afflicts men, or he sides with Rieux and denies God.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The Lost Tribes of Israel Claims by Herbert Armstrong
The Lost Tribes of Israel Catholic. com Around 926 b. c. , the kingdom of Israel split in two. Up to that point, all twelve tribes of Israel (plus the priestly tribe of Levi) had been united under the monarchies of Saul, David, and Solomon. But when Solomon’s son Rehoboam ascended to the throne, the ten Northern tribes rebelled and seceded from the union. This left only two tribesâ€â€Judah and Benjamin (plus much of Levi)â€â€under the control of the king in Jerusalem. From that time on, the tribes were divided into two nations, which came to be called the House of Israel (the Northern ten tribes) and the House of Judah (the Southern two tribes).This situation continued until around 723 B. C. , when the Assyrians conquered the Northern kingdom. To keep conquered nations in subjection, it was Assyrian policy to break them up by deporting their native populations to other areas and resettling the land with newcomers. When the House of Israel was conquered, most people bel onging to the ten Northern tribes were deported and settled elsewhere in the Assyrian kingdom, including places near Nineveh, Haran, and on what is now the Iran-Iraq border.They were replaced by settlers from locations in or near Babylon and Syria. These settlers intermarried, together with the remaining Israelites, and became the Samaritans mentioned in the New Testament (a few hundred of whom still survive today). The Israelites who had been deported also intermarried with the peoples of the places where they had been resettled. They eventually lost their distinct identity, disappeared, and their culture was lost to history. Some refer to them as â€Å"the lost tribes of Israel. â€Å"A movement called â€Å"British Israelism†claims to have found the ten â€Å"lost tribes,†however, and in some very unlikely places. For many years, one of the leaders in the British Israelism movement was Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the self-proclaimed â€Å"Worldwide Church of God. †Especially for Americans, Armstrong was just about the only person they ever heard advocating British Israelism. With his own paid television program, Armstrong regularly advertised his book The United States and Britain in Prophecy, which advocated the view. British Israelism was not Armstrong’s only eccentric view.Among other things, he believed in Saturday rather than Sunday worship and, most seriously, he rejected the doctrine of the Trinity and claimed that individual humans could be added to the Godhead. After Armstrong’s death, the Worldwide Church of God did a serious review of the doctrines it had taught up to that point and moved to a more biblically and theologically orthodox position. Today, the organization is basically another Evangelical Protestant church (they have even been admitted to the National Association of Evangelicals), though with a few distinctive practices.Many of their congregations still worship on Saturdays, for example, b ut they no longer regard keeping the Jewish Sabbath and feasts as points of doctrine. They have embraced the doctrine of the Trinity, denied that created beings can become part of the Godhead, and acknowledged that other churches contain true Christians. They have also rejected the distinctive idea behind British Israelismâ€â€the claim that the lost tribes of Israel are to be specially identified with the Anglo-Saxons.Unfortunately, there are still advocates of British Israelism out there (including some groups that split off from the Worldwide Church of God when it underwent its doctrinal renewal), and, though the book is out of print, Herbert W. Armstrong’s The United States and Britain in Prophecy continues to circulate. The United States and Britain in Prophecy teaches the notion that the Lost Tribes of Israel are really the descendants of Anglo-Saxons, which is to say the British and Americans of British extraction. This exotic doctrine had been around for decades be fore Herbert W.Armstrong founded his church in 1933, and it appeals, naturally enough, to those of British heritage. After all, who wouldn’t want to be a member of the â€Å"chosen race†(assuming there is one)? And according to Armstrong, that’s precisely what the Anglo-Saxons areâ€â€God’s chosen race, where can be found the direct descendants of King David and, even today, the true â€Å"heirs†to King David’s throne. The United States and Britain in Prophecy opens with this epigraph: â€Å"The prophecies of the Bible have been grievously misunderstood. And no wonder!For the vital key, needed to unlock prophetic doors to understanding, had become lost. That key is a definite knowledge of the true identity of the American and British peoples in biblical prophecy. †Only the first sentence of this epigraph is strictly correct, and a good share of the â€Å"grievous misunderstanding†is by people who put faith in the writing s of Herbert W. Armstrong. The Argument Begins â€Å"We know Bible prophecies definitely refer to Russia, Italy, Ethiopia, Libya, and Egypt of today. Could they then ignore modern nations like Britain and America?Is it reasonable? †This is how the argument begins, and notice what kind of argument it is. If these â€Å"lesser†countries are mentioned in Scripture, would it be fair for God to ignore us, important as we are? (We won’t examine here the highly dubious premise that Russia is mentioned in Scripture. ) You might call this an â€Å"appeal to pride. †Never fear, says Armstrong. â€Å"The fact is, [the British and Americans] are mentioned more often than any other race [sic]. Yet their prophetic identity has remained hidden to the many. Why is that? you ask. Because the Bible doesn’t refer to them by their modern names, but by an ancient name. And what is that name? None other than Israel. â€Å"Hold it! †you say. The people who ca me from Israel are Jews. Britons and Americans, for the most part, aren’t Jewish. How can one claim otherwise? Easily. Armstrong assures us that, â€Å"The house of Israel is not Jewish! Those who constitute it are not Jews, and never were! That fact we shall now see conclusively, beyond refute. †Actually, there is something of a point here.The term â€Å"Jew†originated as a way of referring to the people of the southern kingdom of Judah, whether their own tribe was Judah, Benjamin, or Levi. The term appears late in Israel’s historyâ€â€after the division into northern and southern kingdomsâ€â€and it can be fairly claimed that the term does not apply to the members of the ten northern tribes, who are properly known as â€Å"Israelites†since they belonged to the House of Israel rather than the House of Judah. Armstrong asserted: â€Å"Certainly this proves that the Jews are a different nation altogether from the House of Israel,†cl aims Armstrong. The Jews of today are Judah! They call their nation ‘Israel’ today because they, too, descend from the patriarch Israel or Jacob. But remember that the ‘House of Israel’â€â€the ten tribes that separated from Judahâ€â€does not mean Jew! Whoever the lost ten tribes of Israel are today, they are not Jews! †â€Å"By the year 721 B. C. , the House of Israel was conquered and its people were soon driven out of their own landâ€â€out of their homes and citiesâ€â€and carried captives to Assyria, near the southern shores of the Caspian Sea! †So it was in 721 B.C. that the Lost Tribes got â€Å"lost. †The Year Nothing Happened Had the tribes remained faithful to God, all would have been well, Armstrong explains. â€Å"But, if they refused and rebelled, they were to be punished seven timesâ€â€a duration of 2,520 yearsâ€â€in slavery, servitude, and want. †They did rebel, and Armstrong theorizes that their punishment extended from 721 B. C. to A. D. 1800. And what remarkable thing happened in 1800? Well, if we don’t count the election of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency of the United States, not a whole lot.In fact, 1800 was a pretty dull year for history. But Armstrong disagrees, saying that from that date, Britain and America became world powers; the former (at that time) politically, and the latter economically (and later, also politically). According to Armstrong’s scheme, the figure of â€Å"2,520 years of punishment†is arrived at by multiplying the â€Å"seven years of punishment†by 360â€â€the number of days in the year as it was reckoned by the ancientsâ€â€on the principle that each â€Å"day†of punishment really stood for a whole year of punishment.If you think this is convoluted reasoning, just wait until you read the remainder of the argument in The United States and Britain in Prophecy. It’s enough to note here th at Armstrong determines from Scripture that the Lost Tribes ended up on islands in the sea, and these islands are northwest of Palestine. We’re told, for example, that the forty-ninth chapter of Isaiah begins with, â€Å"Listen, O isles, unto me. †Do you see how this suggests the British Isles? Armstrong says, â€Å"Take a map of Europe.Lay a line due northwest of Jerusalem across the continent of Europe, until you come to the sea, and then to the islands in the sea! This line takes you direct to the British Isles! †The skeptic might note that the line first comes to the Aegean islands, which are also in the seaâ€â€the Mediterranean Seaâ€â€but this would mean the Greeks are the Lost Tribes, therefore, the theory would not play into the desires of some British or Americans to identify themselves with the lost tribes. Linguistic Legerdemain You want more proof? Armstrong has it. The House of Israel,†he explains, â€Å"is the ‘covenant peopl e. ’ The Hebrew word for ‘covenant’ is brit [b’rith]. And the word for ‘covenant man,’ or ‘covenant people,’ would therefore sound, in English word order, Brit-ish (the word ish means ‘man’ in Hebrew, and it is also an English suffix on nouns and adjectives). And so, is it mere coincidence that the true covenant people today are called the ‘British’? And they reside in the ‘British Isles’! †This reasoning may impress some, but no linguist would take this seriously.The word â€Å"British†is not derived from Hebrew but from the Celtic word Brettas. It’s significant that the Celtic Brettas referred to the Britons, who were inhabitants of England before the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons that Armstrong claims were Israelites. One possible reason for Armstrong’s linguistic confusions may be that in Webster’s Diction-ary (for example, in the 3,200-page unabridged ed ition published in 1932â€â€an edition Armstrong may have had access to) the entry for b’rith (Hebrew: covenant) appears sandwiched between the entries for â€Å"Britannic†and â€Å"Briticism. Perhaps he simply didn’t read carefully enough and assumed, wrongly, that b’rith must somehow be etymologically connected with the other the words before and after pertaining to things British. Neither does the common English suffix -ish derive from the Hebrew word for man. Instead, it derives from the Greek diminutive suffix -iskos It was bad enough to suggest that the word â€Å"British†is Hebrew, but he also made another claim: If you take the name â€Å"Isaac,†you see it’s easy for someone to drop the â€Å"I†when speaking quickly and to end up with â€Å"Saac†as the name of the patriarch.He had descendants, of course, and these may be called â€Å"Saac’s sons,†from which we get the word â€Å"Saxons. à ¢â‚¬ â€Å"Is it only coincidence,†asks Armstrong, â€Å"that ‘Saxons’ sounds the same as ‘Saac’s sons’â€â€sons of Isaac? †This doesn’t even qualify as a coincidence, since Armstrong had to make up the nickname of â€Å"Saac†in order for the â€Å"coincidence†to exist. In reality, the term â€Å"Saxon†is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word â€Å"seax,†which means knife or dagger, not the Hebrew word â€Å"Isaac†(Yitskhaq), which means â€Å"laughter†(cf.Gen. 17:15–19, 18:9–15). Another Remarkable Coincidence? Armstrong found other coincidences. When the Lost Tribes were scattered, he says, they â€Å"brought with them certain remarkable things, including a harp and a wonderful stone called lia-fail, or stone of destiny. A peculiar coincidence is that Hebrew reads from right to left, while English reads from left to right. Read this name either wayâ€â€and it still is lia-fail. Another strange coincidenceâ€â€or is it just coincidence? is that many kings in the history of Ireland, Scotland, and England have been coronated sitting over a remarkable stoneâ€â€including the present queen [sic]. The stone rests today in Westminster Abbey in London, and the coronation chair is built over and around it. A sign once beside it labeled it ‘Jacob’s pillar-stone. ’†Here Armstrong’s argument becomes even weaker. After all, one could note that Hebrew and English are not the only languages which, when contrasted, are read in different directions. For example, Arabic is read right to left, while Gaelic is read left to right.What does that prove? Nothing! Just as Armstrong’s muddled reasoning proves nothing at all about a connection between Hebrew and English. If it did, one could just as easily â€Å"prove†that the Lost Tribes were also responsible for bringing the Blarney Stone with them. And that ’s just plain blarney. Armstrongism’s Appeal What makes Armstrong’s notion so attractive to some folks? First, it appeals to their nationalistic vanity: â€Å"I’m of English descent, and now I see that I’m right in the thick of things, biblically speaking.Having English blood in my veins makes me special. It puts me above the rest of the crowd. †It also perpetuates ethnic prejudice: â€Å"Thank God I’m not Italian! I never liked Italians anyway, and now I see they aren’t descended from the Lost Tribes and so are only secondary players in the divine dramaâ€â€something I always suspected. †At first glance, Armstrong’s argument seems to be based on a sophisticated understanding of Scripture: â€Å"Armstrong provides lots of citations, and I can’t find fault with his argument. It’s so convoluted and technical it
Friday, January 3, 2020
Literature Review of Cambridge by Caryl Phillips - 1667 Words
For my Internal Assessment I have chosen to do a review of Caryl Phillips’ post-colonial work of fiction, â€Å"Cambridge†. This novel published in the year 1991, explores the interlocking of a variety of forms of marginalization, displacement and dispossession that emerge from the experience of cross-cultural encounters. It persistently raises questions of home, identity and belonging. Philips’ novel is set in an unnamed small Caribbean island during a transitional period, sometime between the abolition of the slave trade in 1807 and the emancipation of slaves in 1834. Phillips raises the consciousness of the readers by highlighting the brutality and horrors of slavery through perfected use of narrative techniques such as imagery, irony,†¦show more content†¦Brown. Furthermore, Emily’s marginality in planter society is reinforced as much by her relative innocence as newcomer as by her own vague and unspecified liberal beliefs. In the early days, she sees herself as ‘set apart†from planter society; she sides with the abolitionist campaigns and is disapproving of her father’s cavalier ignorance of the â€Å"pains and pleasures†¦.endured by those whose labour enables him to indulge himself in the heavy-pocketed manner to which he has become accustomed†. She sees herself as on a moral crusade of sorts and hopes to convert her father to the abolitionist cause through her first-hand knowledge and account of the â€Å"inquiry of slavery.†Yet her condemnation of her compatriots’ abstract support for the abolitionists and convert real support of â€Å"old prejudices,†will increasingly apply to her. Emily’s account of her initial encounters with â€Å"negroes†on the island is testament to the strength and depth of European racial prejudices. She finds it difficult to disguise her revulsion at the appearance, dress, manners and language of the black peoples of the island. She repeatedly associates them with the animal kingdom, mistaking slave children for monkeys, describing slave homes as â€Å"lairs and nests†and the noises of the slave village as a distant â€Å"braying.†Emily objects to her black slave
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