Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Okonkwos Fear-From Things Fall Apart Essays - Free Essays
Okonkwo's Fear-From Things Fall Apart Essays - Free Essays Okonkwo's Fear-From Things Fall Apart Okonkwos fear Things Fall Apart, written by Chinua Achebe, is a story of a man whose life is dominated by his fears. There are many subtle themes throughout this book. One theme that cries out over the rest is Okonkwos, the main character, fear of weakness as seen through his childhood, his oldest son, and eventually his death. Since his childhood, Okonkwo was ashamed of his father, In his day he (Unoka) was lazy and improvident and was quite incapable of thinking about tomorrow(p.4). By the standard of his clan, Unoka was a coward and squanderer. When he was a child, a boy called Okonkwos father an agbala. This word means woman as well as a man who has no title. His carelessness left numerous debts unpaid at his death. Ashamed of his father, Okonkwo worked hard and fought well to gain a reputation of high status and influence in his clan. He acquired three wives, one whom gave him his first son. Okonkwos first wife, whose name is never mentioned, gave birth to his first son, Nwoye. Okonkwo saw Nwoye weak and lazy from an early age. For this, Nwoye was beaten constantly. Okonkwo was highly demanding of his family because of his obsession not to be like his father. He mistook this behavior as masculinity. He wished his son were a promising, manly son like his friend Obierikas son, Maduka, who was also a great fighter. One night the town of Umuofia was told that someone in Mbaino had killed one of their daughters. The woman was Ugbeufi Udos wife. The blood price for the murder was a virgin and young man to Umuofia. The virgin was given to Ugbeufi Udo as his wife. They did not know what to do with the young boy, Ikemefuna. Okonkwo was asked on behalf of the clan to take care of the boy. Secretly, Okonkwo grew fond of Ikemefuna, Even Okonkwo himself became very fond of the boy-inwardly of course. Okonkwo never showed any emotion openly, unless it be the emotion of anger(p.28). Ik emefuna lived with Okonkwo and his family for three years until the time came when the Oracle said that Ikemefuna had to be killed. Okonkwo was warned not to have any part in killing the boy who called him father. He ignored this and upon returning sank into a deep depression which kindled the affliction inside of him. Not only the death of Ikemefuna, but also the accidental killing of Ogbeufi Ezeudus son, which gets Okonkwo and his family exiled for seven years, aides in his depression. To atone for the killing of his clansmens son, Okonkwo and his family were cast out of Umuofia and were forced to go live with his mothers clan in Mbanta. In their second year a group of six missionaries traveled to Mbanta and tried to persuade the people from their false gods of wood and stone to the one true God. They captured Nwoye and he later joined their congregation. When Okonkwo was informed of the news he strangled Nwoye in anger. He questioned how he could have fathered such a weak son. At the end of the seven-year exile, Okonkwo was able to return home. However, the church had taken over Umuofia also. Nothing was the same. Okonkwo refused to integrate with the new visitors. He thought that the clans failure to remove them was womanly. Almost happy again, Okonkwo began to accept the new Umuofia. Then the leaders of the clan, including Okonkwo, were taken for ransom by the church. Deeply angered by what was happening, Okonkwo killed one of the leaders at a meeting. The pacif ication of Okonkwos clan is what depressed him. He knew his clan would not go to war. This desire to act violently all goes back to his fathers lack of desire. In the end the violence settled on Okonkwo, when he hung himself. In conclusion, all these aspects: his childhood, his first son and Ikemefuna, and his death contribute in explaining Okonkwos fear of weakness. Okonkwos life was controlled by his fears. He valued the success of his family and the community with his own success. If Nwoye was weak it was because
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Cigarette advertising essays
Cigarette advertising essays What are cigarette advertisements really selling you? When we look at cigarette advertising in todays society we see that it portrays smoking as a non-harmful addiction. If you spend some time looking through a magazine, I guarantee that you will stumble upon at least seven different cigarette ads from such popular companies as Camel to Marlboro. Each ad gives you a different perspective at each brands ideal image of cigarette smoking. Of course we all remember Joe Camel, the retired mascot for Camel cigarettes. Joe would be shown in many different ads all pimped out in his pink Cadillac with a sweet looking female camel in the passenger seat and he would always be smoking a cigarette. Since Joe was a cartoon and he showcased a badass image he was banned from Camel advertising for his appeal to young children. Since the loss of this cartoon pin-up the Camel Company has had to come up with some other ways to persuade you to buy their cigarettes. While I was flipping through an issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine looking for all the slamming ladies and also the article on how to keep my hair from frizzing up, I came across an ad for Camel cigarettes. What first caught my attention was the attractive woman in a fancy silver dress. She was standing on a stage and looked to be passionately singing into a microphone holding a cigarette in her hand, and they headlined the ad with the phrase Camel a pleasure to burn. When I saw all this, the sheer stupidity of this advertisement made me laugh. How could they show this women singing and smoking at the same time? Have you ever heard the coughing and wheezing of a smoker? No offense to anybody that smokes, but I doubt this woman could hold a note for more than fifteen seconds after smoking for a couple of years. What causes a person to buy Cigarettes such as Camel? Is it the pleasure they get after soothing their addiction with a nice smoke? Or is it the images that cigarette ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 65
Marketing - Essay Example A SWOT analysis of the project illustrates that the availability of resources as defined by the budget will allow an investment on the project a success and able to meet goals. Additionally a marketing plan will allow the market to be aware of the service and interested in using it. In addition, there are opportunities in the market for future expansion. However the internal environment within the organization such as corporate culture and management strategies would determine the success of the project. There is a need for conducting an elaborate market research so that the willingness of the market to purchase, their needs and financial capabilities can be determined so that accurate objectives and goals of marketing and implementing the project can be designed. The marketing strategies will involve a competitive approach where technology is employed in achieving effective marketing communication for the mobile mammogram service. More importantly the 4 Ps as market variables will b e analyzed so that they would be implemented effectively in ensuring success of the marketing process for the mobile mammogram service within the target
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Poetry Explication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Poetry Explication - Essay Example The fact that it is "smudged" and written in "erasable ink" (2) says a good deal about the students feelings on the topic. The confession, of course, is the students desire to be effortlessly beautiful, and the poem makes us complicit in this confession, asking "isnt it strange / how we want it, despite all we know?" (3-4). Here the sense is one of compassion for the student, and also a vague sense of embarrassment to be caught in the same trap of wanting beauty even while knowing that it is not that easy or important, or even realistic. The imagery used while comparing the narrators daily life to the photos of models builds on this idea, making it clear that the photos are fantasies through descriptions of models as "cobalt-eyed, hair puddling / like cognac" (5-6), or in one case as "curved and light-drenched, more like a beach / than the beach" (7-8). Through these images, the ideal of beauty is shown to be completely unrealistic, and removed from any sort of achievable goal, while at the same time also being something that is just naturally desirable. The poem asks us who has not wanted to be beautiful, and shows us why we want to, at the same time. This is compared to the boring, every-day, and cheap life of the narrators reality. For instance, now her daydreams are limited to seeing a magazine "in the checkout line" (11), which nonetheless inspires in her "the old pull, flare / of the pilgrims twin flames, desire and faith (13-14). Here, the poem compares fashion magazines to religion, which inspire readers to believe in them and want what they show, even though the narrator should know better. The narrators childhood is presented similarly, how she went "from store to store" (15) buying "polyester satin, / machine-made lace, petunia- and Easter egg-colored" (16-17). The cheapness of the materials she can afford is contrasted to the fancy clothing of the models in the photos she admired, described as an "angel inside
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Effects of Poverty on Children Essay Example for Free
Effects of Poverty on Children Essay The nation’s economic crisis has deeply affected the lives of millions of Americans. Skyrocketing foreclosures and job layoffs have pulled the rug out from under many families, particularly those living in low-income communities. Deepening poverty is inextricably linked with rising levels of homelessness and food insecurity/hunger for many Americans and children are particularly affected by these conditions. Find out below a summary of the myriad effects of poverty, homelessness, and hunger on children and youth. Various volunteer opportunities and resources have also been listed that provide information and tools on ways to fight poverty in America. What are the current poverty and unemployment rates for Americans? The ongoing economic crisis has negatively affected the livelihoods of millions of Americans. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2013), the unemployment rate is 7.9 percent as of January 2013. Despite the data showing an increase of only 0.1 percent from December 2012, the unemployment rate is still high by all accounts, having doubled since the beginning of the recession in December 2007. * U.S. Census Bureau data shows that the U.S. poverty rate rose to 15.1 percent (46.2 million) in 2010, an increase from 14.3 percent (approximately 43.6 million) in 2009 and the highest level since 1993. In 2008, 13.2 percent (39.8 million) Americans lived in relative poverty. * In 2000, the poverty rate for individuals was 12.2 percent and for families was 9.3 percent. * In 2010, the poverty threshold, or poverty line, was $22,314 for a family of four. * Over 15 percent of the population fell below this threshold in 2010. * The percentage of people in deep poverty was 13.5 percent of all Blacks and 10.9 percent of all Hispanics, compared to 5.8 percent of Asians and 4.3 percent of Whites. * While non-Hispanic Whites still constitute the largest single group of Americans living in poverty, ethnic minority groups are overrepresented (27.4 percent African American; 28.4 percent American Indian and Alaskan Native; 26.6 percent Hispanic, and 12.1 percent Asian and Pacific Islander compared with 9.9 percent non-Hispanic White). * These disparities are associated with the historical marginalization of ethnic minority groups and entrenched barriers to good education and jobs. Where is child poverty concentrated? * U.S. Census data reveals that from 2009 to 2010, the total number of children under age 18 living in poverty increased to 16.4 million from 15.5 million. Child poverty rose from 20.7 percent in 2009, to 22 percent in 2010, and this is the highest it has ever been since 1993. * Racial and ethnic disparities in poverty rates persist among children. The poverty rate for Black children was 38.2 percent; 32.3 percent for Hispanic children; 17 percent for non-Hispanic White children; and 13 percent for Asian children. * The National Center for Children in Poverty reports that 17.2 million children living in the U.S. have a foreign-born parent, and 4.2 million children of immigrant parents are poor. It is reported that child poverty in immigrant families is more closely related to low-wage work and barriers to valuable work supports. * The Population Reference Bureau (2010) reports that 24 percent of the 75 million children under age 18 in the U.S. live in a single-mother family. The poverty rate for children living in female-householder families (no spouse present) was 42.2 percent in 2010; 7 in 10 children living with a single mother are poor or low-income, compared to less than a third (32 percent) of children living in other types of families. A staggering 50.9 percent of female-headed Hispanic households with children below 18 years of age live in poverty (48.8 percent for Blacks; 31.6 percent Asian, and 32.1 percent non-Hispanic White). * Single-mother headed households are more prevalent among African American and Hispanic families contributing to ethnic disparities in poverty. What are the effects of child poverty? Psychological research has demonstrated that living in poverty has a wide range of negative effects on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of our nation’s children. Poverty impacts children within their various contexts at home, in school, and in their neighborhoods and communities. * Poverty is linked with negative conditions such as substandard housing, homelessness, inadequate nutrition and food insecurity, inadequate child care, lack of access to health care, unsafe neighborhoods, and under resourced schools which adversely impact our nation’s children. * Poorer children and teens are also at greater risk for several negative outcomes such as poor academic achievement, school dropout, abuse and neglect, behavioral and socio-emotional problems, physical health problems, and developmental delays. * These effects are compounded by the barriers children and their families encounter when trying to access physical and mental health care. * Economists estimate that child poverty costs an estimated $500 billion a year to the U.S. economy; reduces productivity and economic output by 1.3 percent of GDP; raises crime and increases health expenditure (Holzer et al., 2008). Poverty and academic achievement * Poverty has a particularly adverse effect on the academic outcomes of children, especially during early childhood. * Chronic stress associated with living in poverty has been shown to adversely affect children’s concentration and memory which may impact their ability to learn. * The National Center for Education Statistics reports that in 2008, the dropout rate of students living in low-income families was about four and one-half times greater than the rate of children from higher-income families (8.7 percent versus 2.0 percent). * The academic achievement gap for poorer youth is particularly pronounced for low-income African American and Hispanic children compared with their more affluent White peers. * Under resourced schools in poorer communities struggle to meet the learning needs of their students and aid them in fulfilling their potential. * Inadequate education contributes to the cycle of poverty by making it more difficult for low-income children to lift themselves and future generations out of poverty. Poverty and psychosocial outcomes * Children living in poverty are at greater risk of behavioral and emotional problems. * Some behavioral problems may include impulsiveness, difficulty getting along with peers, aggression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder. * Some emotional problems may include feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. * Poverty and economic hardship is particularly difficult for parents who may experience chronic stress, depression, marital distress and exhibit harsher parenting behaviors. These are all linked to poor social and emotional outcomes for children. * Unsafe neighborhoods may expose low-income children to violence which can cause a number of psychosocial difficulties. Violence exposure can also predict future violent behavior in youth which places them at greater risk of injury and mortality and entry into the juvenile justice system. Poverty and physical health Children and teens living in poorer communities are at increased risk for a wide range of physical health problems: * Low birth weight  * Poor nutrition which is manifested in the following ways: 1. Inadequate food which can lead to food insecurity/hunger 2. Lack of access to healthy foods and areas for play or sports which can lead to childhood overweight or obesity * Chronic conditions such as asthma, anemia, and pneumonia * Risky behaviors such as smoking or engaging in early sexual activity * Exposure to environmental contaminants, e.g., lead paint and toxic waste dumps * Exposure to violence in their communities which can lead to trauma, injury, disability, and mortality What is the prevalence of child hunger in America? * The Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics reports that in 2010, 22 percent of children under the age of 18 lived in food-insecure households and one percent in households with very low food security. Food insecure means that at some point during the year, the household had limited access to an adequate supply of food due to lack of money or other resources. * In 2009 – 2010, 21 states and the District of Columbia had at least one in four households with children (25 percent or more) facing food hardship, according to the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC). The District of Columbia had the highest rates of food hardship for households with children, followed by Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Arkansas, Nevada, Arizona, Louisiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee. FRAC data shows that Metropolitan areas in the South and South West, and California were hard hit by food hardships. Use of food stamps increased to 16% (13.6 million households) in 2010, according to U.S. Census Bureau. States with the largest increase (over 30%) in food stamp use included Nevada, Idaho, Colorado, Wisconsin and Florida. * Approximately 1 in 4 Americans utilize at least one of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) nutrition assistance programs each year (USDA, 2011). * The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) reports that 53% of infants born in the United States receive support from the Women, Infants Children (WIC) program. * In 2010, more than 31.7 million children each day got their lunch through the National School Lunch Program. Children from families with incomes at or below 130 percent of the poverty level are eligible for free meals. Approximately, 20 million children received free and reduced price lunch, according to the Food Research and Action C enter (2010). What are the effects of hunger and under nutrition on child development? Prenatally * Maternal under nutrition during pregnancy increases the risk of negative birth outcomes, including premature birth, low birth weight, smaller head size, and lower brain weight. * Babies born prematurely are vulnerable to health problems and are at increased risk for developing learning problems when they reach school-age. In infancy and early childhood * The first three years of a child’s life are a period of rapid brain development. Too little energy, protein, and nutrients during this sensitive period can lead to lasting deficits in cognitive, social, and emotional development. * Protein-energy malnutrition, iron deficiency anemia, iodine, zinc, and other vitamin deficiencies in early childhood can cause brain impairment. * Failure to thrive, the failure to grow and reach major developmental milestones as the result of under nutrition, affects 5-10% of American children under the age of three. * Hunger reduces a child’s motor skills, activity level, and motivation to explore the environment. Movement and exploration are important to cognitive development, and more active children elicit more stimulation and attention from their caregivers, which promotes social and emotional development. In childhood * Families often work to keep their food-insecurity hidden, and some parents may feel shame or embarrassment that they are not able to feed their children adequately. Children may also feel stigmatized, isolated, ashamed, or embarrassed by their lack of food. * A community sample that classified low-income children ages six to twelve as â€Å"hungry†, â€Å"at-risk for hunger†, or â€Å"not hungry†found that hungry children were significantly more likely to receive special education services, to have repeated a grade in school, and to have received mental health counseling than at-risk-for-hunger or not-hungry children. * In this same study, hungry children exhibited 7 to 12 times as many symptoms of conduct disorder (such as fighting, blaming others for problems, having trouble with a teacher, not listening to rules, stealing) than their at-risk or not-hungry peers. * Among low-income children, those classified as â€Å"hungry†show increased anxious, ir ritable, aggressive, and oppositional behavior in comparison to peers. * Additionally, the multiple stressors associated with poverty result in significantly increased risk for developing psychiatric and functional problems. School-age children who experience severe hunger are at increased risk for the following negative outcomes: * Homelessness * Chronic health conditions * Stressful life conditions * Psychiatric distress * Behavioral problems * Internalizing behavior, including depression, anxiety, withdrawal, and poor self-esteem The effects of under nutrition depend on the length and severity of the period of hunger and may be mediated by other factors. * Improved nutrition, increased environmental stimulation, emotional support, and secure attachment to parents/caregivers can compensate for early under nutrition. * Babies who receive enough nutrition while in the womb appear to show higher cognitive performance in later childhood. * The human brain is flexible and can recover from early deficits, but this also means that brain structures remain vulnerable to further negative experiences throughout childhood. * Breastfeeding, attentive caretaking, and attention to environmental factors, such as sleep cycles and noise, can also promote healthy development. Who are homeless children and youth in America? * In 2009, an estimated 656,129 people experienced homelessness in the United States on a given night, according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness. An estimated 2.3 to 3.5 million Americans experience homelessness at least once a year. Homelessness affects people of all ages, geographic areas, occupations, and ethnicities, but occurs disproportionately among people of color. * Access to permanent and adequate shelter is a basic human need; however, the ongoing economic downturn (composed of the foreclosure crisis, spiking unemployment, worsening poverty rates, and inadequate low-cost housing) is likely to increase rates of homelessness. * The National Association for Education of Homeless Children and Youth reports that during the 2009-2010 school year, 939,903 homeless children and youth were enrolled in public schools, a 38% increase from the 2006-2007 school years. The data is an underestimate since it does not reflect pre-school age children, toddlers and infants. * The United States Conference of Mayors (2009) reports that in 2010 more than 1.6 million children (1 in 45 children) in America were homeless and that approximately 650,000 are below age 6. Families with children are a major segment of the homelessness population. Families with children comprise a third of the homeless population and are typically comprised of a single mother in her late twenties with two young children. * Approximately 47 percent of children in homeless families are Black, although Black children make up just 15 percent of the U.S. child population (Child Trends Databank, 2012). On the other hand, although White children make up 66% of the child population, they account for 38% of homeless children. Hispanic children make up 13%, whereas Native American children make up 2% of the homeless children population. * Homeless single mothers often have histories of violent victimization with over one third having post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and over half experiencing major depression while homeless. An estimated 41 percent develop dependency on alcohol and drugs and are often in poor physical health. Maternal depression and parental substance abuse has a series of negative outcomes for children. * Unaccompanied youth (sometimes referred to as runaway youth) may number between 575,000 to 1.6 million annually and typically range from ages 16 to 22. The major causes of homelessness for unaccompanied youth are mental illness, substance abuse, and lack of affordable housing. * Family conflict is the primary cause of their homelessness with 46% having experienced abuse and an estimated 20-40% identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered (LGBT). * Homelessness is traumatic for children because they often experience frequent moves, family split-ups, and living in crowded places before using homeless shelters (National Center on Family Homelessness, 2011). * States in the south and south west where poverty is more prevalent have more homeless children than states in the north and northeast. Homelessness affects children’s health and wellbeing, their brain development, causes stress, and hinders readiness for school. What are the risk factors for homelessness in children and youth? * Extreme poverty is the strongest predictor of homelessness for families. These families are often forced to choose between housing and other necessities for their survival. At least 11% of American children living in poverty are homeless. * Female-headed households (particularly by women with limited education and job skills) are also particularly vulnerable. The current economic climate has made the labor market even less hospitable as many of them do not have more than a high school diploma or GED. * Teen parents are also particularly at risk of homelessness as they often lack the education and income of adults who become parents. * Lack of affordable housing is also a risk factor for homelessness, particularly for families who devote more than 50% of household income to paying rent or those who experience a foreclosure. Foreclosures affect vulnerable tenants as well as homeowners who are delinquent in their mortga ge payments. * Substance abusing or physically violent parents and stepparents are the major drivers of homelessness in runaway youth, particularly for those who identify as GLBT. What are the outcomes of homelessness for children and youth? * Homelessness has particularly adverse effects on children and youth including hunger, poor physical and mental health, and missed educational opportunities. * Homeless children lack stability in their lives with 97% having moved at least once on an annual basis, which leads to disruptions in schooling and negatively impacts academic achievement. * Schooling for homeless children is often interrupted and delayed, with homeless children twice as likely to have a learning disability, repeat a grade, or to be suspended from school. * Homelessness and hunger are closely intertwined. Homeless children are twice as likely to experience hunger as their non-homeless peers. Hunger has negative effects on the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of children. * A quarter of homeless children have witnessed violence and 22% have been separated from their families. Exposure to violence can cause a number of psychosocial difficulties for children both emotionally (depression, anxiety, withdrawal) and behaviorally (aggression, acting out). * Half of school age homeless children experience problems with depression and anxiety and one in five homeless preschoolers have emotional problems that require professional care. * Homelessness is linked to poor physical health for children including low birth weight, malnutrition, ear infections, exposure to environmental toxins, and chronic illness (e.g. asthma). Homeless children also are less likely to have adequate access to medical and dental care. * Unaccompanied youth are often more likely to grapple with mental health (depression, anxiety, and PTSD) and substance abuse problems. * Many runaway youth engage in sexually risky behaviors (sometimes for their own survival), which places them at risk of HIV, other STDs, and unintended pregnancies. Also, emerging research has shown that GLBT homeless youth are 7 times more likely to be victims of violent crime. What can you do to help children and families struggling with poverty, hunger, and homelessness? * Volunteer your time with charities and organizations that provide assistance to low-income and homeless children and families. * Donate money, food, and clothing to homeless shelters and other charities in your community. * Donate school supplies and books to under-resourced schools in your area. * Make your voice heard! Support public policy initiatives that seek to: i. Improve access to physical, mental, and behavioral health care for low-income ii. Americans by eliminating barriers such as limitations in health care coverage. iii. Create a â€Å"safety net†for children and families that provide real protection against the harmful effects of economic insecurity. iv. Increase the minimum wage, affordable housing and job skills training for low-income and homeless Americans. v. Intervene in early childhood to support the health and educational development of low-income children. vi. Provide support for low-income and food insecure children such as Head Start, the National School Lunch Program, and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) authorization. vii. Increase resources for public education and access to higher education. viii. Support research on poverty and its relationship to health, education, and well-being.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The British Writers Voice in Middletons The Lie of the Land :: Language Culture British Papers
The British Writer's Voice in Middleton's The Lie of the Land As I read Hayden Middleton's The Lie of the Land, I became increasingly aware that I was not only hearing the writer's voice coming through, but that it was a distinctly British writer's voice. There were words and phrases that marked the text as being decidedly not American. Yet, as I became accustomed to the writer's voice, I became less and less conscious of the dialect and simply involved with the story. In reading the story a second time, this time paying special attention to these variances, I was surprised at how many differences there actually were. What follows is a list of the words and phrases I found, on which page of The Lie of the Land I first found them (or, in some cases, where I finally decided that they were a result of a British writer's voice rather than just the writer's voice), and what I believed would be an acceptable "American" choice. Where indicated, these "American translations" were confirmed in the book Understanding British English: Bridging the Gap Bet ween the English Language and Its American Counterpart, by Margaret E. Moore (quoted definitions are as found in this resource). In cases where I wasn't sure of the meaning and no "translation" was provided in Moore's book, I consulted Webster's Dictionary. Sometimes I had to guess (these are marked with question marks on either side of the "translation"). A few times I couldn't even give a fair guess: these I left as question marks. At times I also found it difficult to determine whether the choices were due to the author being British, or whether they were simply choices that may have been made regardless of the author's nationality. At those times I was guided by instinct. PAGE British Word/Phrase American Word/Phrase Confirmed? 5 tap faucet yes
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Elderly in the Netherlands Essay
Nowadays, the elderly is a serious issue around the world; nearly all industrial countries are facing enormous pressure about the coming of aging society. As one of the most advanced countries in the world, how about the situation of elderly in the Netherlands ? Can Dutch society provide the best care to the Baby Boomer? Aging society, the Netherlands is on the way â€Å"For the Netherlands, the aged society did already make its entrance.†said Mr. Martin Smalbrugge Who is head of the training center for residents in elderly care medicine (GERION) of the Department of Nursing Home Medicine. This is true; in 1990 12.8% of the Dutch population was over 65, while in 2000 this was 13.6 %, which is an increase of 250,000 elderly people. (College, 2003)Obviously, the Netherlands have become an aged society country. Furthermore, the Dutch aging population will increase dramatically in the future, it is expected that the percentage of people of over 65 will increase to 14.8% in 2010 and to 22.9% in 2040. (Elderly) Aging society causes many challenges for Dutch economic and society. The first challenge is ageing society creates social and political pressures on social support systems, due to dramatic increase in the older retired population relative to the shrinking population of working ages. This would decrease the quantity of labor and investment in the Netherlands, and directly influence the increase of Dutch economy. The other one is the prevalence of disability, frailty, and chronic diseases (Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc.) are expected to increase dramatically. As a result, there would be a huge burden for the Dutch society. For example, just the National Care for Elderly Program – Better quality of life for frail elderly persons through better quality of care which is tailored to the needs of the elderly persons, costs 80 million Euros. (The National Care for the Elderly Programme) Such a big amount of money into elderly care is like an invisible hand is impeding the increase of Dutch economy. Although many challenges in the Netherlands are caused by the aging society, elderly people are not abandoned by society. Actually, The Netherlands is one of the best countries to live for aged people around the world. There are efficient welfare and healthcare systems, high quality medical equipment, and a number of special services for elderly. How the Netherlands take care of Elderly The Netherlands has a rounded care and welfare system, this system satisfies the need for care for every citizen, and there are specific aims to different groups. For elderly, the nation policy’s main goal in the National Background Report for The Netherlands is to let people in all circumstances and phases of life were independent and self-reliant as long as possible. It was essential to offer people who need care, such as the elderly, optimum choices and to improve the quality of their life (Knipscheer, 2004). In order to achieve this goal, the Dutch government has made various efforts to set up an excellent elderly care system since 1900. However, in the early of 20 century It was unfair for aging people who are from lower social class in care and welfare system. For example, during that period it was hard for aging people from lower social class to get better health care, and find new job. In order to solved this problem, former government introduced reforms within the existing system of relief for both the poor and the elderly people which were 1912 Poor Law, and 1913 Old Age Pensions Act (College, 2003). Nevertheless, now the Netherlands has constructed the best and most effective elderly care and welfare system in the world. The basic elderly care system in the Netherlands is the Traditional Three-Level-System. It includes three levels which are residential homes for the elderly, nursing homes, and extramural care system (as opposed to the intramural care in institutional homes). (Senior citizens, 2011)Besides the Traditional Three-Level-System, Dutch society also developed many new measures to satisfy the increase for the need of elderly care. For example, †Umbrella care†, which means †care given by children, relatives and neighbors†(College, 2003). It is convenient to the huge number of elderly who live alone to get better life. Moreover, according to a research by European Union, 37% of Dutch people younger than 45 prefer their parents to stay and receive visits, this number is just lower than Sweden. (Harbers, 2008) †Umbrella care†is a perfect project to the elderly who live alone. Furthermore, comparing with other European countries, the Netherlands is one of the best countries in health care service. Specifically, the Netherlands has a large percentage of aging people are vaccinated against influenza each 2005, this percentage was 75%, and it has the largest influenza vaccination rate in the elderly in the EU. (Harbers, 2008) In addition, the Netherlands is also the first country that legalized Euthanasia around the world. This gives elderly who are suffering from serious diseases, such as cancer, right to die to get rid of agony from diseases. Even if some people hold the belief that the legalization of euthanasia is inhumane, it gives one option to elderly who get serious diseases and could not live any more to finish their agony. Just like Mr. Martin Smalbrugge said:†If you are very old, or in a very bad condition, I think people should be able to decide for themselves if they want to end their lives or continue.†Elderly care, still long way for the Netherlands the Netherlands is definitely an excellent model of elderly’s care and welfare system for other countries in the world to study, whereas for the Netherlands, this is not enough. Many drawbacks still exist in Dutch society for elderly people. On the one hand, like other European countries, due to the dramatic increase of elderly and economic recession, the situation of Infrastructures for elderly is still rigorous. For example, the Number of hospital beds in the Netherlands is below EU average, it was 438 hospital beds per 10,000 inhabitants. . (Harbers, 2008) This number is continuing decreasing in recent years. On the other hand, the baby boomers become more major group of elderly gradually, they are healthier and wealthier than former generations, and they need higher service quality. However, consequently there is still some space for Dutch elderly housing care; for example, like Mr. Martin Smalbrugge said that there has to be more staff and he think it would be a good idea to take more care at people at their own houses. People are happier in their own houses, get their own attention. Not only the Netherlands are facing the challenges of an aging society, but also almost advanced industry countries even some developing countries ,like China have the same problem. The efforts of the Netherlands is not enough to solve this global issue. This problem needs international cooperation, and international cooperate is a good platform for countries to share and study their experience about elderly care system each other. In order to give better life for elderly now and also for ourselves life in the future , we still need to do more! Bibliography College, D. V. (2003). Care Work with Older People. Older People in The Netherlands,1,3, 4 5.Ritrived from Elderly. (n.d.). Retrieved Feburary 23, 2012, from the Netherlands institute for social research: Harbers, M. (2008). Dare to Compare! Houten: The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. Harmsen, J. G. (12. July 2011). Elderly people live independently to increasingly older ages. Retrieved feburary 23, 2012 from Satistics Netherlands: Knipscheer, G. V.-J. (2004). National Background Report. Hamburg. Senior citizens. (2011, November 15). Retrieved March 13, 2012, from Government of Netherlands: Sittig, H. (8. feburary 2012). â€Å"I won’t put my dad in a nursing home†. Retrieved feburary 23, 2012 from radio Netherlands worldwide: STEVERINK, N. (2001). Ageing and Society 21. the United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. The National Care for the Elderly Programme. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2012, from national programm ounderenzorg: Zwijnenburg, W. (n.d.). The Netherlands: Government withdrawal from long-term care. Retrieved April 12, 2012, from The MUHC ISAI’s Health Innovation Forum:
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Practicum in Educational Leadership
‘As for the best leaders, the people do non detect their being ; the following best, the people honour and praise ; the following, people fear ; the following, the people hate†¦ when the best leader ‘s work is done, the people say, â€Å" We did it ourselves. †‘ Lao-tsu ( circa 500 BC ) . The Council of Chief State School Officers has adopted the undermentioned as the organisation ‘s mission statement: CCSSO, through leading, protagonism, and service, assists main province school officers and their organisations in accomplishing the vision of an American instruction system that enables all kids to win in school, work, and life. Introduction During old ages as a instructor, leading manner has been collaborative, enthusiastically seeking sense engagement. Always take part in determination devising and seeking an chance. I believe that instructors learn a great trade from their experience, and besides â€Å" I see failure as an chance for alteration †. I will seek to stand for the features of effectual leaders in schools. Research workers say that pupils gain important accomplishment in schools in which principals province a clear school mission, present in schoolrooms and hallways, hold high outlooks for instructors and pupils, spend a major part of the twenty-four hours working with instructors to better tuition, are actively involved in naming instructional jobs and make a positive school clime. A twenty-four hours in the life of a principal can be spent seeking to maintain little unpleasant incidents from going an unattractive chief catastrophe. Good principals in some manner find clip to develop a vision of what that school should be and to portion that vision with all members of the educational community. Successful principals can show a specific school mission, and they strain invention and betterment. A Clear School mission could be ‘providing instruction of first-class quality to all students irrespective of spiritual economic, cultural and societal background ‘ and a Clear School Vision could be ‘to aid upgrading the educational degree of Cyprus youth set uping Cyprus as an one good educated state with a really valuable human resource plus. In less effectual schools, instructors do non hold a common apprehension of the school ‘s mission, and they seem as persons be aftering their ain separate classs. The demand for the principal to portion his or her vision expands non merely to instructors but to parents as good. When instructors work as a group and parents are connected with the school ‘s mission, the kids are more likely to carry through academic success. The cardinal function for a caput instructor is that of authorization, making a civilization in which the ability and endowment of the staff is non merely valued, but to the full applied. If caput instructors do non do it clear that all staff ( learning and support staff ) have the authorization to do determinations, to be advanced and originative, so they will presume that they do non. If that happens, the immense assets of cognition and experience that exists in all schools will remain undeveloped. ASPECTS OF THE SCHOOL School context We consider a High School which functioning about 960 pupils. A large chance starts at a school which its edifice appears to be non to the full constructed and the school premises are 25-year-old. It is a challenge of first principal. It is really a comprehensive school, with approximately 85 % of bulk cultural pupils. The school enjoys a really good repute, locally and nationally, as a successful, advanced school and has done for many old ages. On entry to the school, pupil public presentation is loosely in line with national outlooks. More than 70 % of pupils systematically achieve nucleus topics. 58 % of pupils achieved five or more A* to C classs ( 2005 ) . 95 % of pupils achieved A-E classs at GCE A degree, with about all pupils deriving their first pick higher instruction topographic point. Consequences across the school have been systematically good for many old ages, although betterment is a current focal point for us. The aim is to make a unagitated professional environment in which pupils move about in smaller, calmer groups. Some schools have managed to accomplish a state of affairs where staff takes their categories down to interrupt or tiffin during an drawn-out lesson, and return to go on the lesson.A These relationships between staff and students are implicative of extremely effectual acquisition environments.Prosecuting instructorsAll of the developments discussed here rely on holding the right staff making the right occupations. Teachers should be involved in advancing the positive values of the school and the school civilization, planning and implementing the most effectual and motivational lessons possible. Teachers will be back uping all pupils to guarantee that they are larning every bit good as possible and supervising the advancement of all students so that they can move where advancement is unequal. That is a immense occupation. School leaders should non let instructors to go delayed in inordinate study authorship, look intoing behavioral issues, executing societal attention ( beyond that which we would anticipate from any caring instructor in that it could be provided in the schoolroom ) , school responsibilities, screen for absent co-workers ( unless there is a clear educational ground for making so ) . Workforce development has moved us on well with this. It is non that we should non make these things in school ; it is merely that we should use the right people to make them, and they are non teachers.A Many of these activities are so of import that we need professional staff to see them as their chief function in school. We should non go forth them in the custodies of instructors who may be able to suit them in between lessons, at interruption or at lunchtime, while seeking to concentrate on their instruction activities. Future programs We are committed to the thought that every pupil should win and accomplish, although they may show this in many ways.A The Government has set a considerable challenge for us through its docket, which opens up the course of study to present a scope of vocational and academic paths. It has besides challenged us to put a new outlook that most pupils will go on instruction in a coherent and planned manner to the age of 19, with GCSE, IGCE and tantamount makings merely a marker along the way.A To run into the challenge of this immense course of study entitlement, we must join forces with other schools and colleges in a manner we have non seen earlier. Schools and colleges will necessitate to better their footings to run into the demands of all pupils, instead than convert students that the footings we have traditionally offered is what they want.A To make this, the collaborative spirit will hold to replace the competitory spirit. The hereafter is non so much about being an effectual school as it is about being in an effectual teamwork to supply broad-ranging individualized acquisition. Plan OF ACTIVITIESSurviving the first twelvemonthPlan your clip. Decide what issues you are traveling to work on during the hebdomad. If you assign clip to work on fixing points required for regulating organic structure meetings, so seek to maintain to this timetable. It is impractical to believe that you will be able to maintain stiffly to the timetable you have made. Trust others and larn to depute. As a new caput instructor, deputation is sometimes a small hard to take clasp of. Schools are full of professional and really capable people. Let people cognize your outlooks and enable them to acquire on with the undertaking in manus. Get to cognize your leading squad. However large or little your school is, your senior leading squad is important and their support, committedness and finding to take the school with you are critical. Allocate quality clip to speak, work and reflect with this group of persons and listen to what they have to state. Stay focused and productive. Try non to do instant determinations and dramatic alterations that affect the work of other staff and kids, where they have had no engagement or make non understand the principle behind the determination made.Detecting effectual schoolsAn effectual school is a school in which pupils achieve high criterions that they can utilize in their future instruction or the workplace, a school where pupils experience safe and happy. It promotes those values that will assist pupils to go good and responsible citizens, enable them to go involved in their community and go good household members. We all write these kinds of things in our school mission statements and school paperss, but we are all excessively frequently distracted from them in daily planning.A High criterions are non the preserve of a few socially advantaged persons and we should ne'er take down our outlooks on the footing of societal background. For that ground, contextual informations can go forth us excessively easy satisfied with hapless performance.A I am privileged to hold worked in some effectual schools with staff that have developed extremely effectual schemes. There are many extremely effectual schools across the state. Visiting them with an unfastened head makes you come off with a firing desire to develop something of what you have seen for your ain school. I would urge this as a scheme for caput instructors every bit good as for instructors, support staff and pupils from across the school.A Establishing precedences in your ain school will needfully come from a audience with school stakeholders.A I have sometimes found it utile to keep visioning yearss, where stakeholders are invited to place future precedences for the school and these are so used to assist the senior squad set precedences within the school betterment program. When making this it is of import to affect all stakeholders: instructors, support staff, pupils, parents, governors, spouse schools and many other groups that work with the school.Bettering behaviorThe get downing point in any school has to be behaviour. We all know how to cover with the Acts of the Apostless of terrible verbal or physical aggression that sometimes take topographic point in our schools. They are upsetting but they are, in general, occasional and are non the major break from assisting pupils to learn.A The behavior jobs that cause a existent job in schools are by and large low degree, but can render everything else we attempt to make virtually useless. Lack of attending from pupils, speaking out of bend and small argues in the schoolroom are far more likely to damage effectual instruction than anything else.A It is this type of behavior that instructors seldom deal with efficaciously or mention to other school leaders. While it is of import that we continually back up instructors to make a schoolroom environment in which they are in charge and which encourages good behavior, we besides have a responsibility as school leaders to pull off the effects of hapless behaviors centrally.ADevelop Behaviour for larning programme.The attack is simple: no student is allowed to interrupt another pupil ‘s acquisition or to do anyone feel uncomfortable, threatened or unhappy. Students are made cognizant of the effects of making these things and all grownups in the school are empowered to enter the fact that a student has disobeyed this codification. A cardinal squad of staff, including senior staff and support staff, ensures that the effects are ever carried out.A Students and parents regard the programme as just and consistent. It empowers all staff ; given all staff do precisely the same thing when a pupil misbehaves. It besides ensures that instructors carry on making their occupation, learning the well behaved pupils who are all excessively frequently left waiting while they watch instructors seeking to cover with uncooperative students.A Wagess for larning are every bit of import and can be administered in accurately the same manner. The thought that pupils can derive wagess that have financial value and can be spent in a school wagess house is peculiarly effectual. Behaviour for larning schemes can hold dramatic effects on a school in footings of drawing the whole school community together around a common focal point.Making right larning environmentWe are seeking to develop a school that is professional larning environment, where pupils feel that they are in school to larn and will be supported from the minute they walk in through the door.A Create this through good thought out be aftering when the school was built. Whatever type of edifice we have, it will normally be possible to make the infinite to observe pupil accomplishment and guarantee that everyone who visits the school and every pupil who enters the school knows how well pupils achieve and how good they, as persons, will accomplish in the future.A The issue of corridor behavior and overcrowding may look unimportant but it is an facet of school life that pupils do non like and sometimes fright. Surely, overcrowded corridors and the hapless behavior that frequently accompanies them sabotage our efforts to make professional acquisition environments. We need to undertake the ‘school mill ‘ environment through originative timetabling and school administration. One manner we have gone about this is to make an uninterrupted twenty-four hours.Achieving personalised acquisition in patternMaking the right civilization, environment and ethos in a school, where pupils know they have come to larn, hold high self-pride and swear the school to present, are critical innovators to good instruction and learning.A No sum of attempt to better criterions of instruction will hold much impact unless they are in topographic point. However, holding established the right civilization, the schoolroom experience must present and run into the single demands of every student. This requires each instructor to cognize the demands of each single student, and for constructions to be where pupils can be assigned to the right instruction groups to run into those needs.A The personalizing acquisition docket presents us with many challenges. First of wholly, it is now indispensable that every instructor has instant entree to student informations in the schoolroom in an utile signifier. This means that either every schoolroom needs a computing machine or every instructor needs a laptop that will entree the school network.A Right construction If head instructors create level leading structures that inquire all staff to lend to problem-solving, that do non get down out with defined solutions that everybody else is supposed to think, so that corporate cognition and experience will be used to travel the school forward.A Structures need to reenforce the construct that every member of staff can do determination. This is non to state that staffs are non accountable for their determinations ; it is of import that they are. It is non to state that a caput instructor or other senior leader should non set forward their ain positions or solutions ; they should. It is non to state that we should non sometimes justice that, on this juncture, this is a affair that the caput instructor needs to make up one's mind. However, it is of import to listen to all members of staff ( and parents and pupils for that affair ) , to be clear about which determinations you are doing and which 1s they are able to do and to swear them to do many more determinations than has been the instance traditionally in schools. Trusting on coaction Making an effectual school is believing about coaction, sharing thoughts and networking. I am thankful to those who have shared their thought with me and look frontward to future duologue, which I trust will assist us all to develop first-class schools for all immature people. Choosing the appropriate webs to work with is a affair of personal pick and school context. It is deserving developing relationships through national webs excessively. The advantage to working in webs outside your ain vicinity is twofold. On the one manus the scope of schemes to which you become exposed is greater and will affect schools that have developed otherwise and under different restraints. It is frequently easier to look objectively at a school when you do non hold a preset image of the school and when you are non in competition with it for students.A Safe and organized ClimateSurely before pupils can larn or instructors can learn, schools must be safe. An insecure school is considered uneffective and besides the public see it as deficiency of subject to be among the most serious jobs confronting schools. Schools must supply safe acquisition environments. Safe schools focus on academic accomplishment, the school mission, affecting households and communities in school activit ies, and making an environment where instructors, pupils and staff are treated with regard. Student jobs are identified early, before they get worse into force. School psychologists, particular educationA plans, household societal workers, and school broad plans increase communicating and cut down school emphasis.Monitoring Student ProgressWe could observe attractive shows of pupil work on bulletin boards and walls. Besides, posted few pupil documents and charting of advancement towards academic ends. Students could hold a clear sense of how they were making in their surveies ; they kept advancement charts in their notebooks and think of ways to better their academic public presentation. Teachers referred to student booklets that contained thorough records of pupil tonss onA standardised trials, every bit good as samples of category work, prep, and public presentation on hebdomadal trials. It is really of import that school carefully proctors pupil advancement and communicates this information to pupils and parents. Effective schools carefully monitor and assess pupil advancement in a assortment of ways. Using trials such as Norm-referenced testsA and Objective-referenced testsA to compare single pupils with others in a nationwide mean group and step whether a pupil has a ‘chosen ‘ organic structure of cognition ( assessment trials ) . Furthermore, some instructors ask pupils to follow their ain advancement in acquiring class aims as a manner of assisting them presume more duty for their ain acquisition. Homework is another scheme to supervise pupils. Homework additions student achievement tonss and accomplishment is increased when prep is ranked and commented on. Even though ranked prep is an of import ingredient in pupil accomplishment.High ExpectationsStudents could have extraordinary tonss on a trial than predicted and kids could achieve outstanding academic additions. An effectual school ever depend on the power of instructor outlooks in determining pupil accomplishment. A termA of self-fulfilling prophecyA is publicized as ‘students may larn as much or every b it small as instructors expect ‘ . Although, teacher outlooks do, in fact, produce high pupil accomplishment, and low outlooks produce low accomplishment. Excessively frequently, teacher outlooks have a negative impact. An inaccurate judgement about a pupil can he do because of mistake, unconscious bias, or stereotype. For illustration, fine-looking, well-groomed pupils are often thought to be smarter than their less attractive equals. Often, male pupils are thought to be brighter in math, scientific discipline, and engineering, while misss are given the border in linguistic communication accomplishments. Students of coloring material are sometimes perceived as less capable or intelligent. A hapless public presentation on a individual standardised trial ( possibly due to illness or an â€Å" off †twenty-four hours ) can do instructors to keep an inaccurate appraisal of a pupil ‘s ability for months and even old ages. Even a insouciant remark in the instructors ‘ sofa can determine the outlooks of other instructors. When instructors hold low outlooks for certain pupils, their intervention of these pupils frequently differs in unconscious ways. Typically, they offer such pupils fewer chances to react, less congratulations, less ambitious work and fewerA nonverbalA marks ( oculus contact, smilings, positive respect ) . In effectual schools, instructors hold high outlooks that pupils can larn, and they translate these outlooks into learning behaviors. They set aims, work toward command of those aims, pass more clip on direction, and actively monitor pupil advancement. They are convinced that pupils can win. Do high outlooks work if pupils do non believe they be? Probably non, and that is excessively frequently the instance. While a bulk ofA secondary schoolA principals believe that their schools hold such outlooks for their pupils, merely 39 per centum of instructors believe this to be true and even more discouraging, merely one in four pupils believe their school holds high outlooks for them. We need to make a better occupation of pass oning these outlooks to pupils, and doing certain that these outlooks genuinely challenge pupils. And it is non lone pupils who benefit from high outlooks. When instructors keep high outlooks for their ain public presentation so the full school benefits. Always endeavoring for excellence, these instructors felt that no affair how good a category was taught, following clip it could be taught better. Methodology Actions to do effectual schooling ( Memoranda-Letter )Early startHigh-quality plans include parent preparation, particular showing services, and appropriate acquisition chances for kids. Such plans are rare, but can significantly raise IQ points and enhance linguistic communication accomplishments. Some of the kids are notA readingA at grade degree and by the terminal of the first class face a one-in-eight opportunity of of all time catching up. In math, pupils who do non get the hang basic constructs find themselves playing catch-up throughout their school old ages. Effective schools identify and rectify such lacks early, before pupil public presentation get worse.Smaller classesASmaller categories are associated with addition pupil larning, particularly in the earlier classs. Children in categories of 15 outperform pupils in categories of 25, even when the larger categories have a instructor ‘s protagonist in attending.Increased acquisition timeALonger school yearss, longer s chool old ages, more efficient usage of school clip, and more ranked prep are all proved methods of heightening academic acquisition clip and pupil public presentation. Appraisal: A Investing clip is utile, but measuring how efficaciously the clip is spent is besides of import. Testing pupil public presentation has been tied to greater accomplishment, and some territories have gone so far as to pay instructors inducements for betterments in student trial tonss.Teacher trainingAThe best manner to better school effectivity is by puting in teacher preparation. Stronger instructor accomplishments and makings lead to greater pupil larning. On the other manus, pupils pay an academic monetary value when they are taught by unqualified and uncertified instructors.TrustTrusting relationships among parents, pupils, principals and instructors is a necessary ingredient to regulate, better, and reform schools. As trust degrees addition, so does academic public presentation.What about engineering? ASchools that are unsure to pass financess on instructor preparation, category size decreases, orA early childhood educationA plans nevertheless are speedy to put important amounts in computing machines and upgraded engineering.Get to cognize the schoolACreate an being without being over-powering. Spend some clip standing in the resort area in the forenoon and after school. Welcome the kids into school in the forenoon, smiled and talked to parents as they looked suspiciously at the new caput and spoke to the community constabulary officers who control the traffic in the busy route around the school. You will derive a huge sum of information about the school from the kids, got to cognize the parent population and enabled them to see that you are interested in what they had to state about the issues that mattered to them. Do non walk around the school without a clear intent. Teachers and learning helpers have categories to settle at the beginning of the twelvemonth and do non desire to experience that they need to affect the new caput as you all of a sudden turn up in their schoolroom. By no agencies that you do non see schoolrooms and spend clip observing and acquiring to cognize staff and kids, but this should be planned into your apprehension of the school procedure and should hold an purpose of which the staff should be made cognizant.Developing the bigger pictureA ATell staff and kids ( what you feel is relevant ) about yourself, your experiences, and your outlooks. It is of import that they see you as a individual and non merely as the caput ship. Ask the staff what they expect of your function and what they hope you will accomplish in your first twelvemonth. I personally found this a really interesting exercising. Expectations ranged from back uping them and listening to their positions to bein g a confident leader and enabling them to portion and contribute.A It is of import to pass planned clip with each of the categories speaking to the students. Ask them what they like larning about, what frustrates them about the school, what their want for the school would be, what they believe your function within the school is and how are they able to assist you better the school. Above all, ask for the staff and kids to state you about what they truly like about the school, what would do it even better for them personally and for the school community as a whole. Remember that this is the ‘getting to cognize the school ‘ procedure and, while you will derive priceless cognition about the school, staff and kids, store the information you gain to develop your apprehension of the school you have been appointed to take. Do n't, nevertheless, promise to alter the universe or connote that you will take on every suggestion for betterment it will non go on overnight and you will merely be puting self-expectations that you may non be able to run into instantly. Always remember that you are non entirely. The fantastic staffs in the office frequently have a immense sum of cognition, understanding and skill that they are trusting you will do usage of. Their cognition of the parent population, pupil attending forms and local concern contacts should surely non be underestimated. Parents It would be a fantastic accomplishment if all parents were all of a sudden on the side of the new caput ; eager to delight, raise tonss of money for the school fund and line up up to lend to the school betterment program. It may be an unrealistic idea ab initio, but working on acquiring the relationship right with parents will guarantee that positive support is achieved from these valuable stakeholders. Invite parents to run into with you in an informal but structured scene. Held two separate meetings in order to supply parents with a pick of clip. During the meetings acquiring the balance right is important. Do n't offer a vision that you may non be up to gaining in the immediate hereafter as it will merely take to discouragement. Do portion with them, nevertheless, some of your values and rules and how you see them working with you. Invite them to state you in the signifier of a simple questionnaire what they believe to be positive facets of the school, countries they would wish to see improved in the immediate hereafter and what they would wish to see improved in the longer term. Keep parents good informed of any school betterments, peculiarly when a alteration has been made in response to facets that parents have suggested. Memoranda – Letterss Beloved Parent ( s ) : It is hard to show the exhilaration I am experiencing in being the new principal. It is an honor and privilege to be at the service of an outstanding faulty and the fantastic parents and pupils that make up the community of the school. With the reaching of new first, 3rd, and 4th class instructors, every bit good as a new secretary, I think you will experience and see a sense of newness and exhilaration as you walk through the halls of our school. I hope that you will experience welcome as you become involved with your kid ‘s experiences. Throughout the school twelvemonth, your kid ‘s instructor and I will be doing a particular attempt to remain in touch with you. We will maintain you informed of your kid ‘s advancement and school activities. Look for documents coming place from school each twenty-four hours, newssheets, invitations, updates, tips, and reminders. Your communicating with us is really of import, excessively. Please do n't waver to reach your kid ‘s instructor, or me, whenever you have a inquiry or concern. The school ‘s phone figure is 22-xxxxxx, and our facsimile figure is 22-xxxxxx. I hope you will take portion in your kid ‘s instruction by asking about their clip spent at school. Ask about their friends and instructors. Get involved as they complete their prep or seek you help on particular projects.. I am confident that your kid will show greater motive as you continue to demo involvement in their academic and societal experiences. We will surely work on our terminal to supply your kid with the best instruction possible. Let ‘s work together to do this an first-class school twelvemonth in every manner! Thank you for your support. Sincerely, PrincipalPrincipal ‘s Message to instructorsOctober is here and larning is in full move backwards and forwards! Before I highlight the exciting activities we can anticipate toA enjoy this twelvemonth, allow me foremost reexamine the work that has occurred this far.A Thank you to everyone who attended our New Families Orientation, The Welcome Coffee, Back to School Night, Parent Volunteer meeting and a host of grade degree events. It ‘s ever a dainty to see old faces, recognize new 1s, and to see the exhilaration that these events bring to the beginning of the twelvemonth. As usual, your energy and enthusiasm for doing this a fantastic twelvemonth is infective and exciting! Along with the societal events, the start of the school twelvemonth besides marks the beginning of instructors acquiring to cognize their pupils. In September, we began the first of a series of treatments refering to our appraisals and the analysis of our SPSA ( Single Plan for Student Achievement ) . These treatments involved grade degree and cross class degree analysis of pupil public presentation and how we as a staff can aline our resources to guarantee the academic advancement and accomplishment of our pupils. These conversations will be ongoing throughout the twelvemonth and will climax in the development of new ends and challenges for ourselves and for our students.A Even though we are difficult at work, there is still clip for merriment by implementing some alterations! In October we start the month off with our fund-raising event of the twelvemonth, Family Picnic on first Sunday! This is a fantastic event that showcases our school and our community. Thankss to the dedication and coordination attempts of many, the twenty-four hours is filled with walking, games, nutrient and merriment. I look frontward to seeing everyone there.A During the twelvemonth, every Wednesday is walk to school twenty-four hours, staff and parents will be observing the twenty-four hours by walking to school with those of you who choose to make so. Come walk with us and assist the environment at the same clip! It ‘s of import that we support and provide the construction and assortment of a ambitious academic plan every bit good as a rich array of extracurricular activities. Our larning environment must supply our pupils with the chance to meet issues, inquire examining inquiries, appreciate differing positions, and grapnel with understanding. In making such an environment, we need to maintain in position, a vision. The confidently cognizant and oddly engaged alumnus, armed with a important organic structure of cognition, plus the tools to encompass, decipher and contribute to the universe which awaits them. With this terminal in head we are challenged to make much more than merely present a prescribed course of study. We must continually look for chances for pupils to build significance, make connexions across subjects, engage in relevant and ambitious undertakings and show their sentiments on a broad array of subjects drawn both from their texts and their experiences. This twelvemon th, we will be committed to supply clip for the module to work together in grade-level squads to put wide aims for all pupils to get the hang and so to analyze the chances which exist to incorporate and organize the bringing of lessons in such a manner that pupils can associate what they are larning to the universe around them. Keeping the pupil ‘s learning experience at the Centre of our planning, we will be taking a close expression at prep outlooks and all of the excess demands our school plan demands with the end of streamlining and incorporating these demands in a manageable work burden and calendar. We will besides be concentrating on the usage of engineering in direction, the development of strong research accomplishments in all class degrees and increasing an consciousness of environmental issues in our school, community and beyond. We have a strong course of study, knowing and inspiring instructors, a supportive community and ample resources to maintain our school invariably working to supply the best possible acquisition experience for our pupils. I will be describing our advancement in making our ends as the twelvemonth in front unfolds. We ‘re off to a great start! PleaseA allow me cognize if you have any inquiries or concerns.A Sincerely, PrincipleA
Friday, November 8, 2019
Modernism in Another Country Ernest Hemingway Essays
Modernism in Another Country Ernest Hemingway Essays Modernism in Another Country Ernest Hemingway Paper Modernism in Another Country Ernest Hemingway Paper Davenport Jessica Period 3 7 March 2011 Have you ever wondered how modernism went along with the novels that were written in that time? Well â€Å"In Another Country†portrays Modernism and The Harlem Renaissance in many different ways. During this period was when WW1 went on from 1914-1918, The Jazz Age which was know as â€Å"The Roaring Twenties†, and The Great Depression, which included The Dust Bowl and The New Deal. This was just some of the few things that happened. With some of the historical events also came some important people. Edna St. Vincent Millay and Dorthy Parker were the two women who celebrated the clash between the traditional and modern values, celebrating youth, independence, and also freedom from social constraints. Also during this time John Steinbeck was the writer who wrote about the despairs that the population was going through during the dust bowl. During the time of the mass production Sinclair Lewis was just one of the few writers who felt he was being alienated by all of the new values and lifestyles. Along with the different types of things happening there were many different topics and ways that the writers wrote things. Most of the novels were about the war that was going on which was known as â€Å"The Great War†or WW1. In the story â€Å"In Another Country†Hemingway was an injured soldier in Milan, he was one of the very first to try out a new machine that was supposed to help injuries. The doctor that was helping him with his leg injury was hopeful that the machines were going to work and Hemingway would be playing football just like he had been doing before the war. Then he meets another soldier who is getting his mangled hand fixed by the same machines and the doctor also promises him that he will be able to return to fencing but this man finds out that his wife has passed away when he was in Milan and he is devastated about it. That is when Hemingway realizes that he did not deserve his medals and his injury was not heroic action but an accident. One way the piece of literature is an example from the period â€Å"The Harlem Renaissance and Modernism 1910-1940 A Changing Awareness†. McDougall Littell Literature: American Literature. Evanston I11. : Houghton Mifflin Co. , 2008. Print.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Clatonia Joaquin Dorticus Improves Photo Developing
Clatonia Joaquin Dorticus Improves Photo Developing Clatonia Joaquin Dorticus was born in Cuba in 1863 but made his home in  Newton, New Jersey. Little is known of his personal life, but he left an enduring legacy in innovations in developing photographic prints. He may or may not have been of Afro-Cuban descent. Photographic Print Inventions by Clatonia Joaquin Dorticus Dorticus invented an improved photographic print and negative wash machine. During the process of developing a photographic print or negative, the product is soaked in several chemical baths. The print wash neutralizes the chemicals in each bath process, so that the time the chemicals effect a print can be exactly controlled. Dorticus believed his method would eliminate over washing that could soften the photograph too much. The design would prevent the prints sticking to the side of the tank. His design saved water with an automatic register and automatic water shutoff. Using a removable false bottom on the washer and protected the prints and negatives from leftover chemicals and sediments in the tank. He filed for this patent on June 7, 1893. It is cited by examiners in five more patents for photographic film and print washers filed over the next 100 years. Dorticus also invented an improved machine for embossing photographs. His machine was designed to both/either mount or emboss a photographic print. Embossing is a method or raising parts of a photograph for a relief or 3D look. His machine had a bed plate, a die, and a pressure bar and bearings. He filed for this patent on July 12, 1894. It was referenced by two other patents in the 1950s. The patents for these two inventions were published only days apart in the spring of 1895, although they were filed about a year apart. List of Patents Issued to Clatonia Joaquin Dorticus Clatonia Joaquin Dorticuss other inventions included an applicator for applying color liquid dyes to the soles and heels of shoes, and a hose leak stop. #535,820, 3/19/1895, Device for applying coloring liquids to sides of soles or heels of shoes#537,442, 4/16/1895, Machine for embossing photographs#537,968, 4/23/1895, Photographic print washer#629,315, 7/18/1899, Hose leak stop Life of Clatonia Joaquin Dorticus Clatonia Joaquin Dorticus was born in Cuba in 1863. Sources say his father was from Spain and his mother was born in Cuba. The date at which he came to the United States is not known, but he was residing in Newton, New Jersey when he made several patent applications. He may also have gone by the first name of Charles rather than the uncommon Clatonia. He was married to Mary Fredenburgh and they had two children together. He is often noted on lists of black American inventors although he was listed in the 1895 New Jersey census as a white male. He may have been of Afro-Cuban descent with a light complexion. He died in 1903 at only 39 years of age. Not much else is known, and many short biographies note this. Learn more about the invention of photography and photo developing.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Design Research Report Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Design Research Report - Case Study Example In examining different aspects that play a significant role in determining the choice to relocate to a new stadium, or the option to renovate the existing stadium, there are greater possibilities of gaining a fresh understanding of how such decisions can positively affect both the teams in question, performance-wise, and the surrounding community. This research will provide an opportunity to establish the growing consumer interests and the need to make changes within the stadium, so as to continue providing maximum customer experience for the fans and maximum results to the corporate sponsors. The researchers shall relay the information to the executive team so that they may implement issues arising from this report to detriment of the stadium. Tastes and preferences change with time, and developments that occurred ten years ago might become completely and slightly out of taste with current demand. However, Turner Field stadium is still largely considered to be a state of the art for the purpose of baseball, though it constructed ten years ago. Changes in fans tastes coupled with increased and high customer spending prior to match have a necessitated a relook into the stadium so that necessary changes be conducted to capture their changing taste as well as tap into their spending outside the stadium. Further, there are other stakeholders such as corporate sponsors, employees, partners amongst others who are vital to the growth of the outfit, and the varying interests from a diverse range of stakeholders’ needs to be carefully planned for and collected and thereafter an inference drawn. In addition, the report should address the key concerns of the executive team of the Turner Field Stadium which include; whether the stadium and its auxiliary features satisfy its key stakeholders, and the most important features valued by the key stakeholders. This report shall attempt to
Friday, November 1, 2019
Research Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Research - Article Example ew in the article, Health behaviors and health status of at-risk Latino students with diabetes by Hurtado-Ortiz, Santos, & Reynosa (2011) depicts a logical organization. Firstly, the literature review defines diabetes among Latinos and the prevalence of diabetes among young Latino adults. Then it discusses various studies that relate diabetes and college students in a systematic manner. The literature review then addresses diabetes and Latino college students. Finally, it discusses acculturation and diabetes and establishes literature gaps that help in exploring the research question. The literature review in the article, Effects of workplace incivility and empowerment on newly graduated nurses organizational commitment by Smith, Andrusyszyn, & Laschinger (2010) has a better logical organization. The literature review starts with exploring the related research on the research topic with the aim of supporting the applied theory and establishing a relationship between empowerment and organizational commitment. Then it discusses the correlation between psychological empowerment and positive organizational results in nursing. The literature review then defines workplace incivility and its supporting models. Finally, the literature review defines organizational commitment among new graduates. The adopted organization provides a strategic manner of answering the research question. Clearly, the literature review in the article, Effects of workplace incivility and empowerment on newly graduated nurses organizational commitment by Smith, Andrusyszyn, & Laschinger (2010) has a better logical organization than the literature review in the article, Health behaviors and health status of at-risk Latino students with diabetes by Hurtado-Ortiz, Santos, & Reynosa (2011). The literature review by Smith, Andrusyszyn, & Laschinger (2010) follows a concise and clear strategy in discussing the research question. It is thus easy to follow the organization of the literature review in
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