Thursday, December 26, 2019
Job Satisfaction And Employee Turnover - 1348 Words
Job satisfaction is a highly complex mixture of individual perceptions and individual rewards. Job dissatisfaction often leads to employee turnover which is costly financially, frustrating to unit managers, and also detrimental in regard to patient care and outcomes. Maintaining registered nurse (RN) job satisfaction is directly related to staffing levels (Kalisch Hee Lee, 2014). Teamwork and collaboration between all medical staff members can increase job satisfaction and provide better outcomes in patient care. Absence of teamwork and communication can result from cultural and rank barriers (McCulloch, Rathbone, Catchpole, 2011). Several studies have been performed to measure job satisfaction in nursing staff, but the aim of this study examines the links between actual unit-level staffing and job satisfaction of RNs and nursing assistants (NAs) (Kalisch Hee Lee, 2014) in order to identify factors that lead to employee turnover. The first question the researchers were interested in states, â€Å"What is the relationship between staffing and job satisfaction of RNs and NAs controlling for demographic variables and patient acuity?†The second research question states, â€Å"Are there any differences as to the significant predictors for job satisfaction between RNs and NAs?†The RNs and NAs were surveyed using a questionnaire to rate job satisfaction while also providing demographic data. The researchers used 131 patient care units in 11 different hospitals based in Michigan andShow MoreRelatedHow Does Job Satisfaction Affect Employee Turnover? Essay1885 Words  | 8 PagesHow does job satisfaction affect Employee turnover? 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The case depicts a new general manager Kris Jenkins’s concern that Bella’s numbers had deteriorated dramatically in the past year. Profits were down; absenteeism was up; turnover, while not dramatic, was higher than it had been in the past five years. This report shows how important the employee engagement to bring job satisfaction which overall leads a company with a less absenteeism, low turnover rates; ultimatelyRead MoreEmployee Job Satisfaction Has A Large Impact On Their Organization806 Words  | 4 PagesEmployee job satisfaction has a large impact on their organization. Employees being dissatisfied can lead to high turnover, higher absenteeism, affect their overall job performance, and impact custo mer satisfaction (Robbins Judge, 2009 pp 87-89). This post will discuss the impact job satisfaction has in regards to organizational citizenship behavior and employee engagement. Causes of Job Satisfaction There are several factors that influence an employee’s satisfaction in their
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
A Color Problem in a Post Racial Nation Essay - 1637 Words
It appears that the color of your skin whether it be black, white, brown, red, or yellow doesn’t matter in America anymore. One might assume that this statement is a plausible one, given the fact that we have a male â€Å"African American†president, and America is now considered to be a â€Å"Post-Racial Nation†(Rush Limbaugh, 2010), where skin color is no longer an inhibiting factor. The truth of the matter is that race has most certainly played a significant factor in America’s history since the early 16th century and through to the 21st century. â€Å"Race†is a good predictor of who has power, owns land, receives privileges and opportunities, and who reaps the benefits of those items listed (just to name a few things from an exhaustive list). It†¦show more content†¦From that moment in time onward, racial profiling seemed to gained leaps and bounds in America especially as it relates to the criminal justice system. This discriminatory practice of racial profiling has a lengthy history of oppression towards people of color based on their heritage, and reaches blacks on many fronts no matter their socioeconomic status or geographical location. In William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B.) Dubois’s book The Souls of Black Folk, he elaborates on the woes that Blacks face in America as well as internationally. In his book he makes a bold claim that the predicament of the twentieth century blacks and other racial minorities face, concerning their upward mobility, can be reduced to a singular characteristic all minorities have in common, which is not being white and able to integrate into mainstream society. This paper will in great detail prove that the social phenomenon of racial profiling is a germane factor when considering DuBois’s theory as it relates to people of color, and that being black and living in America is inherently a problem. In doing so, it will also challenge the ideology of America being a â€Å"color-blind†or â€Å"post-racial society†, where minorities (mainly blacks) in the twenty-first century, can and will receive the same equitable treatment as Caucasians. This paper also will exam the genesis of racial profiling as it relates to the criminal justice system and how its continuedShow MoreRelatedMulticulturalism As Basis For Varied Ethno Racial Projects863 Words  | 4 PagesThe Rhetoric of (Failed?) Multiculturalism as Basis for Varied Ethno-Racial Projects: The United States and Germany in Comparison Emerging during the post-WWII reality of the United States, the term â€Å"multiculturalism†has long been embedded into the fabric of American understandings of race and ethnicity. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Employee Talent and Talent Resourcing-Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Discuss about the Importance of Labor Market Analysis 2.Discuss about the Performance Criteria for measuring the effectiveness of Nice Ltd. Answers: Introduction Human Resource Planning is the process of identifying the current and the future demands regarding the workers availability and skills. It is the process of establishing a link between human resource management with the organization strategy. Several challenges such as high competitiveness in the organization in human resource management as well as ageing population and skill deficiency are significant challenges in the human resource planning process. In the present task, the human resource planning process in Nice Shop Ltd has been explored. It is a small scale company which is aware of the consumer bargaining power and implement innovative technologies to retain thee customers within the organization. In this regard, the report has conducted a labor market analysis which explores the demand and the supply of workforce in the grocery market. A performance criterion is also established which will be used for the recruitment of best candidates in the organization. 1.Importance of Labor Market Analysis Nice shop ltd. is a grocery store and with the changing preferences of consumer with the changing technology, it has become essential for the manager to make its labor also efficient. The labor should be able to match their skills with the changing business world. In this regard, it is important to analyze the skill of the labor first. Skills are an important asset for any business organization and in the global and dynamic business world; it becomes important to analyze the skill of the labor market. Another important consideration in this regard is to match the skill with the prevailing job. Nice Ltd, being a grocery store always has a direct interaction between the customers and the staff which makes it more important to hire workers who could interact with the customers and satisfy their needs (Klosters, 2014). The organization needs a large number of sales staff and employees. Although they need not possess high professional degree, their communication skills should be competitive and they should have high level negotiation skills to convert the lead into potential customers. A large number of talented individuals are available who meet the requirement criteria; however, their retention time in the organization is less. These people join the organization for a small duration, either to gain experience or while pursuing another degree. After a certain period of time, these people switch their jobs. The organization suffers from this situation as they have to work with new recruits who do not possess any training. As a result, the training and the development cost of the organization also increases substantially. According to a survey in the UK by CIPD, it has been observed that performance appraisal can be used to retain such employees (Chubb, Reilly and Brown, 2011). It also helps in determining the impact of workforce planning in an organization. Workforce planning is described as matching the required number of staff with the jobs available in the organization. Analyzing the labor market will help Nice shop Pvt. to access their future needs of the workforce. Many times HR managers tend to ignore the future as future is unpredictable and requires a lot of effort and thinking but this is not so as workforce planning will help the organization to tackle the unforeseen situations of the future because it will have the required workforce to handle the situation. There are three basic steps in the analysis of the labor market, which are internal supply of labor, external supply of labor and internal demand for labor. Firstly, the organization analyzes the internal demand of the labor. It explores the strategic direction of the organization and forecast the number of labor or workforce required for achieving the organizations aims. Secondly, the company analyzes the internal supply of the labor. It includes the evaluation of the current workforce in the organization, retention rate and the people who will be retiring from the organization. In the external supply of labor, the organization examines how it will address the strategic gaps in the workforce and recruit candidates from the job market. In order to analyze the labor market, there are various emerging software packages which help in conducting the analysis. People soft incorporation have evolved workforce planning application through which the organizations can maintain the count of their employees on the basis of their competencies and training, availability, comments made by the super visors on the performance of the employees, the location where workers are available. Another application designed by the company includes a tool which helps the organization in finding out the best employee for a particular project. However, not many organizations use such complicated software but keeping in mind the emerging problems in the labor market of the UK, it is advisable for the Nice pvt ltd to go for the use of such software (Sinclair, 2004). Nice Pvt ltd is going through ups and down and has also seen that the recruitment policies of the past have not yielded such benefit, therefore, it is important for the company to con duct workforce planning with the help of such modern software. It would help the organization to match its requirements with the available workforce. Furthermore, the changing trend in the wage market has also made it compulsory for the organization to provide minimum wages to its workers and for this the organization needs to reform its policies and procedure with the help of effective HR skills. Performance Criteria for measuring the effectiveness of Nice Ltd There are different performance criteria for the HR activities conducted. For measuring the effectiveness of induction, firstly the newly recruited staff should be acquainted with the work environment. It is important because a comfortable and conducive environment motivates the employees. Another important criterion is to make them familiar with their peers and staff. It also affects the performance of employees because the people in the organization often interact and work together on certain projects. A comfortable acquisition will help the new recruit in carrying out his work effectively (Ndebele, 2013). Performance management can be measured against certain objective. The achievable objective should be the measuring criteria in Nice Pvt ltd. The achievable objectives can be the amount of sale done by the employees or the number of customer complaints effectively handled by the staff. The organization is a grocery store and its success depends upon the sale of its product and the availability of required goods at the time of purchase. Furthermore, performance management can be measured on the basis of SMART objectives. It stands for specific, measurable, achievable, reliability and time. Specific objectives are the criteria which state that the employee has achieved what is needed by him. Measurable objective stands for the activities of staff which can be measured in qualitative or quantitative terms. This can be done with the help of performance management tools. Furthermore, an achievable objective is those which are to be attained by the employee in near future. Reliable stands f or the roles which are challenging yet which has to be attained by the employee and time stands for timely attainment of objectives (Lawlor and Hornyak, 2012). The employee should be judged and ranked on the basis of objectives achieved. Important criteria for developing of staff are related to providing adequate training and development programs to the employees. Certain objectives should be kept which are to be attained by the employees at the end of his training and he should be judged on the basis of whether the employee is able to achieve the objectives or not. Nice Pvt ltd. could train the staff regarding handling complaints of the customers during purchasing and later could ask them to handle them on their own. Their activity could be judged and ranked accordingly. Along with this, it is also helpful in setting the wages of the employees. A better assessment of the objectives attained by the employees helps to develop a better HR programs. Before conducting development program it is essential to conduct individual assessment of the staff as it helps the manager in knowing the type of training required by an individual and about his strength and weakness. Another important criterion is to make an assessment abo ut the budget being required in the training program of Nice Pvt ltd. As per the new rule of National living wages, the retail industries are being affected and it has increased pressure on their wage system. Therefore, the assessment of budget requirement will let nice store to know about their budget constraints and plan their training and development activity accordingly. 2.Strategy developed to serve the strategic goal of Nice shop ltd The company requires staff person who would work with efficiency to uphold the product and service delivery of goods at the shop. For this purpose company should strategize to hire those people whose skill will go along with the work required in the organization. For this purpose, I would first ask about their existing skill and talent along with their experience of work. It would provide an insight into the kind of work that can be assigned to them if they are hired. Furthermore, I would also provide them a particular situation and ask them their views regarding the situation. It would reflect their presence of mind and this is important when the staff is involved in solving queries of the customers (Knight, 2015). Another strategy would be to analyze their constructive talent. All these strategies would serve as the strategic goal of Nice shop as through this interview the kind of staff recruited would be energetic, positive and would prove to be constructive for the organization. Moreover, their previous experience of work would also be analyzed as an experienced individual would be able to understand the work and the requirements of the customers easily. Current issues in People Resourcing and Talent Management for Nice shop ltd The current strategy would help in acquiring the talented employees for the shop. This is because recruitment would be based on matching the capability and talent of the individual with the job to be done. Furthermore, they would also be provided with proper training and development once they are recruited so that their talent would be enhanced. At the time of the interview, all the aspects of training and development process should be clearly mentioned to the interviewee, so that he does not feel that his talent is being wasted. It also helps in resourcing people as the organization resources are well utilized through a proper recruitment process. It brings a pool of talented and hard working individual who would make judicious use of existing resources and would not create burden on the organization. Positive Results of the Process The positive effect of the job interview was that it leads to a pool of candidates and gave a good choice to the organization in terms of recruitment. Nice ltd could now select the most appropriate and talented personnel from the applicants and it do not have to make any adjustment regarding the selection. Another activity which went well is that the interview was structured one so there was no chaos and haphazard regarding the question (Macan, 2009). The interviewer was well acquainted with the answers and their inferences. An unstructured interview creates confusion for both. The interview process was well organized and timely managed. It was because the advertisement for the interview was done in a proper way. The job profile was very clear with their requirements and need which helped them in getting right pool of the candidates. Negative Outcomes of the Process There were certain activities during the interview process that did not go well like certain questions were not understood by many candidates due to their complexity level. It was first job interview for many interviewees and due to the complexity of questions; they were not able to answer it in a proper way. Another activity that did not go well was the number of questions. Too many questions were put to a single candidate who made them confuse and caution. Improvements The interview should not impose too many questions as it disturbs the interviewee mind and in spite of knowing the answer, he is not able to reflect it properly. Furthermore, focus should be on work which can be accomplished by the job holder. In order to avoid the wastage of time at the preliminary stage, application should be filtered and unsuitable application should be rejected. It would save time and energy while conducting the job interview (Ullah, 2010). Along with this individual score of the candidates should be marked separately so that in the end the highest scored candidate could be given the post. Key accountabilities of the candidates should be identified at the beginning so that proper time could be allocated to the desiring candidates. Curricular Vitae which provides the details of the interview should not only be scanned but it should be read properly as it would help the interviewee to know about the strength and weakness of the employees. An interview is a give and takes process where both the candidate and the interviewer exchange their ideas and viewpoints and successful candidates should be asked to give feedback so that the process could be improved in future. Conclusion It can be concluded that the human resource planning is a significant process of the human resource management. It forecasts the current and the future demands in the human resource management and design strategies to address them. It assures that the human resource capacity is sufficient to address the vision, mission and the business goals of the organization. In this regard, an analysis is conducted of the labor market in the country which will assist the organization examining the supply and the demand in the labor market in grocery industry. References Chubb,C., Reill, P and Brown, D.2011. Performance Management[Online]. Available at: [Accessed on August 12, 2017] Kloster,D.2014 [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on August 12, 2017] Knight,R.2015. How to Conduct an Effective Job Interview[ Online]. Available at: [Accessed on August 12, 2017] Lawlor,K.B and Hornyak. 2012. SMART GOALS: How The Application Of Smart Goals Can Contribute To Achievement Of Student Learning Outcomes. Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, 39,pp. 259- 267 Macan, T.2015. the employment interview: A review of current studies and direction for future research. Human Resource Management Review 19 (2009),pp. 203- 218 Ndebele, C.2013. New Staff Perceptions on an Academic Staff Induction Programme at a South African University: Lessons for Educational Development[Online]. Available at: DownloadsDocumentsJSS-36-2-103-13-1517-Ndebele-C-Tx[1].pmd.pdf [Accessed on August 12, 2017] Sinclair,A. 2004. Workforce Planning: a literature review [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on august 12, 2011] Ullah,M.2010. A Systematic Approach of Conducting Employee Selection Interview. International Journal of Business and Management 5(6), pp. 106-112
Monday, December 2, 2019
World Hunger Essays - Health, Personal Life, Food And Drink, Hunger
World Hunger Every day an estimated 24,000 people die from hunger or hunger related causes. Three-fourths of these deaths are children under the age of five. One may wonder how this can be living in a country were it seems so much food is wasted everyday. Food restaurants and grocery stores throw away food every night before closing. Many Americans waste food every day within their own homes. With so much "left over" food in American how is it that an estimated 800 million people around the world suffer from hunger and malnutrition?1 Well, first we must define the word hunger. Hunger, in this case, is not just the rumbling in ones stomach that most of us feel if we have not eaten for a few hours. For this purpose, hunger is defined as "a condition resulting from chronic under-consumption of food and/or nutritious food products. It may be precipitated by an inability to obtain sufficient quantities of food to eat or a failure to consume adequate quantities of nutritious food products, regardless of the ability to obtain sufficient food supplies."2 The problem of world hunger is not that there is not enough food produced in the world. "World production of grain alone is over 1.5 billion tons, enough to supply the entire world population with two pounds a day."3 This grain combined the current production of other foods such as meat, fruits, vegetables, and nuts is enough to provide each adult and child on earth 3000 calories a day which is what the average American consumes.4 Americans are not the only ones who waste food. People all over the world are doing the very same thing. And the though it seems that America has too much food, we Americans have hungry people living right here in our own country. The world hunger problem lies within the changing environmental conditions, population, and most of all, poverty. This paper will discuss the causes, effects and possible solutions of world hunger. There are three major causes of world hunger, changing environment conditions, population, and poverty. The environment, of course, is the major element in the production of food in most countries across the globe. The environment in which one lives decides what types of food can be produced and how much of that food can be produced. The weather or climate in any particular environment can change and affect what people eat and how much of it they are able to eat. One change in the environment that adversely affects agriculture is soil erosion. "Some one-third of the world's cropland is loosing topsoil at a rate that undermines its future productivity."5 Topsoil is a major factor in growing most crops. It is the richest part of the soil and contains minerals and nutrients that most plants need for survival. Too much soil erosion begins a chain reaction leaving the land susceptible to drought. And as we all know, very little food can be grown on dry land. A drought not only affects plants, but as a result of lack of plants and water and in many cases extreme heat cattle are starved or die from thirst. This loss of organic matter in the land results in runoff after rainfall and increased runoff and rainfall allows for flooding. A flood, like the drought though they are opposite, wipes away crops or kills them because of the overabundance of water. People can attempt to produce food by planting and caring for their land and animals, but Mother Nature has the ultimate say and humans are unable to predict what she will do next. The next two causes of hunger we will discuss together because they coincide, population and the poor. Population is an issue not because there are too many mouths to feed, as was stated earlier, but because the hungry people of the world are the majority who have large families and continue to increase them, thus creating hungry children. "Poor people have large families for many reasons...Reasons of security for their old age. Reasons about additional help on the land. Reasons concerning the cultural preference for sons. Reasons related to the laws of inheritance. Reasons dictated by traditional religious behavior. And reasons of personal pride"6 These are all reasons why poor people all over the country continue to have large families generation after generation despite their economic condition. The majority of the hungry live and work in rural areas. Why are poor people affected so much by hunger? The answer would be seemingly simple, that they are just unable to afford
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